Everything You Want to Know About Iodine

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Are you wondering what is iodine? How should you use it? Learn everything you need about iodine including the benefits and which supplements and foods you need!

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Dr. Edward Group is the founder and CEO of Global Healing Center. He is passionate about creating life-changing products and information to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle.

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The statements expressed by Dr. Group, Global Healing Center and their partners are published for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for professional medical advice.


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Anyone who is interested... do some research into this guy. He was naturally healing cancer through detoxification and nutrition years ago and got shut down. He was because he was helping so many people. He is the real deal. Using his information I was able to help my friend get pregnant who had struggled with infertility.


I love this doctor. I was super sick and did everything he is talking about years ago. Everyone thought I was nuts but after 32 years in and out of hospitals and conditions I was told would never go away. They are all gone. A combination of cleansing emotional work and listening to my body I got a total clean bill of health. I wish there were more doctors like this in North America. Brilliant and anyone who speaks poorly of him have not gone through major health issues and have not done their homework. Keep up the fabulous work. One person at a time can do a lot of good in the world!!


Just realized I had a "painful" planters wart on my foot for 25 years . No matter what I did I couldn't get rid of it. Just realized it's gone after taking this iodine. It's the only explanation I can think of. It's like a miracle.


I realize this is going to sound crazy, however; after doing continual research for 6 yrs. I DECIDED 3 MONTHS AGO TO COMPLETELY TAKE MYSELF OFF ARMOUR THYROID AFTER BEING ON IT FOR 50 YRS!! I am now my own guinea-pig. I have an extremely large goiter and people are always staring at my thyroid as well as asking me if I was aware. It's made me so self conscious to say the least. After researching Iodine I can't believe not one doctor has ever tested me or suggested I might be low!!! I just started your Iodine 5 days ago and I'm feeling extremely tired and have low energy right now BUT my husband keeps telling me my thyroid already looks half the size! I don't know what will happen, however; I'm thinking positive and am looking forward to the goiter getting smaller. Thank you Dr. Group for all your knowledge ...very grateful because I've been through hell with many doctors and their process of changing my medication etc. At one point I was so depressed that the thought of suicide was very real. They literally almost killed me and that pisses me off. I will never trust another doctor with a closed mind-set again!


OMG. I have to tell you that I started with three drops a day of Detoxadine and exactly a week later, I was running around with more energy than I have had in YEARS and had to sit down and think about what was different. Of course, I looked at the date I received my Detoxadine in the mail and it was exactly 8 days prior. I had started taking it the day after I got it and I am here to tell you I KNOW I have energy that comes from Detoxadine. I was flabberghasted and I am feeling so much better! This is a miracle for me! Thank you so much!! I will NEVER be without this!


What a comprehensive educator. He covered so much material. Your B12 saved my life I was exhaustively searching for what was destroying my life and B12 and iodine were the answer. Gratitude beyond words.


We can't trust our gov. to do the right thing because they don't have our best interest at heart.


Wish all doctors were normal like him.


I started using Iodine three weeks ago.
I have been fighting EBV for almost a year. I feel better now than I have for 8 months.


I was so low in iodine per the iodine patch test, I steadily increased from 3 drops of this to 6 drops to 12 drops. I got horrible headaches and a fever at 6 drops. Once I got through it, I increased to 12 drops and started to feel even better.Its great for both heads if you know what I mean. I have a long ways to go until my body is saturated with this good halide since I don't have an RO filter or distiller yet. Good things cost money. Im 36 and can now sit through and read a book with better concentration. Thanks Dr Group!


Very surprised this guy is still alive in October of 2018... he’s got some golden information


He completely described me.  Anxiety, tired all the time, depression, slow matabilism,


Thank you for the apple cider vinegar tip, as I did not realize how healthy it was to drink with water.  I use organic apple cider vinegar for a raw organic broccoli salad I love to eat on a regular basis.  I am now sipping a glass of distilled water with apple cider vinegar and will continue to make this a habit.  I just stumbled across this video and now a fan of your work.  Thank you for your dedication to helping people stay healthy.


Props to Dr. Group for spreading this message and educating people about this. Sadly most people are too ignorant to research this subject...they will just go to a doctor that will give them pills to mask their problem.


Thank you for this video!! it started my journey & I’ve shared over 100 times to my clients! After 8months of studying & taking iodine this is still my favorite introduction to friends. Just got my loading test done & I’m at 78% 💪


My mother is 72. All her adult life she was plegued with fibrosis in her breasts. I tuned her on to detoxodine and ever since all her fibrosis has disapeared and she has had NO issues with her breast fibrosis!! What more needs to be said?


Group is amazing, we need more people out there like him informing the population on heath, thank you for your service to humanity.


Good day to everyone! I was struggling with vertigo and balance problems as well as extreme fatigue and other health problems. I did an oxygen therapy before starting iodine. I did have a health crisis but pushed through it. I’m now doing a combination but not at the same time — hours apart. I no longer have vertigo or balance issues. Things are improving gradually day by day. :)




I have been using iodine now for at least six to 8 weeks. I have noticed : my mind is much SHARPER; digestion is so improved that I've noticed much more fiber is eliminated even when I do not work out every other day;; or eat more, my tongue is not coated anymore, my tongue sometimes used to feel bigger than usual, it no longer does. Thank you, doctor for this amazing product !
