How To Create Meaning In Your Life

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In this video, author and mental health educator Douglas Bloch and videographer Noah Thomas join forces to explain why people who suffer from depression can benefit if they feel a sense of purpose about their life. If you are participating in an activity that gives your life a sense of meaning or you are learning something from your pain, you are more likely to be bear that pain with grace and equanimity.

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It's so important to find ways to 'escape the prison of self'. Even something as simple as smiling and saying hello to people who live around you or who you interact with can help improve your mood by simply being positive and warm-hearted. Be reflective and try to find things or thoughts that could be bringing your mood down and get them out of your life.


Noah, what a kind thing to do, cooking and hosting!🌻


Dead Douglas, I have been listening to you. And your way of talking and golden advices remind me of my grandpa I miss the old guy it's been 15years that his beautiful soul left this beautiful world. I never felt about anyone this way. I love your helping nature. Thank you very much more love and power. May you live long to spread all your care and wisdom♥️ God bless


Douglas smashing the button got me good. Noah channel certainly best in internal battle


Great video Douglas. I love "Man's Search for Meaning." My favorite line is, When you no longer expect anything from life... Life expects something from you! (Paraphrased.)


Thank you so much I really need to hear this


Doug ...excellent reflection as usual ! Keep doing what your doing...🎨


Douglas, great video! You and Noah make a great team!


Douglas, your conversations create so much peace! (Texas Angel, Wendy)♥️


For me, and maybe for some others, the sense of meaningfulness comes about when one is successfully pursuing an important role in a positive grand project with effects larger than themselves and their lifetimes, and is recognised as such by others. The more success, the more important, the grander the project, the longer lasting and more positive the impact, the more acknowledged, the deeper the sense of meaning.

The issue is that any real degree of those things in the modern world is reserved only for a tiny number of humans. Most people are never going to play an important role in any grand project, let alone be successful or acknowledged for their contribution. The smarter and more self-aware one is, the more they recognise their relative lack of importance or the temporary nature of their impact, and therefore the less meaningful they feel their lives to be.

I have the felt loss of an absence of meaning because I have no realistic capacity to be anyone important or valuable in any worthwhile project larger than myself, and I am aware enough to know this and feel it acutely.


"...Why did the archeologist go bankrupt? Because his career was in ruins!..."


Whenever I feel like giving up I think about my wife n daughter, I made myself a promise that we would never be in the same situation we were about 2 years ago, no job no money and almost getting kicked out of our apartment... All because of deppresion and anxiety. Best of luck in everyone's recovery and remember you are the master of your own thoughts


City Slicker thumbnail got me lol~ I'll be there💓~~~>°•○☆💕


...i have found it through Jesus Christ...the meaning of life, i mean... ❤️🙏🌹...


Hi doug
What do you do when you have a physical illness and are not able exercise.
My depression is like a rollacoster . Iv had a few depressed episodes
Up and down.
Migraine with vertigo
On going shingles.
2 failed suicide attempts.
My beautiful mum has just passed away.
Am heartbroken 💔
And just want to take my life.
My family are all together and because iv no energy am alone grieving.
Even through my depressed episodes iv had to get through alone.
I am tired of anxiety and depression.
Before I got CHRONIC fatigue SYNDROME
I had ways to cope.
Now iv no ways .
And I want to go.
I do have a carer who comes in daily.
But ever evening am alone.
Iv lost 4 pets this year
But my biggest loss is my mum. How do I go on. I feel depressed now.
People do not understand CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME and theirs nothing to say how to get out of depression.
I have to go doug.
I can not do the grieving process alone.
I can not stay here no more.
I feel sad alone isolated
Angry frustrated my beautiful mum has gone .how do you cope with all them feelings all at once.
Please tell me how.
Their is a book called how to end your life peacefully. I will do something from their.
2 people with chronic fatigue syndrome have ended their lives both 2 weeks apart.
I have to go.
Thank you for reading
