What do Spanish People Think of Americans?

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In today's video we discussed what do People in Spain really think about Americans. This is how we see you.

The questions that we ask are:
0:00 Intro
0:22 First thing that comes to mind when Spaniards think of an American?
1:10 Biggest Cultural Difference Between a Spaniard and an American?
2:22 Do Spanish People think Americans are friendly?
3:23 Would Spaniards be interested in dating an American?
3:35 How do Spanish People think Americans see them?
4:31 What do Spanish People think of American Food?
5:15 Spanish Advice to an American who wants to visit Spain

Please write in the comments what you would want to ask next!

If you want to learn more about Spain check out our blog:

If you want to get a closer view of Spain check out our walks channel:

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We just came back from Spain a couple of weeks ago. We loved the trip and went to Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Cordoba, Granada, Peniscola, Valencia, and Barcelona. Great people, food, and many sights along the way.

I'm not surprised by any of the stereotypes in this video about Americans. We see it here too, but like every country we are not all the same.


"Se piensan que aquí todo es fiesta".... ¿qué les recomendarías si vienen a España? "Que salgan de fiesta!!!" 😂🤣😂


Siendo estadounidense concuerdo con muchos de los primeros consejos que les vinieron a la mente. Me dio much risa de que pensamos casi igual al pensar sobre mi país. Además, me parece interesante escuchar a las perspectivas de los demás sobre un país desconocido.

Tremendo video y muchas gracias.


Qué canal tan chulo para aprender español! ( cuadriculados, dejar la vida entera para..., fiestero, ) Me ayudáis un montón! 💓🥺


Me encanta que en español tengamos el gentilicio "estadounidense". Detesto que se/los llamen "americanos".


Good luck with the channel growth. Saludos desde Irlanda 👋


Thank you so much for having this video in Spanish - I have students who speak Spanish and English and this is great for my Spanish speakers to inengaed in the conversation


I think Spanish people are beautiful, smart, hard working and so kind!!!


Esta clase de vídeos tipo entrevista me entretienen mucho👏👏👏👏


Jajaja me ha hecho mucha gracia este video. Nací en Nigeria, pero mis padres me criaron en los Estados Unidos y incluso para mí (siendo estadounidense), las primeras cosas que me vienen a la mente al pensar en el país serían las armas, la comida basura y la obesidad sin duda alguna. El país tiene más que ofrecer, claro, pero creo que la gente en el video lo ha acertado con respecto a ese tema.

Pero hay muchos estadounidenses que son de mente abierta, que han viajado mucho y son más cultos. Creo que depende de la persona.


Thank you! It is good that videos like this one are pulling back the curtain on how Americans are perceived. It is time for serious reflection.


Lo que pasa es que no se puede generalizar tanto con EEUU. Es un pais inmenso con diferentes regiones. Hay lugares rurales y ciudades con mucha gente distinta.


Me gusta que hayan españoles que sepan sobre su historia. Si los estadounidenses supieran sobre la suya, el español sería idioma obligatorio en la escuela e instituto y se impartiría las mismas horas que el inglés


I have been to Spain once, years ago, on a business trip. I was only in Madrid, but I was impressed with the older, 18th Century architecture that you can find there, and there were some good seafood restaurants. I would like to go back and see Toledo and Galicia. I can still remember the jamon serrano, and I often look for a bottle of Rioja in the local wine store (and they always have a few). So, we are not completely ignorant of Spanish culture, although there is always more to learn.


Love Spaniards...especially Andalusians!


I lived in Spain for 6 months best 6 months of my life. I actually thought Spanish were harder to get to know as I lived in Zaragoza. If they were chill, they were party animals and very surface level. My friend is from Madrid and he is great but very short tempered. Europeans are harder to befriend but if you have one, they are your friend for life.


One thing they are completely right about: Universal health care is good.


Sort of have to disagree with the food and culture stereotypes. I live in San Diego, food here is big! A lot of people are surprised about the food culture when they come to the U.S. much of our food options consist of foods from around the world because of our heavy immigrant population, as well as new fusion type of restaurants and gastropubs. And when I want to eat something American, we dont always get fast food, I think we'd get sick if we did that every day 😂 I usually like American barbecue better 👍 as for the history and culture, well our history is your history!! Especially here on the west coast! Come on Spain! Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo??? Our architecture is extremely influenced by the Missions and presidios of California!


When I studied abroad in Germany, I met a lot of people from different countries but my favorite fellow student was a young Spanish man. My husband and I spent some time with him in the Freiburg after my classes. I found the Spanish and also Italians to be very warm, down to earth and friendly, like so many of my friends are in the US. As for American food, some of Americans don't like the typical American food either (though I admit, I do like a nice hamburger-usually homemade). There are so many different types of food here. We often eat pho, Thai, sushi, etc., but mostly I make healthy homemade meals at home (often with meat and veggies). Mmm. Never pork and I have never had a squid sandwich-was she saying that is American? That was kind of hard to understand, I have only heard of calamari (never had that either). Some Americans don't travel a lot or know about the world, others do. It depends on the person. I have been to ten countries other than the US and I studied international relations as I am very interested in the world, people, and culture. I find these videos interesting about people's perceptions of others from other countries. Thanks for interviewing people in Spain. It was interesting.


Yo he estado mas de un año saliendo con una estadounidense y son gente tb genial, .. y saben mucho más de nosotros de los que nosotros pensamos, .. a mi mi ex me organizaba el tour de que visitar por españa y por europa de cosas de las que yo no había oído hablar en mi vida, ..
