The club face drill that helps all golfers (golf swing tips)

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Mark Crossfield, golf professional, shares a simple but highly effective golf swing tip to help you master your club face control.

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Welcome to the Mark Crossfield Golf Channel! If you're looking for world-class golf instruction and honest equipment reviews, you've come to the right place.

Mark is the original professional golfer content creator with a passion for helping others improve their game. On this channel, you'll find various videos featuring golf tips, advice, and drills to help you play better golf and reduce your handicap. From fixing your slice and hook to driving the golf ball longer and straighter and improving your ball striking, Mark has over 25 years of coaching expertise to help you become a better golfer.

In addition to instructional videos, you'll also find equipment reviews to help you make informed decisions on the best gear for your game. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started in golf or an experienced player looking to take your game to the next level, Mark Crossfield Golf has something for you. Tune in and start your journey to better golf today!

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Рекомендации по теме

Love it! It’s a classic… You’re on a roll with the explanations Mark!


Bruv, you're the only golf influencer (besides Malaska) who spends meaningful time discussing hand to club-face relationship. It's quite brilliant innit. Most important aspect of golf.


OMG !!! I recently have come back to the game after years and have been struggling with inconsistanties after a range session of using this drill the results have been amazing !!!


Love all the insrtuction videos. Wish I lived closer for a lesson.


This is what you do best. In my opinion better than anyone on yt. Thanks!


I love your quick tip/drill videos with these simple aids that we all have in our bags. So easy to follow and to put into practice in the garden or at the range. A1 – cheers, Mark.


Mark, I stumbled upon your videos over a year ago. I was initially impressed with your review of the Cleveland Turbo Launcher irons, which encouraged golfers to try the ultra improvement irons. I really like your new quick lesson videos. There is 1 other instructor from Endland who puts out this style of video, but your personality and demeanor make yours much more enjoyable. You should really consider doing this for a living because you're the best in the business at it, bar none! Seriously, thank you for what you do!!!


Mark, could you please bump up the volume of your podcast "Hack it out Golf" ? I have been listening for a couple of months while I drive for my job but lately it seems like the volume has dropped and I am having a hard time hearing everyone. Thanks !
Also thank you for all the good info and tips, very appreciated. You're welcome.


50 years old Senior tour here I come.... Great tip 👍


Great video mark, this is working wonders for my 11 year old son on getting an understanding of controlling the face in the swing. Quick question, would it be allowed to do this on course whilst playing?


Not to throw shade at other YouTubers, but compare this clean and concise advice that is totally easy to do at home and compare it to the stuff from say MrShortGame. His last video was about "not turning your shoulders but turning your shoulders". I tired the drill at home and totally didn't get it. In a Nutshell Mark, your vids are ace and love how easy the advice is to follow. With golf, the more simple the idea or drill, the better.


Hey mark, how do i get in touch ref booking a batch of lessons?


I'm great at face, terrible at path
