OCR FSMQ Additional Mathematics (Old Spec) - Lesson 14: Definite Integrals

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This is my new channel for purely Maths content, CaptainGoodspeed Maths! All of the old videos have been redone and tweaked with new examples suiting the new spec. Good luck with your FSMQ!
Hello and welcome to powerpoints to help you with your OCR FSMQ Course. This is a course that I'm teaching at my school to a group of Year 11's and thought it might be worth uploading the resources that I use. PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT a qualified teacher and am merely doing this for fun and may not be the best teacher in the world! My teacher at school originally created the powerpoints and I have tweaked them to suit my style and put my own swing on things.
Please leave any feedback you may have down below in the comments section! If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them and try to help you the best that I can!
More lessons on the way and they will be uploaded every two days!
OCR FSMQ Additional Mathematics - Past Paper 7: June 2013
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