Can Multiple Tumors Be Treated at the Same Time? Chapter 11 — Brain Metastases: A Documentary

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This chapter describes how doctors can treat many brain metastases simultaneously.

Currently, most cases of multiple brain metastases are treated one after the other. If treating one tumor takes 15 to 20 minutes, treating more than a few can take a very long time.

New techniques and technologies allow many tumors to be treated at the same time, which is more convenient for both the patient and clinic.

One such technique, called Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT). As the linac rotates, metal leaves that direct the radiation move to treat all metastases in one session.

Another technique uses special software algorithms to create a plan to treat all the metastases at once. The goal of such software is to give as little radiation possible to healthy areas between the tumors.

Interested in learning more? See our other chapters below that address many questions regarding brain metastases:

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