Pursuing Practical Refinement Types by Michael Perucca

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"Pursuing Practical Refinement Types" by Michael Perucca at Functional Scala 2022.

This talk presents a refinement-type implementation based on ad hoc subtyping. Scala 3 language features enable great improvements in this area, and Michael analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of such a system. He also explores the advances in compile-time verification of static data, its limitations, and alternatives to achieve a similar level of confidence.

Contents in the video:

00:23 The Problem In a Reduced Form
01:10 Solutions
05:32 Wishlist: What Do I Want?
06:24 The Beginning of an appealing solution
07:17 Trusted or Unchecked Constraint
09:38 Runtime Checking Example
12:50 Compile Time Checking Example
15:23 Constructing Proofs In Steps
17:33 Normalizing Equations with DeMorgan Laws
18:56 A Practical Refinement Type
20:31 Review

#FunScala2022 #scala #zio #functionalprogramming #functionalscala #scalaconference #scaladeveloper
Рекомендации по теме

Is there a source code somewhere? I would like to learn these techniques


How does your approach compares to existing libraries like Refined or Iron?

For example, Iron uses typeclasses with inline methods and seems to satisfy your wishlist:
- Runtime checks for unknowns (via `.refine`, `.refineEither` etc...)
- Compile-time checks (implicit conversion at compile-time between the "normal" type and its refined variant)
- Ability to bypass checking in certain situations via `asInstanceOf`. Maybe a `.assume[Constraint]` would be more elegant than `.asInstanceOf[Type :| Constraint]`?
- User-defined constraint support via typeclasses
- Composable constraints, again, via typeclasses
- Constraint normalization via inline
