Flying in skyblock...

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Hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new video! In this video I acheive 2 Skyblock achievments in one video: 400% Speed AND Flying! My flight in the video was from the top of the Skyblock mountain all the way to the blazing fortess AND BACK. In the video, I directly challenged Technoblade to a FLYING WAR.

I know that during Technoblades time, the availible items did not exist to achieve such long flight, but still, a flying war would be cool. I don’t mean to discredit or trash Technoblade in his video. In fact, I use Technoblades speaking style in many of my streams, so much so that people often call me “Technoblade BUT worst”. It was a lot of fun however, and if you have some money to burn (about 3 mil) I recommend you get my setup and fly for yourself!

Thanks for watching the video and I might even try a longer flight later. Also, the reason my voice was so scrathy is that my headphones ran out of battery WHILE RECORDING and it swtiched to my default computer mic, which sucks.

If you liked the video and want more, make sure to like, comment, and subscribe!

*All Technoblade video clips are from the official Youtube Video, and belong to Technoblade

©2020 Shreyan Phadke. All Rights Reserved
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I'm pretty sure if you tried to message techno he has messages turned off.


but the batsuit renders your flight record useless


Gotta put techno in the thumbnail for that sweet sweet clickbait.
