How To Clone iMac HDD to SSD

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This will work for older macbook pros as well.


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The steps were explained well and it worked! 

The following is differences between my mac and the video to answer anyone else’s questions: My Mac was formatted in APFS, so I erased the SSD to APFS. Also there was “Macintosh HD” and “Macintosh HD-Data” in my internal drive, so I restored “Macintosh HD” to the SSD and it automatically restored “Macintosh HD-Data” with it as well.


Well this is the first time EVER where
I followed instructions on a YouTube
video to discover that it actually WORKS.
Thank you sir.


Just updated my 2011 macbook pro to 16 gig ram and 1tb ssd. New battery as well. Thanks for the clear instructions and no suspect 3rd party cloning software. One of the best tutorials available.


Great tutorial here on how to configure your new SSD drive for your old MAC. I am in the process of changing out my old HDD in my 2009 iMAC and bought a kit from OWC with a 500GB drive. There are a lot of posts on how to physically change the drives out, but not much on how to clone your old drive before you change it out. This one was very complete and comprehensive and I am now booting and running on the new SSD (externally connected temporarily. The only thing not covered here is if you are replacing your old drive with a new one with less storage. My original HDD is 1TB, the new SSD is 500GB, so I did have to partition the old drive before cloning.


I've just completed a HDD to SSD upgrade on my mid 2010 iMac 21.5" following your instructions. OMG, so easy to follow and complete. However, it took over 5 hours to clone all my data from the old HDD. I've upgraded the RAM to 16GB too now and it's like a new machine. I think I need to get back inside though - there is some fan noise, that's annoying


This is really easy to follow. So many will toss a word salad trying to sound more intelligent than they are, and being a retired auto mechanic who was also an instructor, I learned that if you talk over your student's heads, you taught them nothing other than how you stroke your massive ego.

Thank for for this refreshing and useful information.


Nice video, one comment for users on older versions of OS X. I'm running 10.11 El Capitan and didn't have the Restore button as an option in my Disk Utility. I had to click on the "Edit" menu at the top and found Restore there. Rest of the steps are the same.


Thanks a lot, you managed to explain everything in 7 minutes. I started to watch other videos with unnecessary BS and had to stop them. Your video is the best, good job Bro!


I have watched several videos from YouTube, but I did not understand clearly.
With this video everything became clear to me.
Excellent video, short, clear and very easy to understand.
Thank you a thousand. The Beef


Thanks for the video. I used a Crucial 2TB drive & followed your instructions. I had almost 400GB of data on my old drive. It took most of the night to transfer the data across a USB line, but it worked flawlessly. My old iMac is faster now than when it was new!


Thank you very much - especially for mentioning that the format types must be noted on the internal hard drive when formatting the SSD - I had a complete nightmare doing this missing that point trying to do after watching other videos but you mentioned that very clearly and that was very useful without which I couldn’t have done this 🙏🙏


Hi, will this enable 10.14 Big Sur as the OS?


Installed new Samsung SSD 1TB hard drive. I can’t put into words how satisfied and impressed I am! Feel like I’ve gone to light speed! Thanks for making life on my 2011 iMac better!


wow, thanks, this time no one talking for ages about nothing. You got it right, excellent documentary on how to do without the fluff.


This weekend I will be installing a 500GB SSD, 16 GB memory and new battery on a Macbook Pro 2011 15". This is by far one of the best videos and easiest ways to migrate/clone the data. Much thanks!!


Great video and very clear steps shown in the video. I’m restoring a 2011 iMac with a failing harddrive. With help from a Mac OS usb I was able to startup and repair the old drive. Surprisingly it wroked! Now I’m cloning the old Hdd to the new ssd, hopefully it will work. Thanks for the help




Your videos is easy to understand! Thank you so much! 2nd method: Clone HDD to SSD, it will clone whole HDD (OS and Data) or (OS only) to SSD?


Thanks for the very clear instructions. I now feel confident enough to upgrade my mid 2012 MacBook Pro. First I'll install the SSD drive then check the improvement. Next purchase will be the RAM then a new battery.


Your tutorial is better than many others out there. It teaches us that you do not need a "clone" software to migrate the data from your internal drive into the new one.
I am going to use external SSD drives for both my iMac late 2011 and Mac Book Pro Retina late 2013. Not so much for speed, but for capacity. Both my internal drives are almost full, and I am using external HDDs for additional storage capacity.
I attempted to replace the internal SSD of my Mac Book Pro Retina late 2013, with one sold by iFixit. Installing the new SSD (480 Gb) to replace the existing 256 Gb was very easy. I had also purchased the tools to do it. Penta and torx screw drivers.
However, I incurred a lot of problems with the Apple reinstall option (Command + Option + R). I got several error messages, before I got to the 4 options menu as shown on your video.
All the error messages happened along the reboot process: "" or -2005F, or 2100F.
It took me several attempts to get to see the disk utility option. None of the above errors are documented. I found a Reddit thread that suggested to do a (Command + Option + P + R) that solved my problem.
Conclusion; most of the videos shown on YouTube, treating the same subject are always perfect cases. It would be great if you mentioned what can be done in situations when not everything goes as per your demonstration.
