I don’t wanna go down to the basement - Ramones cover band URAMONES #stevealbini #favorite #shellac

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This time, we played some songs that were not on the Ramones' first album. I wanted to play "I don't wanna go down to the basement," which Steve Albini, who passed away recently, listed as one of his favorites, and we played "Chainsaw," which I found to be a lot of fun, and "I wanna be your boyfriend," which I felt was even better when I played it. I think that the Ramones' first album's individuality becomes easier to understand when placed among the New York punk works of the time. The fact that the band had the same last name and wore the same clothes to create a sense of team unity, that they played extremely simple songs in succession, and that the record was made on an extremely low budget were all extremely appropriate conceptual art as a counter from the street to the sense of suffocation felt by young people in New York at the time, as seen in American New Cinema, the mixed atmosphere of New York, which is likened to a melting pot of races, and the music business that used television and large-scale concerts. With a growing number of followers to this day, the genre and style of punk has been established, and the fact that the Ramones have become widely recognized as a punk classic is highly regarded as a great achievement, but I continue to copy them with a warm heart, knowing that the fresh ideas and ingenuity that were added to the initial impulse that led to their creation and establishment are great works that do not pale in comparison to works of art housed in museums.

We are a Ramones tribute band. We want to recreate the Ramones show with the original members. Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Ramones. We will do our best for the 50th anniversary of the debut in 2026. We want to keep the Ramones songs with Ramones fans all over the world.

Somos una banda tributo a los Ramones. Queremos recrear el show de los Ramones con los miembros originales. Felicitaciones por el 50 aniversario de la formación de los Ramones. Haremos todo lo posible para el 50 aniversario del debut en 2026. Queremos mantener las canciones de Ramones con los fanáticos de Ramones en todo el mundo.

Somos uma banda tributo aos Ramones. Queremos recriar o show dos Ramones com os membros originais. Parabéns pelo 50º aniversário da formação dos Ramones. Faremos tudo o que for possível para o 50º aniversário da estreia em 2026. Queremos manter as músicas dos Ramones com os fanáticos dos Ramones em todo o mundo.
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Os mais velhos aqui no Brasil, tem uma expressão... Punk rock até os ossos!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘


Gracias por seguir asi, ojala alguien pueda hacerlos girar por el mundo!!
