An apology to my patients.

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(Note: regarding the masked person at the end. It's my 11 year old daughter who asked to be in the video. I told her that she had to wear a mask for her privacy. There is no intended political message there.)

I’m so sorry!

A growing number of physicians have made open apologies for their past recommendations to their patients that encouraged low fat, high carbohydrate meals as a healthy lifestyle choice.

I want to also add my sincere apologies to all my patients for the wrong advice that I have given over the years when I recommended a low fat diet and largely ignored the dangers of processed foods, seed oils, grains, and refined carbohydrates.

The accumulated evidence is, in my opinion, overwhelmingly in support of the value of a low carbohydrate diet with limited processed foods, seed oils, and grains. This is also ideally consumed in fairly narrow eating windows in order to decrease inflammation and insulin resistance while, maximizing metabolic flexibility and autophagy.

Over the last few years there has been a revolution in our understanding of how major chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancers are all linked by underlying longevity processes and most importantly that we can actually influence them through the choices we make in our lives and the primary choice that we can start with is correct diet- what we eat, when we eat, and how much we eat

The wonderful thing about science unlike say religion or politics is that with enough evidence we can all accept new ideas, and admit when we were wrong and change for the better.

As a result I have made this my primary focus to help bring quality evidence based information about health and longevity to the general public through social media, podcasts, video and other presentations such as this.

I hope that you can join me on this exciting journey to transform our health and our lives!!

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A good doctor is always learning and always teaching. Learning new things will mean that you were wrong about some things...


Been living a keto lifestyle for over 3 year's now and I'm down 125 pounds, reversed my type 2 Diabetes and now my blood sugar is perfect and no more High blood pressure and the list goes on and on!!


THANK You Very much for the apology & the information. I'm 71 and tried the follow the "ACCEPTED" nutritional 'recommendations' since my teenage years - only to find that I was dangerously MISLED by ESTABLISHEMENT AUTHORITIES & Medical ORGANIZATIONS (Special CRITICISM reserved for the ADA). As humans, it is our nature TO LEARN & CORRECT as we go through life. The BEST PEOPLE are those who learn from and ADMIT their mistakes and take corrective action. BRAVO Dr. Lufkin...! Sincerely, THANK YOU -cheers


Congratulations on being open-minded and apologetic . A true doctor will always act in the best interest of their patients - changing opinions when new facts become apparent .


You aren't my physician, but your humble approach is exactly what we need in Healthcare. Well done.Very well done.


I’m not one of your patients. But thanks for your humility and seeking out what really improves health.


I remember the grief given to Dr. Adkins for supporting a low-carb diet. It wasn't until after his death that science began to say a low-carb diet was right.


So glad to see these doctors are willing to learn and educate themselves. We are not in the 90s, it is much appreciated that you are spreading this!! Amen to you!!


Wow, a doctor who has attained dietary enlightenment. Bravo, Dr.👏👏👏👏👏


Thank you for standing up to the pressures on MD's and speaking out on behalf of truth and a health promoting diet, that is against the interests of big pharma and big food. We need more MD's like you.


Kudos to you Doc! Wish more professionals across a wide spectrum of expertise would learn those simple words. Perfection is impossible. But dogmatic adherence to a set of beliefs when faced with new data is killing us.


Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting lifestyle is life saving. Reversed my T2D and many many more health benefits.


Thank you 👍💖🇬🇧
My husband died in 2005 because I keep him on a low fat diet


Wow! Thank you sir. Please spread the word to your fellow physicians.


Yep I reversed my type 2 diabetes by high fat low carbohydrates eating plan and intermittent fasting


Dr Lufkin isn't my doctor, but this same advice is how I lost 65 lbs and avoided going on insulin. Blessings to Dr Lufkin on spreading the word on something that's genuinely beneficial. My own doctor gave me the standard "approved" advice and she still does, although I've been up front with her about my lifestyle changes. She charts it simply as, "patient adopted exercise and healthier dietary habits", with no mention of details. To achieve real change I did my own research and started a walking program, IF and dietary overhaul 14 months ago. Best move ever.


Thank you for your honesty! We know that y'all have been trained and just advising based on the lies you've been taught! God bless you and again thank you for being honest!


Thank You so much! We need more Doctors to come forward like you.


Thanks for your honesty as it's rare to see in the medical community! Keep up the good work and honest presentations.


Many people and even more importantly more doctors need to see this video!
