Did Jesus take some back to heaven when he preached in hell?

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This young woman presented a question based on something that Frank hadn’t heard yet. She encountered a claim that after Jesus preached while He was in hell, He brought back those who believed Him to Heaven. Remember, when someone makes a claim, it is their responsibility to support it, you don’t have to refute it. Frank explains to her how he would answer this question and the lack of evidence for this idea. Check it out! 

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“If you declare with your mouth “Jesus is Lord, ” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). Now is the time to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Obey His commands and repent of your sins because Jesus is coming back soon. Tomorrow isn’t promised.


I was just reading 1 Peter 3 yesterday and I wrote down this exact question. Perfect timing for this video


Ephesians 4:8-10 says that Jesus descended into the depths of the earth… cross referencing v8, he led a host of captives when he ascended. I believe this is talking about the time between Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus led those in Abraham’s bosom to heaven. According to Luke 16, Hell has two compartments, Hades, a place of torment and Abraham’s bosom, a place of comfort where all the saints went before Christ’s resurrection. Philippians 1 also states that now when we die in Christ we go to be with Him. Jesus is not in Abraham’s bosom, He is seated at the right hand of the Father. Abraham’s bosom is now empty.


These thumbnails lol raise his paycheck


I think she was talking about bring “Paradise” up to heaven in the presence of the Father. In the Old Testament, when you died you either went to paradise (Abraham’s bosom) or gahenna (hades). But in the New Testament when you die as a believer you go to where the Father is, because Jesus brought paradise with him to heaven where the Father is.


Life on earth is temporary, heaven is eternal - none of us can escape accountability.


Ray comfort says, if you trust in Jesus you will be saved. But you need to check your parachute.

Scripture also says no man can come unto me unless the Father sends Him. And to ALL those who believe in their heart...and you know the rest of the scripture.

I trust Him. He's always been faithful to me. Devil tried to take me before. And God stopped Him.
He is a Good Father.
Those who love are born of God.
Keep it going Frank. Love you.
Jesus is Alive!!!


My question would be, why would Jesus go preach in hell if there's no intent to save those who didn't see him in the first place? Is it just to go point fingers at them to say' "Haha. you're doom for eternity?" I don't think so.


The four words in Scripture that modern English translations use for "hell" are: Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, and Gehenna. These words, both the Greek and Hebrew, have specific meaning to what/where they are referring to in the Bible. I remember when learning this it helped me clear up confusion on similar questions like the one in this video. There are many resources on YouTube and the Internet that better explain the differences and history of translation.


If you sincerely want an answer to this woman's question, read "Crux, Mors, Inferi" by Sam Renihan. It explains it all very nicely and with Scriptural support.


What's good with Frank's videos is not just his answers but his tactics as well. Realizing who has the burden of proof is a good way to take the pressure off of you and be in control of the conversation. A good book I would recommend that teaches this (and many more) is Tactics by Greg Koukl. Enjoy!


Judgement is final after death. Get right with God though Jesus Christ now while you can.


Our super mighty savior Jesus Christ has the power to save us from hell, to the glory of His praise - Amen


Do you think that the gospel something initiated by God himself would be bound by space and time? That hi mercy couldn't be retro active?
It's amazing how people limit God within the confines of their own understanding and even within the physical laws that God put in place himself.


Me and my mom were having a Bible study on this the same time as this was released! The Holy Spirit moving through the body of Christ. Jesus went to "sheole" which is a place of utter darkness and misery for those that rejected salvation. Not hell! They dont go to hell until the final judgment. So they're in a reserved place of torment until it happens. Those that die with Christ as their Savior go to the opposite. A place of no sin, no torment, no memory or pain or suffering, until our own final day of judgment when we will be with Jesus


It seems like the Bible is very clear on this question. Ephesians 4:8-10 -- “Therefore it says, “When He ascended on high, He led captive a host of captives, And He gave gifts to men. (Now this expression, “He ascended, ” what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things.)”


But she was right… those who were in the grave were led to Heaven after the resurrection with Christ. There several text to support this claim


Questions to clarify: does hades = hell? Doesn’t hades have two parts, paradise (Luke 23:43) and torment separated by a great chasm (Luke 16:26)?


1Peter 3:19 is not saying that Jesus went to hell to preach, but if you pay attention to the context of the passage by reading the following verse you’ll notice a specific group is being referred to, which is those with whom God patiently waited to repent while Noah was preparing the ark, yet never listened. The implication here is that the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead was the same Spirit by which Jesus preached through Noah to the unbelieving souls of that time that were now lost in hell in the day that Peter was writing.

And Abraham’s bosom is not a place, it’s Abraham’s bosom, so that Lazarus was near to Abraham, who was in heaven. It appears to me that Lazarus who was poor and lowly on earth had obtained a lofty place next to Abraham in heaven.


Jesus took those in Abraham’s Bosom to heaven after he preached to them (Ep 4:8). Jesus told the thief on the cross, “today you will be with me in paradise” which according to Revelations 2:7 is in Heaven. Yet in Luke 16 it says that the righteous go Abraham Bosom and the unrighteous to Hades. This is true but it was before the sacrifice of Jesus. After his death and sin paid for, those that die in the Lord go directly to heaven. “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” – 2 Cor 5:8. Heaven is not a combination of Hades and Abraham’s Bosom. Hades is in the center of the Earth (Ep 4:9). Abraham’s Bosom is empty now because those that die in the Lord are with him. Jesus preached the Gospel to who died with the knowledge of him and then ascended to heaven with them. Those that die without Christ up until today still go to Hades first then the Judgment. Afterward in the future Death and Hades will be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever (Rev 20:14)

“When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.” – Ep 4:8
