The Truth About Why They Don’t Teach Money in School

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The public school system as we know it today was intentionally designed and established around the 1900s, marking a departure from the historical norm where children learned skills directly from their parents to survive. While ancient Greece had school systems, they were the exception rather than the rule throughout history.

The current public schooling system entails compulsory, government-mandated education for children of the same age, learning together in an environment that may seem disconnected from their future endeavors.

However, the system's design has a specific intention behind it. Although many people are dissatisfied with the system's performance, understanding its deliberate setup is crucial.

0:00 Introduction
1:17 Prussia Schools for Soldiers
3:11 US Schools for Employees
7:38 U.S. System is Now Failing
10:20 Competition
13:15 Why Money isn’t Taught
15:04 What I’m Doing Instead
18:25 Other Alternatives

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#PublicSchool #Entrepreneurship #Business #Education
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You're glossing over one of the most important functions of public schools.
Daycare for all of the employee they created.
It's a self perpetuating system.


As a former teacher, I could not put my kids in school knowing what a broken system it was. The indoctrination and “programming” that occurs in the school system is strong. So in the late 1990s, I began homeschooling my kids. I was criticized, told my kids would fail at life, and was told over and over what I was doing was wrong. My kids thrived, got to do what they loved (theatre and music) and they grew to be independent and creative thinkers. When it came time for college, we told them to go if the career they wanted required a degree, but if it didn’t, to put their money into their own business instead of being buried in student loan debt. Those two girls began a wedding photography business and are hugely successful. They are best friends and successful business partners, and they get to share their creativity with their clients. All those that criticized our choices about how we educated our kids now commend us for our decision. It was the best decision we’ve ever made… I taught them how the world works, how money works and how to use the system to create something for themselves while sharing their gifts with others. It makes us so happy knowing they call the shots and get to do what they love instead of selling their time to a corporation that will chew them up and spit them out.


"Don't let schooling get in the way of your education"- Mark Twain


I am a math teacher in a public school and a former accountant. Even though I have to teach curriculum, which usually has nothing to do with money, I have spoken and created math examples on how it would apply to the real world using money. I have mentioned APR on loans, linear progressions on real estate, and finding the break even point of a business using 2 step equations.
I believe American education needs a reboot and I am trying to teach my students things they need to know and be the teacher I wish I had.


Highschool dropout, business owner for 20yrs🙋🏻‍♂️


To make a long story short i was one of those grade A students. Very obedient, never questioning authority. Perfect little futur slave. I even became a teacher and have been for the past 25 years. I was led to believe that it was a privilege to contribute to the creation of society's futur adults. I fell for it! I was totally brainwashed and went about my teaching mission years on end. Until life put on my path an amazing person that hated school with a passion: MY DAUGHTER
She opened my eyes to all the control behind the education system.
Today at the end of my teaching career, where i clearly spend most of my time in the principals office questioning the system, I can't help think of all these children that are being duped and how I regret have being part of this. I ask their forgiveness and hope they will be able to understand that i too was a victim!


One of the craziest classes I had to take, before they’d allow you to graduate was Americanism v. Communism. Between that and the rest of my useless education, I began to realize that all I was being educated for was to be a replacement cog in the machine.


I also put my son in private Christian schools from Kindergarten to 7th grade. I had to pull him out of two schools half way through the year because of bullying that was ignored by the teachers or actually committed by the teachers. I finally agreed to homeschooling him with the help of my parents who paid me $130.00/month to stay home and homeschool him. Thankfully all of my debts were paid so I could survive on that, but as a professional it was a huge blow to me and a huge sacrifice. I didn't have child support or state support all through my son's childhood. Plus, I spent all 5 years, from 7th grade to 12th grade helping my son recover his love of learning and help him understand the difference between education and the educational system. And all that damage from a private school that I paid for. I no longer think it matters if you put kids in private or public schools. The teachers are all trained to teach by the same system.


Former broker and current homeschool mom here. I commented on your video where you taught your daughter Fractional Reserve Banking. You truly have a gift for explaining finance on a level that is easy to understand. Please PLEASE consider making a series for kids about macroeconomics and other money topics.
I would be willing to pay for such a series for my kids 😊


We read news in the media that doom and gloom is coming and we just accept it, doom and gloom doesn’t always have to be coming, I’ve read numerous success stories of people that are pulling off tremendous gains of up to $250K within weeks in this crazy market and I just want to learn how to achieve such figures.


And you have to be careful what private school you send your kids to. You’d be surprised


Southern Indiana here, we have proudly help push for homeschooling, school choice & online schools for over 40 yrs. While homeschooling started as an alternative for religious reasons, it’s now embraced by many secular families as a choice against tragic school systems. Keep it up!!


I spent more than a decade teaching public school in 3 states (Cali, Colorado, and Wyoming. You are 100% right public schools exist to indoctrinate, but more than that they exist to serve those running the schools. They are very inflexible and paint by the #'s. They hammer away at test scores and have zero data showing any relationship between standardized testing and success in life. I taught business/technology and tried to incorperate entreprenuership into my classes, but it was like swimming against the current. The closest I came was a web entreprenuership class where I was going to help kids setup online businesses and teach them about all the nuts and bolts of a business. It never went anywhere because the ladies in the office refused to setup an online payment portal. After that happened I left education and now we homeschool our 4 kids. It took 2-3 years to deprogram them.


Making money is not the same as keeping it there is a reason why investments aren't well taught in schools, the examples you gave are well stationed, the market crisis gave me my first millions, people shy away from hard times, I embrace them.. well at least my advisor does lol


Einstein quote; "the only thing that interferes with my learning, is my education". this video drives the point home. Thank you men for such a great video ❤


Our daughter is 22. She never set foot in a public school. Part of her education we home schooled, and part of it she went to our church's parochial school.
Last fall she tested for college placement. She was ahead of the curve on every subject, especially so for math.
Living below your means is a good thing anyway, but it made keeping our daughter away from the unholy maw of public school a possibility. It was worth every sacrifice!


This is by far THE BEST VIDEO YOU HAVE EVER RELEASED. Thank you Sir, you are helping more people than you know. Thank you.


You said it. I'm a teacher and I am great at my job. The consistent increase in my students test scores proves it. However, my paycheck doesn't reflect it. New subscriber 👍🏼


I remember how upset I was in 1973 the first day my dad dropped me off at school. hating school and learning nothing useful. Being picked on just added to the misery. I learned most of what I know at home not in that prison called school.


I hated school.
I left home and school at sixteen.
I worked really hard for many years.
I’m 56 years old and I’m what I would call successful.
I love learning new things.
Thank you for this awesome video.
I would pay you for an online course or series of videos to learn more about financial literacy.
I think many others would as well.
I think you’re a good man.
