Dogfight! solo play and review | With Mike | Review copy provided

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Mike plays two solo missions in this quick airplane combat game, then discusses the solo play overall.
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0:00 - Introduction
0:51 - Overview of Play
4:12 - Play 1
13:03 - Play 2
18:37 - Review
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COMPONENTS - It's a small box, but everything generally works well. Nice wooden plane meeples, chunky tokens, good token bags... no complaints here.
0:00 - Introduction
0:51 - Overview of Play
4:12 - Play 1
13:03 - Play 2
18:37 - Review


One of our favorite things about Dogfight is how you have complete information on your opponent's options and they get narrower as the game progresses to round 2 and round 3. It can really feel like you're locking in on your opponent's plane. Thanks for the review!


I feel that this is not quite as good as Caesar or Blitzkrieg.
In the other games it's not just about the order you play your tokens, but also where you play them, .
This looks fun, but without the territory control aspect it looks a bit anemic.


@OneStopCoopShop small typo in video title


haha that was great fun thanks Mike.
I was surprised by the not shoot back rule.
In your first mission, the aircraft would be a two seater scout with a rear observer/gunner, who would lean out over the side of the aircraft with the camera to take the photos. He would also use the gun for defensive fire.

It would be pretty easy to house rule return fire, perhaps having a replacement fighter if it proved too easy with return fire.
Obviously the observer would not be able to fire and photograph simultaneously so maybe, he's not allowed to shoot in the turn following photography?

The second scenario was very Biggles.
I remember Bigglesworth rescuing chaps by landing and the poor soul having to lie on the wing holding on to the struts as Biggles takes off back for home. Preferably not having to make a loop on the way! lol
They were such jolly good ripping yarns! lol

In the second scenario, no dogfighting with a chum on the wing! lol
Might have to check it out. Could be good fun for solo only if the price is right!
