Every Angel Explained In 27 Minutes (Full Version)

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Every Angel Explained In 27 Minutes (Full Version)
The Life of Jesus
I explain stuff through paint, subscribe and activate the bell if you liked this video.
00:00 Lucifer
00:32 Samyaza
01:22 Michael
01:42 Daniel
01:52 Zadkiel
02:10 Uriel
03:05 Raguel
03:47 Ramiel
04:04 Azazel
04:40 Asael
04:50 Gabriel
05:26 Selaphiel
05:48 Turiel
06:02 Samael
06:43 Sariel
07:06 Azrael
07:12 Ananiel
07:36 Haniel
07:52 Abaddon
08:12 Zaqiel
08:27 Phanuel
09:09 Arakiel
09:22 Yahoel
09:40 Nanael
09:53 Satriel
10:00 Penemue
10:52 Israfil
11:00 Camael
11:19 Hadraniel
11:39 Barachiel
11:47 Uziel
12:04 Sandalphon
12:32 Munkar and Nakir
12:39 Jophiel
12:55 Cassiel
13:11 Armaros
13:25 Batriel
13:35 Agiel
13:45 Ariel
14:18 Pravuil
14:32 Puriel
14:51 Mu'aqqibat
15:17 Tamiel
15:44 Kerubiel
16:03 Artiya'il
16:10 Asbeel
16:14 Zaphkiel
16:32 Adathan and Yadathan
16:50 Wormwood
16:55 Yomiel
17:05 Hamalat al-Arsh
17:10 Muriel
17:17 Batriel
17:28 Nuriel
18:04 Maalik
18:16 Raziel
18:30 Sabriel
18:52 Sahaquiel
19:06 Raphael
19:17 Nbaṭ
19:44 Barbiel
19:53 Zerachiel
20:09 Chazaqiel
20:26 Dumah
20:44 Kokabiel
21:00 Manda d-Hayyi
21:16 Metatron
21:23 Netzach
22:02 Bezaliel
22:11 Jegudiel
22:27 Kushiel
22:33 Pahaliah
23:01 Adriel
23:10 Beburos
23:20 Lailah
23:34 Shamsiel
23:50 Anush
24:01 Bihram
24:13 Abatur
24:31 Hibil
24:45 Kiraman Katibin
24:56 zephon
25:07 Amitiel
25:14 Cherub
25:28 Imamiah
25:38 Mitzrael
25:48 Mastema
25:59 Gubran
26:14 Barachiel
26:24 Chalkydri
26:34 Kalqa'il
26:47 Harut and Marut
26:56 Arariel
The Life of Jesus
I explain stuff through paint, subscribe and activate the bell if you liked this video.
00:00 Lucifer
00:32 Samyaza
01:22 Michael
01:42 Daniel
01:52 Zadkiel
02:10 Uriel
03:05 Raguel
03:47 Ramiel
04:04 Azazel
04:40 Asael
04:50 Gabriel
05:26 Selaphiel
05:48 Turiel
06:02 Samael
06:43 Sariel
07:06 Azrael
07:12 Ananiel
07:36 Haniel
07:52 Abaddon
08:12 Zaqiel
08:27 Phanuel
09:09 Arakiel
09:22 Yahoel
09:40 Nanael
09:53 Satriel
10:00 Penemue
10:52 Israfil
11:00 Camael
11:19 Hadraniel
11:39 Barachiel
11:47 Uziel
12:04 Sandalphon
12:32 Munkar and Nakir
12:39 Jophiel
12:55 Cassiel
13:11 Armaros
13:25 Batriel
13:35 Agiel
13:45 Ariel
14:18 Pravuil
14:32 Puriel
14:51 Mu'aqqibat
15:17 Tamiel
15:44 Kerubiel
16:03 Artiya'il
16:10 Asbeel
16:14 Zaphkiel
16:32 Adathan and Yadathan
16:50 Wormwood
16:55 Yomiel
17:05 Hamalat al-Arsh
17:10 Muriel
17:17 Batriel
17:28 Nuriel
18:04 Maalik
18:16 Raziel
18:30 Sabriel
18:52 Sahaquiel
19:06 Raphael
19:17 Nbaṭ
19:44 Barbiel
19:53 Zerachiel
20:09 Chazaqiel
20:26 Dumah
20:44 Kokabiel
21:00 Manda d-Hayyi
21:16 Metatron
21:23 Netzach
22:02 Bezaliel
22:11 Jegudiel
22:27 Kushiel
22:33 Pahaliah
23:01 Adriel
23:10 Beburos
23:20 Lailah
23:34 Shamsiel
23:50 Anush
24:01 Bihram
24:13 Abatur
24:31 Hibil
24:45 Kiraman Katibin
24:56 zephon
25:07 Amitiel
25:14 Cherub
25:28 Imamiah
25:38 Mitzrael
25:48 Mastema
25:59 Gubran
26:14 Barachiel
26:24 Chalkydri
26:34 Kalqa'il
26:47 Harut and Marut
26:56 Arariel