Does Brazil Show The Ethnic Future Of The West?

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In this video, I analyze the demographic history of Brazil and I try to find out if it can possibly point to the demographic future of certain Western countries.

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If you don't come to Brazil, Brazil inevitably comes to you.


I’m European and I lived in Brazil for a few years. When I came back, I was shocked about the similarities, but more in terms of class. All of a sudden, everyone took Ubers with Syrian drivers, had their groceries delivered by Indian guys, and their apartments cleaned by Ukrainian women. The upper class just enjoyed a standard of life, which was unthinkable before, but quite normal in Brazil. On the other hand, there was a rise in homelessness, drug addicts, and violent crime. You can clearly see that the working class is slowly being replaced by a migrant proletariate, while the homogenous white bourgeoisie is flourishing.

I guess the difference regarding Brazil is cultural identity. Brazil has a lot of inequality, and people virtually live in different socioeconomic realities. But, when the soccer game is on, everyone rallies around the flag. The „parallel society“ problem does not exist in Brazil. There is no strong political, cultural or religious identifier, such as Islam or foreign nationalism, which keeps people away from assimilating.

Edit: sorry to all FOOTBALL enthusiasts for using the word soccer.😉


Major difference: in other countries, the different ethnic groups share the general space, but don´t mix much, ratially. In Brazil, you mix, and become Brazilian. Everyone gets a ticket, no one stays out, unless they make a big effort to not mix.


I am Brazilian and I can say that our biggest difference from the rest of the West is that miscegenation has always been tolerated and even encouraged, even during the time of the Brazilian monarchy, BUT as long as they were Christians. We have 12 million descendants of Arabs and practically no significant Muslim community. Former President Michel Temer is an example... genetic diversity yes... cultural diversity no.


As a portuguese guy that lives among many Brazilian immigrants I've given this subject a lot of thought and my conclusion is the following: because we are a catholic country, and catholicism is by nature universalist, there was a wish to convert the natives of brazil, and the best way to do this was to absorb the natives into our religious beliefs via miscegenation. In fact, in Paraguay, there was a period of time where miscegenation was mandatory, it was prohibited for two white people to get married to create a new ethnic identity. Contrast that to countries like the US or South Africa, which were settled by protestants, specifically calvinists, which have an exclusivist worldview, seeing themselves as God's chosen people settling a promised land. They saw the natives as an inderance and uncivilized, and thus warred against them and enslaved them.


Brazilian here. I expected a highly ideologically biased video, but I was positively surprised to find a sober and balanced analysis. Your Brazilian friend is right: the import of American racial categories has completely dis/reorganised how people think and live racial relations here – and not for the better. I fear I'll sound like an old boomer, but I feel racial relations have become somewhat unhealthy/toxic since we started trying to understand our particular racial reality and history through the prism of American prejudices and political schisms.


Fun fact Portuguese is spoken by 99% of the Brazilian population, 75% of the people in USA speak English


At the end of the day, Brazil is DIFERENT of Canada, USA, France, UK, cuz it is MULTIETHNIC, BUT UNDER THE SAME VALUES and culture (same language (portuguese), same food costumes (rice, beans, meat), same music, sports and other cultural expressions (football, Soap Operas, Sertanejo etc), same religion (Christians) and so


Canada becoming another Brazil will be the less bad scenario. The way things are going, we'll be another India.


It's easy to imagine an English, German, Chinese or African person because they have specific faces, but imagining a Brazilian is extremely difficult, they range from a Gisele Bundchen to a Ronaldinho.


BRAZIL IS DIVERSE, BUT ALL RACES IS UNDER 1 CULTURE. Migrants Germans, italians, libanese, japanese, peruvians..etc, remember there cultures, but still all assimilated the brazilian way of life. The west is not saving the local culture when little chinas, little india or another cultural guetho grows, like the islamic moral patrols in London suburbs.


as a brazilian our main mistake was abolishing slavery way too late and doing the republican coup, not diversity


Women seems to not want to have children anywhere. Finding someone that actually wants children is becoming hard.


I was born in Brazil from a dutch father (who was born in Java, with Indonesian roots) and a brazilian mother (with a mulato grandfather and a native great-grandmother). And my sister is married to a Japanese descendant. Family meetings are great! This trait of Brazilian society is, in my point of view, a reason for hope of a better future.


Sempre ouvi a história de que, no Brasil, é possível acontecer algo que seria muito difícil de ocorrer em outros países: um judeu e um árabe sentarem no mesmo ambiente para conversar sobre a vida, serem amigos, tomarem um café. O fato é que quem vem de fora dificilmente se tranca na própria cultura, seja por opção ou por ser "forçado" a se integrar a cultura brasileira. Organicamente a cultura brasileira "obriga" o estrangeiro a fazer parte do país. Na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, um estrangeiro pode passar a vida toda apartado do restante da sociedade e imerso na própria cultura, além de ter facilidade para usar o sistema do país em questão sem fazer nacessariamente parte dele. Na cidade onde moro, por exemplo, tem vendedores chineses e coreanos que, não só se integraram, até mesmo usam expressões locais no seu cotidiano, gostam de conversar e falar como os nativos, gostam da culinária local, usam aspectos da cultura local em seus negócios misturados com aspecto da sua terra natal. No Brasil, um estrangeiro que não quiser se integrar à cultura local, se sentirar de fato apartado, terá um futuro amargo


There's an issue I don't see talked about anywhere but it's perfect for your channel and I'd love to see you cover it: when foreign diasporas entrench themselves in the political system of a country it often changes the relationship of the the host country with the immigrant's original country. For example in Canada we had a popular Sikh activist and India assassinated them on Canadian soil and condemned Canada for harbouring terrorists. The Sikhs have entrenched themselves so much in our political system that they now have the backing of Canada when it comes to Sikh-Hindu tensions. This hijacking of the political system of a foreign country to further an agenda on the other side of the world will become much more common in the future as immigrants who are told to keep their culture gain more political power. I would love your analysis on this trend as it becomes more prevalent in the future. Btw no knocking Sikhs, the Hindus would do the same if they had the same influence in Canada.


I was born in Brazil and lived 40 years in São Paulo, which is a multicultural city. In my whole life I never experienced any issues about religion in Brazil. Also, the prejudice is more related to the social class and not about the colour.


I am brazilian, and just to give an idea, I had colleagues from all appearances. Blacks, whites (blond, redhead all variations) asians, natives and mixed. So much so that when I was a child I thought all races were native to anywhere


brazil is multi ethnic but “mono cultured”. that’s what ya’ll never understand.


I'm Brazilian and this was the most well researched essay on Brazilian ethnic composition I've seen so far on the internet

People from here usually let their political biases in the way and are not able to make straightforward anlysis, while foreigners usually don't take the time to understand the local nuances

Very well done
