PS5 vs PS4 - The Best Playstation For You in 2024

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In this video, we will compare the PS5 vs PS4 and determine the best PlayStation for you in 2024.

The PS5 and PS4 are unique consoles, but which is the best for you in 2024? In this video, we'll compare the features of the two consoles and determine the best choice for you!

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Hey everyone! I've found an incredible deal on Amazon Australia for the PS5 console that is going for $761.96 which is a good discount that I had to share with you all. For a limited time, you can grab the console at a reduced price! 🚀

If you've been waiting to get your hands on one, now might be your best chance to do it without breaking the bank. Use my affiliate link below to check out the deal—this helps support the channel at no extra cost to you!

Remember, this is a limited-time offer, so act fast before they're all gone! Let me know if you manage to get one and what games you're looking forward to playing!

Happy gaming! 🕹✨


PS4 still alive and kicking up dust, even my ps3slim still alive and kicking up dust 😂


I got my ps4 since 2014 im still playing in 2024 i might get ps5 this Christmas
I enjoy my anime theme on ps4 with tye anime music background


$750 for a PS5 🤔 where the hell are you shopping? You got ripped off


I've had PS4 for about 5 and half years, it'll be 6 this years summer and so ive only played about 17 games and only finished 3, there are 15+ more games I wanna play on the console, I don't really see a reason to buy a PS5 right now as the only ps5 game that has released and I'm interested in is spiderman 2, that's all and I'm the type of guy who bought a ps4 just to play gow and then didn't get the game till next year and play 😂, so for me I ain't upgrading now, I would hope my cousin sends me a PS5 soon but even then, its just all PS4 games that I'll be playing on a PS5


My ps4 just died :( it was such a great experience i have alot of good memories with this console


I'm 10 years old and I got my ps4 in 2013 and I'm still saving until the ps6 install


I got a ps5 and I got to admit it’s an expensive piece of plastic and the battery life in the controller doesn’t last very long but I’m enjoying it as for the ps4 there a dime a dozen you can easily find on the used market or pawnshops for 150 to 299 for a pro there still content for the ps4 and probably will be for a few more years depending on the individual needs it’s up to you and what you can afford


Just got my ps5 today im stIil keeping my PS4


Upgrade the ps4 from hdd drive for a ssd to fix load times (note it makes a notice with downloaded games not on disc) also change thermal paste sense you're in there already clean everything inside. Now for me personally I put some holes over my fan on ps4 pro and it does help with some noise but it's minor if anybody has help with making the airflow better leave a comment plz


You need to do more asmr videos, do a ps5 one where you tap the console, and the games and show what you have while reviewing it all


Why PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 have a line on the front and underneath of the consoles lol


PS4 is gonna be around long as fuck they have to end up in third world every where before it becomes old


PS5 not worth it as decent aaa games are not available yet.


Look his eyes, he's just reading :p


Heres my issue no ps3 backwards compatibility. Still need 2 consoles. The PS3 has a massive library & I am not paying to stream them.
The PS5 is remaster city, with no exclusives 4 years in.
The PS4 pro should be supported, and have PS4 pro games its 4 Terra flops of power. It should have been kept in production for cross platforming titles. As the gap of almost 2 Terra flops to 10 is big between the base ps4 & 5.
Its not about graphics, its about games. It’s why the Switch is still out, games out the a.
However PS5 4 years in and they want a pro for what? Focus on PS5 games and maybe people will switch over.


I'll give an short awnser.
Wanna game and don't care for resolution and are fine with iffy performance get a standard ps4.
Are there still no current gen games in your interest but you'd like better performance get a ps4 pro (I'd recommend an ssd for it)
Do you have money and want to play current gen games at better performance and plan on playing more current gen games that the ps4 can't get a ps5


bro can i play games at 1080p 120fps on ps4 pro?


The only thing that the ps5 you can't do is go on the internet 😢


Your math is way wrong m8. PS5 in UK is now £369.99 and has been awhile. PS4 you can pick up easy for around £100.
