python pil image crop

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The Python Imaging Library (PIL), also known as the Pillow library, is a powerful library for image processing tasks in Python. Cropping is a common operation in image processing, and PIL provides a straightforward way to crop images. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to crop images using PIL with code examples.
If you haven't installed the Pillow library, you can do so using pip:
Once installed, you can import the necessary modules from Pillow in your Python script or Jupyter notebook:
First, let's load an image onto which we'll perform the crop operation:
The crop method in PIL is used for cropping. It takes a box parameter, which is a tuple representing the left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinates of the region to be retained. Here's an example:
In this example, the cropped image will include pixels in the rectangle defined by (100, 50, 400, 300).
To visualize the original and cropped images, you can use the show method:
If you want to save the cropped image to a file, you can use the save method:
Here's the complete example combining all the above steps:
This tutorial provides a basic understanding of image cropping using the Pillow library in Python. You can modify the coordinates in the crop_box variable to crop different regions of the image as needed.
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