How to use relay in proteus | operating relay in proteus | relay in proteus |simulation of relay

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This video tutorial is based upon the simulation of relay in proteus. Relay is an essential component for driving high wattage devices which operates on high power. The normal relay operates on 12V, Some of the relays can operate on 3V, 6V etc. Relays are usually used in Arduino, pic controllers and other circuits as the controllers cannot drive the high power electrical devices.
Рекомендации по теме

Can you make any video relay oparate if current passes 10a or more otherwise o ...without microcontroler and aurdino


I want to turn off a relay at 10V dc voltage source and turn on the same relay at -10V dc voltage source. How can i do that..?


भाई, में proteus में pcb बनाना सीख रहा हूँ । मेने सिंपल सर्किट बनाया है relay से related। परन्तु में जा pcb बना रहा हूँ तो एक मैसेज आ रहा है रिले से संबंधित
Relay has not been assigned a pcb footprint. do you want to choose on now.
में assign करने की कोसिस कर रहा हूँ और 5 पिन वाली सारि रिले सेलेक्ट की परंतु ARES में add नही कर पा रहा हूँ।
प्लीज हेल्प


Its not very clear try to make it more visible another time and always put down all components used in the video in the comment section


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