How To Hold Chopsticks Correctly

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LAYANA Cutlery - 100% Born In Taiwan
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This video has been uploaded long ago, and we are much surprised that the view suddenly grew so fast!
Thank you all for watching!
Chopsticks are one of the most convenient tool to dine with, long as you know how to use it correctly ;)

Some said this video helped them understand how to use, which is more than exciting to us;
while some seem to struggle a lot, and that we totally understand as well.

Whether able to hold it correctly, your finger muscles' coordination plays a great role.
Those who struggle is simply because your fingers are not used to the way of applying force.
I remember being a kid, there was also a period of time when I was not used to it, and my fingers get sore very easily. Had to aid with spoon and fork. But with time and practice, your fingers will become more flexible and used to the posture. Then you will definitely find the pleasure and convenience of using chopsticks :)

▲Small advice for beginners: Try your best not to use those chopstick training aid, or tie up the end with rubber bands.
Always remember when correctly holding it, the end of two chopstick are completely separated. Chopsticks will always be presenting as the shape of "ll" or "V". When it's the V-shape, the closing side is only on the tips, for holding food.
Most chopsticks aids you can find, close the end, which is totally opposite to the correct way. So better stop using it if you really want to learn the right way :)


Please tell me i'm not the only one trying to do this with pencils.


Still can't but thanks for helping


im chinese and have been using chopsticks ever since i was like 5

and recently i found out that ive been holding them wrong because sometimes noodles dont stay on my chopsticks when i pick them up, and my friend pointed out that the ends of my chopsticks shouldnt be glued together like how i was holding them, and instead should be apart, if not how was i supposed to pick up stuff??/

i got really confused because i could pick up everything, but usually slippry noodles slip right off... curly noodles dont, and vercimelli or something idk how to spel doesnt either, but stuff like udon slips a lot

ok story end, thats why a 20 year old chinese adult ass female is here tryna learn how to hold chopsticks THE RIGHT WAY

so embarassing.


Im having a nervous breakdown rn why cant I properly use them


they should teach us *THIS* in school.
idk why but they just should.


If I had to eat with chopsticks, I would starve to death. End of story.


By the time I actually learn how to eat with these Chopsticks my food is cold, I just got a fork.


whenever I try using my chopsticks, they cross each other at the tip


As long as food goes to my mouth, I'm fine.


The bottom chopstick always slips, screw that!!! FORKS FOREVER!



i have always tried and failed at learning how to use chopsticks and none of these videos worked for me but i recently figured out how on my own by trial and error so for anyone that reads this:

when you hold your chopsticks like the video shows make sure your pinky, ring finger, and thumb **DO NOT** move. keep them anchored completely still and just move your index and middle finger to bring the tip of the top stick down to the bottom.
make sure the back of the top stick stays at an almost fixed height using your thumb that stays in place.
make sure the bottom chopstick is tucked into the crease between your thumb and index finger as far as possible (i find this helps keep it anchored in place)
if you feel like your grip is slipping or the chopsticks are becoming uneven you can push the tips down on a flat surface and they will become even again (apparently this is bad manners but you're not asian so it's ok)

i kept following these rules and just tried tapping the two sticks together like the video showed and practiced picking up all kinds of objects and now i am confident that i can use chopsticks.


I did it with the first try, it's so exciting! It's my first time using them too.


Well something is definitely wrong with my fingers cause the first chopstick won't stay still on my ring finger when I try to move the upper one and I end up crossing the tips without ever touching one another lel...


If I had to only eat with chopsticks I would be skinny 😅 🤔


I had forgotten how to hold it. Now I've learnt the right way to do so as well. Thank you!


Took a couple minutes of breaking each step down to realise my main problem with the first stick is that you need to turn your thumb in towards your palm, like you're trying to touch your pinky with your thumb, rather than clamping your thumb against your index finger. This presses the chop stick in towards your fingers, which is how you hold it steady against your ringer finger.
I also find that pressing the first stick into the tip/under side of my ring finger is a lot steadier than using the top of it behind the nail.
Bracing the second stick on the tip of my middle finger instead of on the back of it also helped a lot.


When i practiced i tried to pick up erasers eith chopsticks 😂


Omg 😮 I guess I need to practice this 40hrs every day and make my mom proud


I have deformed thumbs (they're shorter and stubbier than most people) and this is the first video I've found that doesn't put so much focus on the thumbs. I actually managed to eat things! Thank you!
