overcoming Strife, Overcome evil with Good.

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Proverbs 3:5-7
Romans 12:21
Mathew 5:14-16
Mathew 5:44
Mathew 5:48
1 Peter 1:16
1 John 2:6
Luke 23:34
Acts 7:59-60
Acts 5:29
Galatians 5:22-26
Luke 10:27

The Word is Always Free.

While I still breath I continue sharing the Word Freely. 

If You wish to Give you may do so freely, But are under No Obligation to do so.

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GOD BLESS, thank you Jesus Hallelujah 🙏 Amen, Glory be to Almighty GOD. Come Holy Spirit fill our hearts with your Love. Thank you Sir, GOD FIRST.


Our neighbors has built a fence taking a portion of our property into theirs. State law requires we file a lawsuit to make them move or they can KEEP our property we worked almost 40 years for.
We filed the lawsuit.
However, I have actually been praying for the neighbor to be blessed and come to God.
I have been grieved rather than angry.
My husband is angry and I pray his heart be softened.
Please pray that we get our property back (it is a portion of 5 acres we have paid off and built a little home).
God is faithful and just and is a protector of those who love Him!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


My mom and sister chastised me for not getting vaxd. They said they had to get boosted because of people like me. I was taking a bed in the hospital from a child. (And that child was sick because if selfish people like myself.) The last thing I said to both of them was "I love you" That was one year ago when I came very close to death. I havent spoken to them since. God bless their souls. I am so grateful to be a soldier for my Lord, Jesus Christ, tho I am imperfect.


Love you Enemy? That makes no sense but.... It's perfect. What a teaching. Amazing but small thing. I am trying. It's hard. My enemy is horrible. Goes out of his way to hurt me and I see him hurt my family. I am angry. I saw him and lost control. I swore. I would of attacked him. I know it's wrong. I'm sorry God. I'm trying. I will not lose my temper like that again. This teaching of Jesus is the hardest for me to follow. I promise to try harder.


Dearest Brother,

Y’varech’cha Adonai v’yeesh’m’reicha.

Yaer Adonai panav eleicha veechooneka.

eesa Adonai panav eleicha v’yasem l’cha shalom.

God go with you.

The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make His Face shine on you and be Gracious to you.
The Lord lift up His Countenance upon you and give you His Peace.

The Grace of God be with you.

Thank you.

Brother Levi Matthews


O Heavenly Father, thank you for this life you have given me, I am not worthy, I'm too judgemental too jealous and proud, I have become weak and my heart has become heavy and is wrapped in the shadow of these sins, I'm truly lost and in trying to do right by others I've sometimes gone about things the wrong way and made mistakes, I've hurt those close to me and treated strangers to a barrage of insults through my fear and anxiety, please Lord, let me be loving and kind once more and rid me f these evils .


Amen 🙏 Vengeance Belongs to the Lord... We are the Light! Sober and Pure in Spirit 👻 steadFAST in the Scriptures 📚 Amen 🙏


I can't imagine a world without our Lord! Thank you and God Bless...


I thank God for this teaching! It is timely, as I am struggling with this very thing.


Thank you this is so good... I’m finding it hard because I’m so aggravated all the time! My flesh is sick and I’m so very weary.. I’m sick of so much evil brother Daniel!
God bless you


Yes. Do not be overcome by evil. But overcome evil by good..


📃Prayer request📃 I'm asking to be backed in prayer as I go out to preach the gospel KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 to any man that will listen. 🧾


I absolutely love these Bible studies! They have helped me immensely! Thank You! God bless you!


Thank you Brother Daniel. Very good timing as I'm struggling with this. I also struggle with me having been the mean uncaring person upon someone else. I was born again re-baptized and accepted Jesus a year ago at the age of 64. I wonder was this God's plan for me so late in life for I feel at an early age had I walked the walk I am now I would have saved a lot of damage on others and been a better husband to my x wife . This really tortures me always. Instead of being joyful of what I now am I hate what I was and all I did. So many regrets . God Bless 🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸


I praise the Lord for the Word you share.If only more Christians would stir up the gift of Jesus within them and literally and openly show that indeed we are the salt of the ch 14vs 34."Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, there is no way to make it salty again. It is no good for the soil or for the manure heap; it is thrown away. Listen then if you have ears!"


I'm giving the entire police department bibles for Xmas (Jesuss birthday).💞💞 Praises in the name of Jesus Christ, God the Father Hallelujah 💞💞💞


brother, I needed this message. HalleluYah! I came under attack at the job from my manager and boy was I ready to attack back! Yet I prayed to the All Might God first and he calmed me down and without me even saying anything to my manager, he came bowing down to me. HalleluYah! All praises to The Most High God!!


My mother was a very religious woman; who went to church every Sunday. I know that she would be very happy, that I watch your channel. Just an offhanded compliment; since I thought of this, while listening to your channel.


God has been putting the part of scripture concerning the producing of fruits and the harvest that has to be brought in on my mind and spirit. He is directing me to share scriptures.


Good morning brother and everyone 😀. Let's study and pray 🙏🏿 to show ourselves! approved
