5,000 Yellow Jackets UNDERGROUND! Wasp Nest Removals

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This species of yellow jacket is Vespula maculifrons, aka "Eastern Yellow Jacket" and I rank this species as the 3rd most aggressive species I deal with, here in PA! This is typically a ground species, and today, I had to dig them up and remove them from an Elementary School playground. I, of course, feed the nest to my Emus, Rhea, and Chickens!

Animals Names:
Rhea: Rhea-the-Rhea
Emus: Sweetie, Baby, and Doris
Squirrel: Lady
Chickens: Henny, Little Red Birdies (4 young red pullets), The Ronettes (3 black hens), Blondie (Yellow Hen) and Lucy (Orange Hen)

For channel updates and behind the scenes content, Follow me on my socials!


#Wasp​​​​​​​​ #Hornets​​​​​​​​ #WaspNestRemoval​​​​​​​​ #HornetKing​​​​​​​​ #Infestation #HornetQueen #YellowJacket
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As a 70yr old senior who was stung TWICE by Southern hornets (1 under railroad ties, 1 under ground mowing) who THEN became HIGHLY ALLERGIC to insect stings (anaphylaxis), I thank u on behalf of those kids. Just ONE kid that could die is one too many.👍🖖🇺🇸


The birds being fed is my favorite part. They are so excited about that larva! Thank you for posting.


You explained it very well, how they're defending their home. Of course they're quite prolific and could be dangerous to anyone who stumbles upon their home, especially children. I've been stung by an eastern yellowjacket, the feet latched on hurt way more than the sting. They don't let go easily.


I love how gentle you are to those backyard animals! They love you!!


There’s something fascinating about this channel. Thanks for posting.


17:06 felt like something straight out of a cartoon😂

Amazing video, love the extra explanations of wasps' biological aspects, behaviors, etc! Awesome!


Interesting job you have, so much variation between the nest sizes and the number of individuals in a nest!
Keep up with the good work!


Yes, I live in PA and accidentally got stung while helping Dad mow the grass when I was 6. I remember he put the mower over top of their nest hole and I couldn't help but watch (in some kind of satisfaction?) them fly up and turn into compost in a millisecond! Kids getting stung is definitely a problem. I love that you feed the skunks, they must visit your house a lot! 😂


I used a shop vac to remove troublesome nests in northern CA, "troublesome" being the ones that presented a risk of being stumbled upon, provoking the defensive response you described. These were all western yellowjackets. The only thing I did differently from this video was to only mark the nests during the day - I'd set up a light, then vacuum them up and pull out the nests after about 10 PM, when they were all back in the nest. I always had the option to remove the nests at night.


I love how him doing his job is providing content for us and snacks for the animals


I really thought the beginning of this episode was interesting on aggressive/defending wasps. I’m always learning something new with every episode you put out! I was wondering if you can you guesstimate how many wasps you’ve vacuumed up in a season and how many nests? Look forward to your next video, keep up the great work!


I feel like no one ever talks about the production quality. It’s really good makes me feel like I watching something off animal planet or the discovery channel


That's impressive that you've identified and rank all of these yellowjackets. I only find the underground nests with the lawnmower or in the landscape. Actually they usually find me first which leads to my identification "oh crap, damn things". I live in SE Tennessee and that's the type we have around here. When I locate a nest of "oh crap, damn things" its time for the bug zapper as soon as the sun goes down. I love to watch em attack that light. :)


I appreciate your explanation regarding aggression. They are living creatures who are defending their nest, comrades and queen. They're not inherently evil, but instinctively defensive/protective.
Your feather babies are so cute and seem to really love the snacks you bring home. I hope 2023 will be a happier, and joyous year for you and your family. 💫💫💫


The birdies love that larve! I love the vacuuming!! Yay!
Been watching your show for years and I never get tired of any part of it! Thanks so much!!


This is peak content, man. I love seeing the different adventures you get into!


Hey, Hornet King. You have some knowledge of the behavior of these insects, so maybe you can answer my question: At my parent's house, we did some landscaping, and one day I was helping my dad lay some paving stones. Well, I dropped one, and it hit an underground nest. We were swarmed before we could run. Dad got stung pretty badly, but I didn't. In fact, I had wasps/hornets all over me. They were walking all over me, up and down my arms and legs and even in my hair. Yet I wasn't stung even once. In fact, if there are any wasps/hornets around, they will actually follow me to walk around on me. Do you have any idea why they would that?


I had a pretty passive hive that moved into my storage bench on my apartment's porch late this summer, I ended up spraying it, but I'd only ever seen a couple come in and out. Cleaned it out a couple days ago and they had eaten the cover off of my camping chair and started into the seat of it, the entire hive was inside the folded legs. Looked really gnarly, but it made me appreciate these little guys and what you do all the more, and it was really cool to know what I was looking at when I finally got around to trying to clean it out.


Holy crap you got emus now??!! That's so cool! Things changed so much since the last time I was around! Great to see you are still doing content! I been reading all the other comments, clearly new ppl, that's awesome!


Imagine playing during recess and running into a swarm of yellow jackets
