Favorite questions to ask in a Network Engineer interview?

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I really hate these types of questions, like what port is DNS? Come on bro nobody remembers these trivial pieces of information but we know how to find it right, my answer would be “there are so many, I may not know them all but I can find it in RFC or IEEE or IETF documentation” that’s great answer cuz hell no Network Engineers remembers everything but we sure know how to find it when we need it, so I know off the back u ask bad questions, a good question would be “explain to me briefly how MPLS works and some of it benefits” now why is it a good question? Cuz in the service provider world we use MPLS all the time & its by default advanced level routing, so based how well u answer I can tell if u know ur stuff or not- that’s a Great question, not asking about random ports numbers nobody remembers, I can use wire shark and see the port number, does anyone remember them all? Lol ask questions good bro that gauge knowledge NOT trivial questions


I love a 'Pearson-Vue test' panel interview with cutting a score of 820 out of 1000.. However, we're professionals and we're expected to find the answers, not know them all. Trust but verify.


For the SSH works but SCP does not question: the the answer for a sysadmin might be a config issue, but for a network engineer it's slightly different: remember that interactive ssh sessions typically are sending fairly little text, while scp is for bulk transfer. See the difference? If you have problems with pMTUd then you can get this outcome. (I bumped into weird behavior like this ~20 years ago when my apartment complex had multiple layers of NAT.)


Thank you, it's truly helpful for all job seekers and as well as for Hiring managers. Kudos!!


Thank you very much for this, it was really helpful. Also for the NANOG Trace route presentation recommendation.


for SSH working and SCP not the only reason could be MTU issue.Good question thou


@Mehmet - Would you like to bring some light on Network Engineer Vs Resident Engineer, what are roles and responsibilities and how different are they.


were you going to post the questions?:D