“They’re Doing WHAT To Our Food?!!” This Is NOT GOOD

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As the World faces rising food insecurity, we ask, what does this mean for food production and whether it will push us into a genetically modified food colony?
#GMOFood #GeneticallyEngineered #agriculture #farmland #Colonisation

*not a euphemism

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There are "heirloom" seeds from the old days that will produce viable seeds along with tastier, more nutritional food. Here, in the US, there are small farmers who grow these and take them to farmer's markets to sell directly to city consumers. We need to support and encourage them!


The fact that food and drugs are combined in the same administration should tell us everything.


I remember when the USA invaded Iraq, I was outraged over a story of how Iraqi farmers were not being allowed to gather seeds from their own crops and they were being forced to use GMO seeds from the United States. the GM seeds could not propagate more seeds from the plant and therefore new seeds would have to be bought every year because harvesting more seeds would not be possible with the GMO plants that grew. I can remember being severely outraged at the idea of the USA forcing another country to purchase our seeds and destroying their ability to harvest their own


Ironically for those of us who have been striving to stay Organic" and non-GMO, the myriad of chemicals sprayed in the sky daily rain down on the soil and crops, so we're paying through the nose for safer foods and being poisoned anyway 🙄🤬 Thank you for your time and brilliance in sharing truly important facts with the world. 🙌🏼


My grandfather grew all of his own vegetables. Nothing tastes better than going outside picking what you want to eat and bring it in the house and cooking it immediately The Taste is phenomenal


I've been a small commercial organic farmer since the late 60's. We have been blatantly lied to and bullied by the governmental / corporate cabal the whole way. Organic was basically eliminated in the 90's when the federal governments took the meaning of the word organic and allowed thousands of toxic chemicals to be used in production by large conglomerates. One example would be organic salad mixes where they allow washing with bleach. I am worn out. Stabbed repeatedly in the back while the consumers just make excuses. My favorite is: "Well, I am still supporting organic when I buy corporate". Infuriates me as the corporate structure has stolen our small farm market share. Covid was the nail in our local farmer's market coffin.


To me the ownership of a food type is most concerning. In the Netherlands we made seeds sharable amongst food growers. Now American companys buy up the "rights" to those seeds and then make people pay for them. Nobody should be able to "own" a food source. Also not modify it to grow only ones so they have to buy more seeds next year from that same company.


I recently bought some peppers and there was no seeds in them. I was dumbfounded.... It sent a shiver down my spine. Horrible stuff. Those that control the food control the World.


I feel such a strong pull inside of me this year to learn how to garden, tend to my own fruit & veg, and work with the Earth. I don’t know much about it, but I’m curious & eager to learn more. It feels so, so important right now.


As Gandhi once said, "The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed".


I remember when people used to call me a conspiracy theorist for condemning GMO's, and that was over 20 years ago, and here we are. I see comments condemning the people of certain countries, when in reality, it is their governments and the big companies, Pharma, etc. that are doing this. Just think; Russell is just scratching the surface here. If you research GMO's and what they are really doing, you will be shocked. It's quite the rabbit hole and a terrible path we are on.


When convid started, here in Michigan (with 'wonderful' Whitmer for Govenor), we were 'not allowed' to purchase seeds, they were yellow-taped like a crime scene!


I think it's really admirable how you turned from a successful actor to an activist and informer on topics that ACTUALLY matter. This is the function the media used to serve (can you even recall?). Anyway, Russel Brand, I wanna say THANK YOU! :)


I tried to explain GMO foods contaminating organic/heirloom farmers and what was happening to Indian farmers. People just can't wrap their heads around it. It's sad it's not difficult to understand or see potential problems. People don't care until it affects them.


Good stuff! Engineering foods to NOT go to seed should be a crime against humanity.


I never ever thought I would listen to Russell Brand but he is fantastic and I look forward to his informative and thought-provoking presentations


I used to grow my own organic food on a small farm. Had to downsize significantly and have started a new garden mainly in containers. Got a couple of water tanks which is critical and have almost as much food now as I did then. I dry it, can it and freeze it. Nothing goes to waste. I only use heritage seeds so no GMO. Anyone can do this, start small. From little things big things grow. Don’t be a hostage to the corporations.


Years ago I met a lovely college student from Russia. She stated her amazement at grocery stores abundace in the produce section. She looked at me and said 'they look so beautiful but have no flavor'. Little did she know they had little nutritional value either. That was 15 years ago. What we discover now has been taking place for years. A young person looked me in the eye last week and said 'your generation did this to us.' Boomers and older generations were asleep.


The problem is that GMO foods can be patented where non-GMO food cannot be patented. They want all food to be genetically modified in some manner so that they can put patents on the food supply and be able to force people into having to use them. The worst part is if you have a non-GMO crop even 5 miles away from a GMO crop and the winds blow the pollen into your non-GMO crop the owner of the patent can sue you for patent infringement. It has already happened to many farmers when their crops were tested and found to have some GMO characteristics and were not 100% as "organic" as the farmer claimed. all because of how the wind blows.


I have a theory as to why all this is happening:- here in the UK gas prices have gone through the roof, not so much food shortages at the moment but food prices are going up at a rapid rate. Sometimes certain items are not on the shelves but then a couple of days later the shelves seem to be restocked but I feel the shortages will happen here very soon. I have heard that China is stockpiling all the grain (they currently hold 50% of the worlds grain from around the world. All countries are trying to stockpile in preparation for what is coming. The UK buys most of it's gas from Russia but Russia wants to hold onto it, knowing what is coming. My theory is this:- The governments around the world know what is coming and it's the planet Nibiru (planet x) currently behind the sun and difficult to detect. This is why the strange weather is happening, volcanoes, earthquakes, intense storms etc. This is not just happening to the earth but the other planets in our solar system. The sun is behaving erratically and emitting massive solar flares. It is affecting everything but here on earth it's being blamed on us the people (global warming). The reason for natural fuels increasing in price here in the UK is because Russia is keeping their natural resources. All countries are going to hold onto what their country is naturally rich in (looking after their own) and whatever they can get their hands on. Also the Convid 19 thing is to get that jab into your arm. It's depopulation so there will not be as many people to feed. The world leaders know all this but have to keep it from the general public or the world will go into utter chaos. The world will not know until it is to late. I have been researching all this for years and these are my thoughts. Take Care everyone.
