15 First Flying Machines Ever Made - Failures and Mishaps

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While we may now have multiple types of airplanes, helicopters, blimps, and jet packs of all shapes and sizes, it took a while for us to get to where we are today. After all, the process of getting a machine to fly is no easy task, and while we may have figured out the formula, in the past people continuously failed to do the same. And be it fiery crash landings or awful designs that immediately malfunctioned, there are several early flying machines that were downright awful, so today, come soar with us as we count down the Top 15 First Flying Machine failures!


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The best personal flying apparatus ever was Aladdin’s carpet 😊


These are the type of people that Propel Humanity forward. Nothing but respect for them, even the ones that weren't successful.


Just a minute, #15, does it state that the man made a first free balloon flight in 1783 and then attempted to cross the English channel in that up, 1785, Mild dyslexia there perhaps? Still always enjoy your channel. keep up the good work


That Leonardo DA vinci's Ornithopter looks awesome and I remember that vehicle from MoominVaalley's stories. But yeah it would be nice if peoples can fly sometime. 🔥🔥


The 1st hot air balloon was flown by the ancient maya ppl. Dig a bit deeper even listen to Mr Eric von Daniken. Just a thought. Peace and love from South Africa


All these inventions would work in a low gravity on the moon


The birth of the aeroplane is connected to primarily two events: The successful gliding flights of the German Otto Lilienthal from 1891 to 1896 and the first flights of the Wright brothers (USA) with their aircraft in 1903

Although, there where many many more attempts at flight before those two events. If we want to get technical the first death acknowledged do to an accident in a more modern form of fight was in 1785: Pioneering balloonist Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and pilot Pierre Romain died when their balloon caught fire, and crashed during an attempt to cross the English Channel. They were the first to die in a balloon crash.

BUT the first death from attempted flight documented would be in the Legend of King Bladud in 850bc. It is difficult to either confirm or deny it Historians widely believe that this is the first documented attempt at true flight. Basically, it boils down to him, making wings from feathers and launching himself from the temple of apollo with the thought that he would soar through the air like a bird... ya he died.😅


The balloon with hydrogen and hot air didn’t catch on fire, humans actully didn’t know hydrogen was explosive so the the hydrogen caught on fire and exploded.
