【Ekskul Days】Let's Make an Original Character! BIKIN OC 1 JAM #holoID_EkskulDays【hololiveID 2nd gen】

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Perhatian! Sang putri merak yang tertiup angin, aku Pavolia Reine dari hololive ID!#Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine #holoID #hololive #hololive_ID

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makasih Bu Reine buat klub gimana cara membuat OC, seru


Just a few stamps (Very simple today, cuz I'm at work rn )
04:29 Sabar guys... Reine changing clothes
05:28 Stream Start. HoloId Ekskul days Starto!
06:07 Reine decorated her room so we can do a lot of things
06:25 Everybody as long as they have pen and paper are welcome
06:44 what should we call you? kak (big sis), Reine will teach us how to make an OC
07:21 Hashtag #ReineOCMaking - post your result. can we use My friend as a paper - With oc making, as You guys watch, you can drew whatever You please including Your self insert
08:28 we only have one hour, so maybe we should get started because making characters take a while because it consumes brain power
09:19 WAKE UP! furries, or whatever, You're allowed to. as for Reine she's gonna create a Person
10:21 1. Concept. What's the core idea of what character. If you have a story, what type of person or a hero? What's is their role
11:32 Role&genre. foe example like Hero, Villain, ... and then their back ground, Fantasy world, or something straight off slice of life
13:26 for Example Reine wanna make a Knight in a Fantasy world, and he's a villain
14:47 2. Basic Info - name, age, gender. For example Reine's OC is Bambang, age 21. Gender: Male
17:29 3. Personality. Personality or Traits. let's say, Bambang is Pffff Cold but Not Evil
18:14 skibidi mention
19:09 He's stingy but he loves cat. Unstable, He's supposed to be "good" but it's the external influences. Moona appears in chat
20:00 He's stingy, cuz he never pays for his food
20:24 Is that Kronii?
21:40 Bebas
22:35 So the Personality of this OC He's only evil because He listen to the external forces, and he always not paying for the food - Definitely Kronii
24:06 Salah pencet
24:39 4.Appearance/visual. Is the OC tall ? short? fat or skinny? long haired ... it's all about Physical appearance. Bambang has spiky, short hair
25:54 There's no limits, if you wanna make your OC, it's yours. He got angry intimidating eyes. The body would be slightly athletic. tall
26:45 He's athletic and tall
27:24 Clothing: Knight clothes. They wore Gambeson shirts
28:05 Night clothes, pole dance Why are we talkingabout underwear. Guys, don't make yabe OC
30:04 don't forget to upload your oc on #ReineOCMaking when you're done
31:24 5.Purpose&Motivation. Reine's OC wants to rule the world
32:37 He wants to brainwash the whole kingdom and make them worship the main villain. He's kinda narcissist
33:54 He wants validation and love from the main villain
34:32 As for the Drive, let's say the OC wants validation recognition from the main villain, or revenge driven. Bambang or this OC is not the main villain, there is the bigger villain
36:16 Replacing the logo. Can Reine be shrunken instead
37:15 Punipun appears in chat
37:24 6. Strength&Weaknesses
37:52 Oshi no ko reference lol
38:33 His strength - he's good at problem solving, but physically he's really clumsy
41:19 7. Relationship. For the Relationship, Jasuke is childhood friend
43:03 Bambang is conflicted. The childhood friend is stunned to see the today's Bambang, he's now Evil
44:44 when you guys are done, You can also Match up Your OC if their settings/world is the same theme
45:36 Concept: Bambang is a villainous knight in a fantasy setting
46:29 Basic Info: Bambang is a 21 yo male knight
47:33 His personality - He's stingy af, loves cats, impressionable. he was influenced to be evil. and he doesn't pay for food - I wonder who is Reine's inspiration, because it sounds familiar
49:27 Visual: Short purple hair, evil face. He's athletic and tall and wearing knight outfit - cold eyes!
50:39 Motivation - his goal is to brainwash the Kingdom to make them worship the main villain. He needs validation&love, revenge to the kingdom that abandoned him - sounds kinda like Omega
52:10 Strength and weakness. He's good at problem solving, but physically he's clumsy, fragile
53:03 Relationship: (Osananajimi) Friends since little (Bambang still kind) The girl, his friend, is very devastated that Bambang turned evil. Bambang is conflicted cuz of his childhood friend. He has a guilty conscience about whether he's doing the right thing or not
56:08 #ReineOCMaking, don't forget to show the results of your work, guys. Use your imagination
57:38 Short free talk
58:54 The whole concept. Use your brain power and make your own OC
59:45 Btw who's streaming next? Risu or Moona? Reine gonna redirect
1:00:28 Promoting the new cover, Fatal
1:01:12 Closing Comments
1:01:29 Hopefully by making OC you guys can make Your own anime
1:01:46 Salam MERAKyats


Tukas ku ka reine

Nama : kumo
Spesies : komodo
Gender : laki laki
Usia : 18
Tinggi: 2, 5 meter dari kepala ke ekor
Warna: Sisik berwarna hijau zaitun gelap dengan bercak coklat tua yang memudar pada punggung. Mata kuning cerah dengan pupil berbentuk elips seperti kucing.

Kepribadian : kumo adalah komodo yg bijaksana, dan cerdas dibandingkan sesaman spesiesnya

Fisik super
Kecepatan tinggi


Latar Belakang: kumo tumbuh di sebuah pulau terpencil, jauh dari peradaban manusia. Kumo menjadi pemimpin kelompok komodo setelah berhasil melawan pemimpin lama dalam sebuah duel. Karena kecerdasan dan kebijaksanaannya kumo memiliki impian untuk menjaga keseimbangan alam di pulau tersebut dan mencegah gangguan dari manusia yang mulai menjelajahi wilayah mereka. Meski keras, kumo sering mempertanyakan hubungan antara manusia dan alam, dan berusaha mencari jalan tengah tanpa harus terjadi perang

Tujuan: Melindungi tanah airnya dari invasi manusia sambil mencari solusi damai untuk hidup berdampingan. Disamping itu

Tujuan utamanya sebenarnya adalah kumo suka dengan seorang Putri dari komandan Ksatria yang pernah ikut Explorasi ayahnya ke tempat pulau kumo tinggal.



Ini tugasnya, kak

Orang yang baru bangkit dari mati
Role -> Adventurer
Genre -> Fantasy

*_Info dasar_*
Nama : Himeka
Umur : 25
Gender : Perempuan
Seseorang yang baru saja bangkit dari kematian melalui cara yang tidak logis dan tidak terduga.

1. Ceria
2. Ceroboh
3. Terobsesi dengan timun

1. Berambut panjang berwarna putih dengan aksen-aksen merah muda di bagian bawahnya
2. Matanya pink sebelah, tetapi mata satu laginya sudah mengalami kerusakan sehingga ditutup
3. Mukanya soft dan ceria, sering sekali tersenyum manis
4. Menggunakan hoodie walau jarang menutup muka
5. Di bawah hoodie-nya, memakai pakaian yang cukup elegan walau sudah banyak bagian yang robek dan rusak

*_Tujuan dan Motivasi_*
Goal: Mengingat dan mencari tahu tentang dirinya sendiri
Drive: Karena ingatannya yang buram, dia penasaran dan akhirnya berkelana untuk mencari tahu tentang dirinya sendiri

*_Kelebihan dan Kelemahan_*
Kelebihan: Sangat kuat secara fisik, mahir dalam penggunaan berbagai senjata karena muscle memory
Kelemahan: Ceroboh, kagok, dan naif

Seekor burung hantu entah kenapa selalu mengikuti dia dan sering membantu memberi dia petunjuk saat sedang kesusahan. Tetapi, Himeka tidak tahu apakah semua itu disengaja atau tidak. Dia hanya senang punya teman berkelana walaupun temannya seekor burung hantu.

*_Kesan dan Pesan_*
Sangat informatif dan menarik. Melalui ekskul ini dan dengan bimbingan kakak ketua Reine, saya dapat halu lebih lancar dan efektif. 10/10 would join and recommend this club



Ga nyangka seru juga mikir buat OC
Ini bu tugas nya

Character name : Jelly
• Genre : Fantasy, Slice of life, isekai
• Concept/lore
Jelly is former monster from aquatic planet called Aqualion. Jelly died because of the disaster that happen in planet Aqualion, and wake up in another planet ( currently unknown ) full of humanoid monster with different body and His past life memories as a nameless monster, His monster body turn into humanoid monster when he's wake up.
• Basic info
Named jelly by the people bcs his body turns into liquid like jelly when his body Exposed to water. A jellyfish monster before he died. Age unknown
• Personality
Curious ( bcs of his former life as an aquatic monster in Aqualion, He always wanted to know about his new life in different environment )
Shy ( as a former monster in Aqualion he can't talk, he can talk now but it's hard for him cuz he's never talk to people before )

• Visual/Appearance
Blue green-ish eyes with blue ocean long hair, Sleepy eyes and long ear like elf.
He's wearing a thick clothes and always bring an umbrella to protect his body from water.
He's a bit small compare to other people.
• Goals & Motivation
Goals: To explore the world and search for happiness.
Motivation: He's not bound by water like in the Aqualion anymore that's why he wanted to explore this new world without any regret.
• Weakness and power
He's weak against water cus it turns his body into liquid like-jelly but he learned how to control he's liquid body to Incapacitate his enemy, He doesn't need to eat.
• Relationship
Since he's shy, He doesn't have many friends, but he has one friend her name is Vishyer.he once helped by Vishyer when he turns to liquid and because of that he had been following her ever since, hoping he could repay her kindness someday. Since then they become closer and become a best friend, and he called her Vish now.


Good work on the character-making in this Ekskul Days. Thanks for the stream, Reine.


Ini Tugasnya bu.

1. Konsep: Lazy Panda namun jenius. Tritagonis (role sering berada di belakang layar namun berpengaruh dalam cerita. Genre Drama, fantasy, mystery, action
2. Basic Info: Nama = Sifu Einstein. Umur (jika umur manusia sekitar 50 tahun) / Gender Laki-laki
3. Personality: Pendiam (tidak banyak bicara, namun sekali bicara memiliki pengaruh yang besar). Pemalas (tidak suka banyak gerak). Jenius (terkesan tidak melakukan apa-apa namun itu sudah sesuai rencana dan seakan tidak mudah ditebak).
4. Visual: Panda tua punya kumis dan jenggot serta berbadan panda pada umumnya. Pakaian suit/jas
5. Motivasi & Goal: Motivasi ingin melakukan sesuatu yang menguntungkan bagi dia sendiri. Goal kekuasaan kekuatan / harta tahta
6. Kekuatan / kelemahan : kekuatan jenius dan kelemahan pemalas/tua
7. Relationship: tidak tertarik kecuali menguntungkan, contohnya mendekati istri/selir raja untuk mendapatkan kekuatan kerajaan.


Ini buk PR saya buk

Anti hero, Fantasy, Minotaur

Info dasar
Nama : Dadang
Umur : 28 tahun umur siluman
Gender : Laki-laki
Dadang adalah seorang anti hero memiliki prawakan banteng berkaki 2.

1. Perhitungan
2. Mata duitan
3. Besar kepala
4. Emosian
5. Penyayang
6. Perhatian

Rambut : Rambutnya seperti tutup panic
Muka : Mukanya banyak luka, banyak jerawat, masker
Badan : Kurus kering, Pendek, Jubah
Kaki : Sepatu beda sebelah.

Motivasi & Goals
Goal : Mencari perkumpulan kaki pincang.
Drive : Dia ingin menjemput adeknya pulang, dan balas dendam ke kelompok kaki pincang.

Kekuatan dan Kelemahan
Kekuatan : Fast Decision Making
Kelemahan : Ceroboh

*Adeknya dadang
*Petinggi Kaki Pincang
*Ingin menguasai dunia
*Tidak Suka Dadang


Kebetulan banget aku mau share oc ku yg ceritanya skrng udh kubuat

1. Konsep: Cewek pinter, gamer. Alasan MC untuk coba gamenya, avatar/player terkuat dalam game.

2. Basic Info:
Nama: Tsukihara Reina (In Game Nickname: The Void)
Umur: 18 Tahun
Gender: Perempuan

3. Personality
Wanita pintar namun tertutup, sedikit bicara. Namun dia senang mengobrol dengan sahabatnya, Maya, yang sekaligus ketua osis di sekolah. Kepribadian nya itu bertolak belakang dengan sisi lain bahwa dia seorang gamer. Di dalam game, dia dikenal sebagai The Void, temain terbaik dalam sejarah permainan. Lebih dari 10rb match pvp tanpa satupun kekalahan, kepribadian nya tertutup dengan sifat yang dingin dan hampir tanpa ekspresi ketika bertarung, seakan semua lawan yang ia hadapi tidak mampu memberikan kesenangan untuk nya.

4. visual:
Reina di dunia nyata memiliki warna mata yang biru dengan rambut hitam sampai menyentuh punggungnya. Pakaiannya mengenakan seragam sekolah dengan kemeja dan blazer, bawahnya menggunakan rok.
Di dunia game, the void, memiliki rambut putih panjang menjutai, dengan warna mata violet. Berpakaian sleek armor berwarna hitam dengan sedikit warna ungu yang tetap memperlihatkan bentuk bagian tubuh atasnya. Diluarnya terdapat jubah hitam yang ia kenakan. Terkenal sebagai ahli pedang dan sihir, dia menggunakan pedang hitam dengan rune ungu di tangan kanannya.

5. Motivasi & Goal:
Menikmati dirinya sebagai gamer tanpa orang lain mengetahui dirinya di dunia nyata. Namun dia tertarik karena usaha sang MC yang mencari tahu identitas the void, dia memberikan petunjuk dan hint didalam permainan.

6. Kekuatan:
Dia orang yang cerdas dan bisa diandalkan, di dunia game, tidak ada yang bisa menyainginya. Title sebagai pemain terbaik yang melekat, semua orang tidak meragukan kemampuannya. Disisi lain, kepribadiannya yang tertutup dan sifatnya yang dingin mungkin menjadi kelemahan baginya, hal itu disebabkan karena "trauma" yang ia alami.

7. Relationship
-Ryuusei Ryu/Rover : Si MC, si pencari the void sepanjang plot pertama, hubungan mereka nantinya berkembang ke sisi romantisme
-Maya/ECLiPSE : sahabat baik sekaligus sesama gamer. Di plot pertama, dia dan maya adalah yang terbaik di permainan sampai suatu insiden menyebabkan maya harus rehat dari game tersebut, insiden itu lah yang menjadi trauma untuk reina.
-Risana Ryu/Ellie : adik dari ryusei yang sekaligus seorang idol yang naik daun. Perjalanan mereka ada si plot ke empat dan di akhir, reina lah yang menggenggam tangannya untuk menyambut nya ke dunia game yang baru.

Aku udh bikin ceritanya smpe plot 4 dan reina ini lah awal dari cerita itu di mulai. Aku sempet bkin pake ai untuk visualnya dan kira kira foto profilku sih penampilan nya sebagai the void.

Makasih bnget Reine untuk panduan oc nya, aku punya banyak pemikiran dan kadang ada poin yg lupa sma oc nya jd ini buat pegangan aku kedepannya ❤


How to create an original character in one hour by Pavolia Reine.

So the seven essentials to making an OC are:
1. Concept
2. Personal Info
3. Personality
4. Visual Design
5. Goals and Motivations
6. Strengths and Weaknesses
7. Relationship with others.


Tugasnya bu, semoga ga remed.

1. konsep
Mary is a youngest princess in a fantasy setting.
2. Basic info
Mary is a 18 y.o. female princess that became wizard.
3. Personality
- Curious
- get scared easily
- Kind
4. Visual
- long-straight, blonde hair, with red eyes
- small stature around 155 cm tall, and thin. looked a bit malnourished.
- clothing: light, simple gown/pajamas. That's her last outfit before being locked in. She loves frilly clothes though.
5. Goal and Motivation
Goal: To see the outside world. To see the scenery from her books.
Drive: Being locked in makes her yearn to see the outside world. To feel experience she cannot get before.
6. Strength and Weakness
Strength: Surprisingly is a talented witch, due to her magical prowess and unique view of things.
Weakness: Get scared easily, usually to ppl bigger than her or people that looks scary.
7. Relationship
- Her older brother: Locks her in the tower so her reign cannot be contested. Still a major source of trauma for her.
- Great wizard: owner of the tower, who's his existence is unknown. Mary never met him or anything, but all of his books, research, supplies/inventory, and tools 'teaches' Mary on how to be a wizard. In a way, he saves and teaches Mary while she is locked in.


1. Hero Katty is some serial killer that haunts Seeruman City, mysterious new city in Japan (she is half cat half human)
2. Basic Info
Nama : Hero Katty
Umur : 18 (Appearance)
Gender : Female

3. Personality
- Crazy
- Caring
- Mood Swing
- Manipulative
- Racist

4. Visual
- Cat's Attributes
- Always brought a scissors, she can make it bigger
- Dark Aura
- Gloomy Face
- Clothing : Discord's Egirl outfit

5. Motivation
Goal : Mengincar orang² yang memakai pakaian berwarna pink untuk memotong² pakaian mereka menggunakan gunting nya

Drive : Katty ini merasa hanya dia lah yang boleh memakai warna pink

6. Strength & Weakness
Strength : Weapon Manipulation (bisa membuat apapun menjadi senjata)

Weakness : Clumsy, Easy to flatter and get distract by cute things

7. Relationship
- Exes
She only see her exes as toy that can get discard when she bored

- Family
Had some problematic issues


Damn, this was fun and educational. Really have to submit my homework soon supaya ga dimarahin kak Reine... Unless


Ini pr saya sekalian buat karakter dnd saya buk

Nama : Loriwyse Tewwy

1. Konsep
Maid ceroboh yang bekerja di manor seorang marquess. Bisa combat untuk melindungi marquess yang ia layani

2. Basic info
Tewwy seorang gnome kecil dengan usia 18-20 tahun dan dengan tinggi 101 cm. Hobinya adalah belajar, baca buku, makan makanan enak dan minum alkohol. Ia punya sapu andalan untuk bebersih yang sudah dia otak-atik sehingga berfungsi sebagai nunchaku untuk membantu menjaga tuannya

3. Personality
- Kepo (terutama tentang dunia luar)
- Clumsy dan grasak-grusuk
- Kadang ga peduli norma sosial
- Toleransi alkoholnya tinggi

4. Visual
- Pendek dan badannya fit
- Rambutnya panjang dan dengan poni belah tengah berwarna jingga
- Baju maid medieval dengan rok agak panjang

5. Motivation & Goal
Goal : Melihat langsung dunia dan seluruh isinya ga cuma dari buku dan cerita-cerita adventurer
Drive : Sosok marquess yang ia layani memiliki peran penting untuk Tewwy. Bisa dibilang ia mentor yang pertama kali mengajari Tewwy membaca buku dan mengenal dunia luar. Dari marquess ini, Tewwy jadi ingin merasakan sendiri pengalaman langsung dari buku yang ia baca

6. Strength & Weakness
Strength : Karismatik, Jago ngotak-ngatik barang, Punya moral compass bagus, Keinginan belajar tinggi
Weakness : Ceroboh, Aslinya ga jago amat berantem karena lebih ke support, Sering ga paham social cues, Alkoholik

7. Relationship
- Orang tua : Walaupun orang tuanya ga akur-akur amat, Tewwy senang liat dinamika mereka. Tewwy percaya soulmate artinya menerima kelebihan dan kekurangan satu sama lain baik suka maupun tidak dari kedua orang tuanya
- Bellamy (Marquess yang Tewwy layani) : Bagi Tewwy dia sosok mentor yang karismatik, bijak, serta punya pengetahuan luas. Walaupun berbeda ras dan derajat, Bellamy seperti tidak peduli itu semua saat mengajak Tewwy pertama kali untuk belajar. Suatu hari ia menghilang tanpa jejak dan mungkin akan jadi antagonis di kisah Tewwy?


Ini bu PR nya

1. Konsep:
Oniichan Vibes
Big Brain

2. Info Dasar:
Gender : Male
Umur : 31
Nama : Sei Ton
An Assassin and Sturdy Brawler but also have high flexibility, after the war between two kingdom
he was hunted by other assassin for leave the assassin guild.

3. Personality:
-Loves Imoutou
-Skilled Assassin

4. Appearance:
- Short hair (Aquamarine)
- Always Smiling
- Tall, Chonky and Fluffy (Hugable)
- Scary when Angry
- Black Suit Garb (in fight)
- Shop Keeper suit (Daily)

5. Motive:
Searching for a far away peaceful town to live in with his sister while chased by his Ex Co-workers
for deserting their guild.
After exhausted for a long war he decided to retire from the assassin job

6.Strong / Weakness:
- Adaptive
- Good At Prediction
- Absolute Protector
- Lucky in a Weird way
- Girls (he shy around girls)
- Dense
- Anything for Imoutou

7. Relationship:
Ex Co-worker
- She likes him
- Shock when he leaves the guild
- One of the pursuer from guild(u know what will happen hehe)

Village Chief Daughter
- She see what he capable of
- She admire him
- Making friend with his sister


Thanks for this fun stream, Reine-sama~ A nice concept stream that I lowkey wish could turn into a series. :3 It was nice to partake in it!
I mostly made my own character in my corner a bit, because I already made a bunch of OCs of my own in the past, and he was slowly getting pretty linked to their universe. Since I am no longer on X, I will be posting mine here:

(1) Konsep: Short-height human librarian workaholic who studies magic at all times
(2) Info dasar:
Nama: Oliver
Gender: Male
Umur: 27
Occupation: librarian shopkeeper
(3) Personality:
Cold and serious all the time.
Stressed when certain people visit him, calmer when certain other people visit him.
(4) Visual:
Short (150 cm)
White hair with green/emerald gradients at the root of his hair, used to be more coloured back then
Long jacket, wide pants, sandals
Shows slight signs of old age (very subtle)
(5) Motivasi dan tujuan:
Goal: Understand the deepest roots of magic in his world to transcribe them before he passes away
Drive: With the rise of it (magic is still at its infancy) in the hands of human civilization, he wants to know if the world will be in a good place when it develops on the long term. + He wants to unlock deep secrets of the world in general.
(6) Kekuatan & kelamahan
Quick-learner, skilled at magic (naturally), and often has a good hunch of where to look for to find answers to his questions or his customers
Not impossible he stays stuck in a loop, anti-social as a whole, rarely ever asks for help, prone to be stressed when customers come by (with some exceptions)
(7) Relationships
Past university comrades: he was known and praised for his high intellect, but was also known to be slightly withdrawn. Not as much as now though. When they would visit him, they would often point out how shorter and tired he looks now.
He shows more trust to two of his past comrades though (both names start with A) who would occasionally visit him, one of which resides in the apartment on top of his library, and one of which he has gifted a red leathery grimoire that he does not want stolen from his shop.
