How To Swim Forever

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It is said that an athlete dies twice…One when he retires from his sport and the other when his heart stops beating.
In college, I won the award for "Most Likely to Still Swim at 90 Years Old." I was obsessed with swimming. Being an introvert, swimming was my favorite excuse not to go to parties. But in the pool I became more extroverted than the extroverts. I wanted to go to the Olympics and stand on the top of the podium. I worked hard to achieve my goal. Now I know that even though I was very committed, I didn't give it my all. I realize that although I was obsessed, there were swimmers much more obsessed than me. Winning was ONE of the most important things to me in swimming. But not the most important. It showed in the way I trained, competed and had fun in the water. That's why my teammates knew that I would never retire. Until I did.

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Swim fast!

00:00 - An athlete Dies Twice
00:51 - I- Swim forever
01:43 - II- Why do the pros hate swimming?
04:01 - III- Pain or discomfort?
06:23 - IV- Balanced Body
12:23 - V- Finite vs infinite goals
15:01 - VI- How to fight against the three monsters?

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If you liked this video, you will LOVE this other one. It is Everything You Need To Know To Swim Better:


I learned to swim at age 30. But I stopped swimming at age 40. At age 52, I got back in the pool because of a bad knee. And now I have swam every other day for the past 5 months. Knee feels good, diaphram and lungs and core are wonderful. I've lost 10lbs and I'm getting so much better. Thanks for these videos.


From Morocco.
I am 28y old and throughout my life I avoided pools and beaches, I only went exclusively alone or with my GF later on, always shied away and never had really a chance to learn, all what I did each 1 hour tops a year at the beach was to lay on my stomach for a few seconds on the water or jump ain a few waves, couldn't swim at all, sank like a rock and had no idea how to swim.

Each summer I find myself searching for how to swim etc. and never really did go with it, also couldn't afford a coach at all, so I kept shying away and avoiding until 2022 when I turned 28 y old and was in the beach with my nephew, playing with him on the beach until a big Oceanic (Atlantic Ocean) smacks us all, everyone who was there got thrown out, the kid got scared and started crying after he was having fun, that made me feel so much despair towards myself that I started fearing the worst, what if the wave did take the kid away, I wouldn't be able live at all. I never was much motivated to swim since everyone in the family, friends and even my GF swims, they all swim okay or good they'll never drown and I have been careful in face lf the Atlantic ocean my whole life, so, low motivation.
After the event with my nephew, which was no big deal from and outsider view but from me was a Huge lacking, especially of how responsible I am, I had decided that this year I wil definitely learn to swim ALONE.
It came a chance where we went to a holiday on the Mediterranean (very easy beach compared to the Atlantic) along with a pool in the residence, I started watching videos again, and I started applying since it beach was so easy.
Since I could always float a little on my stomach, I started adding kicks, after that, learned to float on my back for the first time in my life, felt so relieved that I could float, I always thought that I would sink, 2 weeks gone, got back home, looked for a pool, got registered with all the money I had, literally my account is 0 savings to get into that pool but now It was all for the best and was so worth it.

Along many channels YOUR CHANNEL was the best ever that made me come as far as almost swimming 25m in a pool without any breathe, from being a complete sinking rock.
In just 3 months I transformed from a Rock to almost a fish, all what is left is to master the skills which will take me years BUT the worst is behind me, fears gone, self confidence restored and determination is still on despite the injuries either way suffered on the pool (shoulders) or on my previous martial art sport.

Keep it up, you are by far the best swimming coach on the internet.


Hello there I am the former boxing champion who has been doing boxing for years and has done training for last 32 years and of course learning about it too.but now I have a dreams wich has been buried for all my life and that dream is swimming wich I have been trying to get good at enough to swimm in the see and reverse before I live this beautiful planet 🌏 I have training since 4mo ego and I have learned some good advice from you and your team. Thanks for your patience with this project. I will always keep trying to get to my dream


I started learning swimming at age 64 and still not finish learning swimming yet !


I’ve recently returned to swimming in late middle age. I’m not particularly fast, but after every swim, I feel as though I’ve won the Olympics. Keep swimming everyone! 😊


I started swimming for real just 2 weeks ago.

Yesterday I did a 25m-swim in just ONE breath.

It‘s not a monumental achievement for some, but its definitely unthinkable to me, not being able to swim just a month ago,

All because of your channel ❤


Good one! I never had the drive to try to get to Olympic level in any sport. Perhaps because I was too easily distracted by other sports. Now, at age 72, I am mostly swimming. I have always called exercise 'a mental health break'. You didn't mention 'repetitive motion' injuries, which do happen, in part to just doing the same things over and over again. I did have both hips replaced, and one knee replaced, due to use and abuse. Swimming was the best prep and rehab for getting through these ordeals. My dad had to 'retire' from exercise in his mid 90s because he passed out once after one of his power walks. He is now 100 and still goes in to work. "I am not going to retire until my birth certificate expires'. Me too. I swim 4 to 5 days a week, and about 3 miles per work out.


My single motivation for swimming is the good feeling which I have after every swimming session. Moreover swimming gives me tremendous mental uplift which helps me perform better in everyday life.


I started learning at the age of 37, so many questions that your videos help me to understand all features about swimming. It's been 5 years now and my love for this sport increases every day. Swimming 7500m now. Infinite thanks for sharing your knowledgment. 😘🙌


I love this. I recently got back into swimming since I lost 100 LBS. I still have goals for my times so I’m working to them. I can relate about the Swim Obsession. My teammates wouldve said the same thing about me. I have goals into my 50s. Still looking after that


You have given new perspective to injuries. This is the best video I have come across when it come to dealing with injuries. Thank you so much for this..!


I have to say your videos relate to me more than any other channel on YT. It goes beyond swimming and into the mentality of a recovering injured athlete. Thank you for the amazing content 👍


'A huge thanks' from Korea. I got much much better, after watching your videos!


Great videos. I swim since ever and i know i will never stop. The reason is simple : it feels so good. As a consequence, my performances are improving. There is satisfaction swimming longer and faster than others, but when occasionally someone is faster than me, I'm admirative rather than frustrated. Motivation remains intact because my main goal is to feel good 🐟


Thank you for your informative videos about swimming. The most incredible thing is your tips can still help people over 60 learn and improve their swimming technique. Swimming is by far the kindest exercise on one's joints and muscles. As we learn more about what it means to be healthy in old age, swimming stands out as the ideal exercise for older folks.


Each time YouTube presents this video to me, the Queen song "Who wants to live forever" begins playing in my mind with the lyrics "Who wants to swim forever..."

Video is great and inspiring, thank you for the effort and research you've put into this video, it is inspiring!


Touched, beyond expectations you are doing in the greatest way


Many thanks! your videos really widens my horizon and I enjoy it very much.


Thanks for this video. Deep considerations and an honest and personal point of view. It's good that you share your experiences. Ciao from Italy
