Buffett's Investing Secrets from Letters to Shareholders 1965-1975

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Buffett's Investing Secrets from Letters to Shareholders 1965-1975 in a little documentary is an excellent way to learn about business and stock market investing. The key Buffett rules are cash flows, compounding, high return on equity. He actually doesn't care much about what the stock market does.

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I was looking at Disney the other day, and heard Buffet explaining the term competitive moat to one of the people at the shareholder meeting.I wondered why buffet never bought Disney, then to my surprise i found out that Warren indeed did have a stake in Disney in the year 1966. It was 5% of the company which was valued at 80 mil $. He even went to see Walt Disney himself before the investment.( Just imagine Walt Disney doing an investitor pitch to buffet 😂). He sold his stake a year later for a 2 mil $ profit. Which was great at that time but had he hold on to his stake it would be now worth more than 8 billion! It was during the time which Sven was talking about so i just wanted to share with all the fellow investors out there 😊


I love how you put the things the video will have at the bottom. Very nice!


Sven youre the best, glad youre in our corner !


One of the reasons I admire so Warren Buffet so much is how simple his approach to investing is. I have listened to him speak about his strategy and the basic financials he looks over. He is also famous for not using a computer and just using paper. In the technology filled, data drive, age we live in with markets its really awe inspiring to see someone succeed year over year with basic investing principles. Great Video Sven, thanks for sharing!


I love how he conveys info in his letters.


My favourite Buffett Investment? I like that whilst still a teenager, he bought a 1, 200 acre farm with the earnings from his newspaper round! Then he leased it back to the farmer.


When you are convinced you will follow through all the way ...“other people saying you are right or wrong does not make you right or wrong“.
Only time tells if you were right or wrong. And please don‘t forget the thing called luck, fortune, coincidence, chance or chaos.

Looking forward to Sven’s summary/analysis of Daniel kahnenemans „think fast& think slow“.


Your hard work shows in your videos Sven! Thanks. Being from Illinois, rest assured, Illinois has its fair share of "noise" :)


Another great one, now go and have a proper day off.


He borrowed 8% interest in 1973 first principle payment in 1979? Is that a subprime loan or legit no payments for 6 years? That would be fabulous terms if the latter.


I really enjoy watching your videos. Would you mind going into a bit more details and explain the theory behind his strategy? Why municipal bonds? Why insurances? I personally don't mind if the video is long :)


Thanks for the video Sven. I'm not finding Warren interviewed much these days though. I wonder where the focus of his investments will be during the next downturn.


Doesn’t sound like we can repeat that by simply buying stocks in the market


Nice observation about being an "insurance startup". Sometime I think we look at him as a mere passive investor because of his attitude of decentralisation but he is actually a real entrepreneur, a business owner and manager.
The book is quite dull in my opinion with a lot of repetitions and not well organised.

My take on the book is this one: HE REALLY CARED ABOUT SHAREHOLDERS (HIS PARTNERS) and he is still holding the same policy. That's why he declared he is not much for buyback of BRK unless there is a real bargain for the shareholders and why he is not offering dividends.

After reading the book I thought I should find other owners/capital allocators with the same attitude towards shareholders.

We shall wait a new spike on bonds in the next crisis maybe?


Sven, What are your thoughts on Oil and Gas stocks. There are a lot of value stocks in that sector. Would love to hear your thoughts.


Buffet does not use quants, computer algos, AND BUFFET+MUNGER DOES NOT HAVE A PhD like Sven
