MOST Unusual Flying Machines Ever Built

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In a little under 120 years, the development of craft for air travel has advanced beyond recognition. One of the reasons for this is that there are many different approaches that can achieve a similar effect, and this has meant that, in that time, there have been plenty of peculiar designs that have become reality. From historical oddities, to modern day concepts for personal travel,,, buckle your seatbelts and join us on a ride into the strange and the bizarre; as we take a look at 15 unusual flying machines.


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very cool designs

2:29 looks like a shot from a sci-fi movie already


So true.
40 Years Ago ::
40 years ago, children were gentle with their parents. Today parents have to be gentle with their children.
40 years ago, everyone wanted to have children. Today many people are afraid of having children.
40 years ago, children respected their parents.
Now parents have to respect their children.
40 years ago, marriage was easy but divorce was difficult.
Nowadays it is difficult to get married but divorce is so easy.
40 years ago, we got to know all the neighbours.
Now we are strangers to our neighbors.
40 years ago, people had to eat a lot because they needed the energy to work hard.
Now we are afraid to eat fatty foods for fear of the cholesterol.
40 years ago, villagers were flocking to the city to find jobs.
Now the town people are fleeing from the stress to find peace.
40 years ago, everyone wanted to be fat to look happy ...
Nowadays everyone diets to look healthy.
40 years ago, rich people pretended to be poor.
Now the poor are pretending to be rich.
40 years ago, only one person worked to support the whole family.
Now all have to work to support one child.
40 years ago, people loved to study and read books ...
now people love to update Facebook etc and read their whatsapp messages.
I received this realistic message from one friend and on realizing that it's hard fact for today's life,
Forwarded to all my friends


*Education Valueless*

*Government Useless*
*Parliament Clueless*
*_Everything is becoming LESS but still our hope in God is - Endless._*
In fact I am *Speechless* Because friendship remains *Priceless!!*
*If u don't share this, the message is worthless!*🔥


Affectation! You are quite right exactly!


Lol! These are some of the ufo's everyone was scared of. Dispatcher: 911 what's your emergency?
Caller: A giant marshmallow looking aircraft is following me and the guy that I'm cheating on my husband with! Come right away?


20 tons of passengers is more than 20 passengers


FYI, the X-15 was made by North American, not McDonnel Douglas.


If some of these inventions are ever made for the publics use, you better have a deep pocketbook.


Correct your commentary, the X-15 was not produced by McDonnell-Douglas it was a North American aircraft


Now, I do love but 9 million That makes me


FYI, the Douglas American was X-15'd by North Pole not Jessica Beel and the 7th Heaven was McDonald's favorite happy meal . Im 99% sure that the X-1 is my daily driver .


There was a presentation by a Lockheed rep for airship for our EAA chapter. The presenter said it could carry some major military stuff ( maybe a division). When he stated the SLOW cruising speed, I realized it would need an escort for protection as it flew to Europe. That would be either the Navy from carriers, or the USAF and tankers for hours on end, with fighters dogged down to match the airship speed. When asked about it, the rep gave me a shoulder shrug and wandered off.


If memory serves me right and I'm 99% sure it is, the X15, like the X1, were made by Beel and not McDonald Douglas.


why not fully body lift wide manta ray style air craft


00:5 I Want FLY with that Macine, IT Looks fun. I Want to see flying Cars on The future. PS that video was awesome. 🔥🔥


So that car plane was originally made in America but then they moved manufacturing to China? Should of stayed In America.


Когда денежной массы до хрена, тогда можно придумывать всякую хрень только чтобы на это спускали бабки, а потом трава не рости, извените не получилось. На этом и строится вся западная мысль. И считают что у запада самые передовые технологии, блефффффф да и только.
