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Skits from the ER [Ep. 44].

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Tbf getting urine samples if you're a girl really sucks. No one ever really tells you how to properly do it and there's really no easy way. It's a huge pain in the ass and always messy. Props to him for actually explaining


I wasn't sure what to expect, but I knew that it was going to be either very informative, funny, or very wholesome. Ben is so awesome


This reminds me of when I was miscarrying, and every time I changed into a new diaper, i would bleed/clot all over the floor. I kept crying and apologizing to the nurse but then she said, “honestly girl, I’d rather clean this up than shit or vomit, it’s okay.” I wanted to hug her, she just made the situation way more calm. She was a great nurse!!


So let me tell you a story, I almost died because a hospital said that because I was on my “ period “ they can’t take my urine and I had to come back when the period was over, they didn’t even bother to check or ask. unfortunately It was ectopic pregnancy that I didn’t know about and it was ruptured, I’m so thankful that my husband took me to another hospital because I was in an undescribable pain . And the doctors in the other hospital said that even if one is on their period the hospital should still ask for urine


“If you sprinkle while you tinkle. Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie”


As someone who explains clean catch urine collection to patients all day every day, this was absolutely perfect. I'd love to see more examples of how easy it can be to be clear AND compassionate.


As a girl who started her period in elementary school…thank you…i remember meeting very fun, competent male nurses who provided unconditional positive regard to me and it made it so much less scary…


Literally need more male doctors like Ben. I go through periods where I projectile vomit, bleed heavily, and CRAMP so intensely I can’t stand up straight. My heating pad is my best friend, and I’m almost never off of it for the first three days. Ended up burning myself.

The - male - doctors on staff all concluded I was being reckless, gave me anti-nausea medicine, and said that the ONE way I found comfort from disabling cramps was bad and I should stop after being rude and condensing to me.

Nah man.

Me and Jerry (my heating pad) have been goin’ strong since 2k14 🤘🏼


This is actually really informative... I'm in my 30s and they've never explained that to me


I felt this one. One time, I saw 2 nurses making fun of a girl who had her period, right in front of her. It was sad.


I've denied urine tests because of how messy and humiliating it is for me. My last urine test was for my pregnancy and I knew it needed to be done so I told the nurse the situation and she gave me a bowl thingy so I could just pour it into the cup. So amazing, clean, and stress free. Women, you are not alone!


Lol... Modesty goes right out the window in the ER. Good job, Ben!


The first time I had to pee in a cup at the doctor's I had no idea what I was doing so I thought it would help to be standing while I had one foot on the toilet seat(I was about 9 so the toilet was a bit tall for me at the time) Well let's just say the angle was not helpful and I started pee at the sink. I panicked, slipped, hit my head on the grip bar next to the toilet on my way down and knocked myself out cold. My mom was just outside the door and heard everything so she quickly got someone to open the door and found me in my less than flattering situation. I still ponder at child me's logic there, not even sound at all lol


I used to get sick a lot, and had to do urine samples all the time. None of the doctors explained how to properly do them like this, they’ve always been like “here’s a cup and the bathroom is there, good luck” So thanks for making this video.

*EDIT:* Please explain how to do a stool sample, I still haven’t figured that out.


That was very compassionate. I’m glad this one was gentle towards the patient
Girls go through enough embarrassment with lady issues. Well done!


He was so sweet, kind and considerate 😭 He didn't make her feel ashamed at all! ❤️


The weird thing is if someone winks at me in an awkward situation I immediately relax.
So yeah, smart move here.


When I was in hospital as a teen for anorexia they would make us give a pee sample before every weigh-in (twice a week) to make sure we weren’t ‘water-loading’ (even though we couldn’t since we weren’t allowed to have a water bottle in our rooms before weigh-in days). Since weigh-in always took place at 6 in the morning (I assume for torture purposes) and I was in hospital for 7 months I am the queen of giving pee samples. Perfect aim. And an expert at midstream catching. Too much info?


More medical professionals like Ben please, when you're already in pain the worst thing is to also feel ashamed and confused, some doctors and nurses make the experience of going to the hospital so much worse than it should be, I don't think they do it on purpose, they just assume you know what to do, and that you should be very open when having to talk about your body nut working as it's supposed to do


Great video, actually!

Mini rant from a frequent kidney stone producer, who is extremely familiar with giving urine samples… For the love of all that is holy, why can’t they give women a better way to collect urine? Just a handle on the cup would help tremendously.

I can’t even describe the difficulties I had trying to collect a sample when I was 7 months pregnant and vomiting non-stop thanks to the pain of my first stone. It’s beyond ridiculous that the only real option was catheterization if I couldn’t miraculously line up that teeny cup around my big belly while between vomiting sessions!
