Making A Map For Doom in Ultimate Doom Builder: ez Edition

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A very quick guide to making a basic map to use in Ultimate Doom Builder,a map editing tool used to make maps for the classic doom games. For other purposes however, you'll also need Slade if you wanna add custom textures or sounds. Usually people use both in conjunction as they progress with their map making. But for this video, I'm showing a very basic map to show that anyone can do it. More resources for more in-depth guides down below.
When you're happy with your map, save it in the directory of choice as a WAD, then you're good to go.
Also. Additional notes, make sure that when you open your map with Slade, set your map marker to MAP01 so that your WAD loads as the first level. For custom music, import the midi file of choice and rename it as the corresponding track to the map marker. e.g. D_RUNNIN, which is the midi file for MAP01.
Link for the WAD I made:
Use GzDoom for the WAD.
#doom #fps #doommodding #doommapping
When you're happy with your map, save it in the directory of choice as a WAD, then you're good to go.
Also. Additional notes, make sure that when you open your map with Slade, set your map marker to MAP01 so that your WAD loads as the first level. For custom music, import the midi file of choice and rename it as the corresponding track to the map marker. e.g. D_RUNNIN, which is the midi file for MAP01.
Link for the WAD I made:
Use GzDoom for the WAD.
#doom #fps #doommodding #doommapping
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