How Firefighters show love.....AKA Tons of Pranks!

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Fire Responders (Firefighters, EMTs, and Paramedics) to show love through HARMLESS pranks. It's one of the best parts of the job!
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I know a firefighter in Austria who was late for work, still lying in his bed. So his colleagues came and knocked on his windows. His apartment was on the third floor.


I was the shortest EMT and because I had a hard time reaching certain things when restocking the rig. They decided to get me a special ladder to help out, It was one from the little tikes slide. Joke was on them, it was the perfect hight I needed to never ask for help reaching things again. It retired with me.


Helicopters have "Emergency Release" handles for the doors. In case of a crash, these handles can be pulled, ejecting the door hinges, which releases the door from the hinge side...should the door latch be incapacitated. In my department we sometimes fly with the doors off, for better ventilation/cooling of the crew. Everyone is told when they first come into the unit, "Don't ever touch those handles! Just keep your hands off!!" During one flight, my partner decided to adjust his seating position by grabbing something, and giving his body a good yank. What he'd grabbed was the Emergency Release handle, and what yanked was the door hinges to the helicopter (luckily, we were flying without the doors that day!) The hinges were last seen departing the aircraft at a very swift velocity, plummeting to the river below. Being an aviation part, they were $2, 000 to replace. Since that day, the Emergency Release handles are now known as "Jeremy Handles." Yup...don't be THAT guy. ;-)


Nothing like a ceremonial bagpipe entrance to make sure you’re never late again.

Doesn’t get any better than that. Thanks for the laugh 😂


A while back a family member sent me a picture of someone searching inside an ambulance with the caption "new guy told to find the fallopian tubes"


We used to make probies go and look for random things we kept down in the basement...

Our station didn’t have a basement


"Check the brake fluid on the rescue truck." Literally spent a good 5 minutes looking for it even though I knew - KNEW - that it used air brakes.


Working as a clerk for FD after I retired from industrial firefighting. One guy was definitely "that guy" when it came to pranks taking everything a bit too far (he messed with the lasagna dinner I spent 4 hours making and had ready for the crew) Note: do NOT mess with food, nor the person responsible for setting up your physical, because they will add a stress test, colonoscopy, and prostate exam.


I got to spend a few days working with the local FD and Rescue peeps as a Role Player for their big annual disaster training. Chief running the show pulls me aside just before their big end of the day scenario (building collapse and fire), and asks me "how crazy can you be?"
"how crazy do I need to be, Chief?"
"Like my ex-wife on meth, crazy."
"Do my best."

They were using empty boxes, styrofoam, and pool noodles as simulated debris (cause they didn't wanna actually crush us, but they had mannequins under cinder blocks and pallets to actually dig out when they 'rescued' us)

I'd just recently watched Band of Brothers with my friends, so i decided it would be perfect to pretend I was a lost and confused soldier who thinks the Germans have come to finish him off after shelling his house. So when the Firemen unburried me I screamed my best R. Lee Ermy warcry and attacked them with the pools noodles, ran around like a lunatic from cover to cover throwing boxes at them and yelling "FRAG OUT!" and generally being the most royal pain in the ass and uncooperative type I could be

Eventually I got exhausted and the lads were able to tackle me and get me on a stretcher and completely head to toe strapped down on. Left strapped down for their immediate AAR and discussion. Then they came over. "Bad News, General Patton, we have to transport you to the hospital..." Said one firefighter with that shit eating grin in his face as they tossed me in the back of the rescue and took every back road they knew and SLOW.

Arrived in some kind of park where they off loaded me and put me on a table in one of those no wall park structures, where they were apparently having a post training day BBQ for all the lads who took part. I was left strapped down through most of it across from the table they had all the food. (They did pop a can of coke for me, and rigged two straws together so I could drink from it)

Finally as the sun went down they freed me (think it was about 3 hours of being strapped down) and we all had a good laugh about it. Damn good BBQ too.


Once got our probie to recharge the fluorescent strips on a hi viz jacket, we knew he wouldnt believe us so we wrote a test schedule using the correct paper, put it in the folder and off he went with a uv light, even better he was caught in the act by an officer who reprimanded him for not doing it in the right room!!!


Lol never ending dishes 😂😂😂 dude was turning around looking for that dish pile lol


Don’t forget to ask someone to get the left handed axe


I knew a crew of Volunteers who had a guy transfer from a neighboring station. That night they did backboard training, they backboarded the new guy drove to his former station and left him out front with a sticky note saying "Return to Sender." Best part his old station was on a call he was out there for an hour. The new guy was my Dad and one of the guys backboarding him, my Uncle.


In my first week, three of the guys convinced me that the engine tank water had to be stirred and I did that as part of truck checks for like two weeks until my Lt noticed.


Fell for the never ending dishes about 25 years ago. Also woke up from a nap in the recliner with my fingernails painted pink. 😩


We sent a probie to the clinic for his pap smear appointment. The nurse called us in tears 😭


My husband had been a volunteer for 28 years before hanging up the gear six years ago (I’ve been a volunteer for 21 years now), and the pranks that were pulled before I joined up were hilarious! Ketchup in one boot and mustard in the other, shaving cream in the helmet, an infamous “hot pizza challenge, ” tying people to the backboard during EMT/EMR training, the list is endless!

But the best was one he told me about where they switched a guy’s boots in his gear with old boots that they Super-Glued to the floor, then quietly requested that headquarters put out a test page. When the alert went off, they all scrambled so our hero thought it was real and went to get into gear. The next thing you heard was a crash from the engine bay and him shouting “YOU SONSABITCHES!!!!”


My best (and actually, only) prank was when working hospital security. We dealt with many different tasks, including transporting bodies to the morgue. An EMT student came in with an ambulance crew, and she was showing an inordinant amount of interest in the morge, death, dead bodies, the person they'd just transported, etc. She kept asking to see the bodies in the morgue. My partner deferred, but finally agreed to at least take her down to the room, saying, "There aren't usually any out, but I can show you the autopsy space."

My partner on duty (unlike me) was a terrible prankster, and he asked me to go pull one of the morgue carts out into the autopsy room, lay on it, and wait. Thankfully, our hospital usually had at least one cart free [it wasn't small, but there was a lot of turnover because of the number of funeral homes in the area]. I did so, though that cart was damn cold. After a couple of minutes, he beeped me over the radio so I would know he was coming down [keep in mind this was well over a decade and a half ago] and I heard the door open a moment or two later. I waited, heard them talking. She asked some questions, he answered. She asked about the fridges, wanted to look inside, he denied her. She asked about the room beyond, with the cart in it, and he said, "Oh, that's the autopsy and harvest room - the cart usually isn't out. Maybe the pathologist left it? That's what the bodies are transported on?" Then I heard her walk right up next to the cart, and I lunged out from under the cover, half-falling off the cart as I grabbed at her, growling.

The poor young woman hit the far wall of the autopsy room and dropped to the floor, screaming. My partner fell over and was laughing so hard I thought he would piss himself.

I'm not "proud" of it, since I'm not a prankster, but I am proud that the one prank I have pulled off hopefully had an impact.


"Admin doesn't like you, and neither do we!" Brilliantly said. Oh, and for those wildland firefighters, sending out the new kid to sharpen the Dozer blade with a file always provides hours of entertainment. Props go to CalFire for that one!!


The EPA bagged emissions test is great. Worked in a warehouse as a foreman and remember the time firefighters got me to do that, so i then made it a tradition to get new guys in the warehouse that got past their 3 week 'dont fuck up' time. Greatest part is our propane forklifts the exhaust is inside the engine compartment wedged between the radiator and the back counterweight. Always good fun giving them a trashbag with a fake sticker on it and them spending 40 minutes on one to find the exhaust...then spend another 2 hours doing it to the rest of them and the skidsteers. No one ever questioned why the EPA needed one bag with 12 LPG, 2 diesel and (one occasion)an electric exhaust or why everyone is laughing at the new guy walking around with a trashbag balloon full of dizzy air.
