I was Taken to Hell's Outer Darkness - Stephen's Testimony

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I was Taken to Hell's Outer Darkness - Stephen's Testimony
#hell #supernatural #jesus #afterdeath# #outerdarkness

A night unlike any other for Stephen Johnson, God showed him outer darkness and what he describes there will wake up anybody to the realities of Hell.

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About 15 years ago I had a morning routine of praying very early in the morning. I would get out of bed and sit directly at my desk in my room in the silence with the lights turned off—One morning around 5am while I was in a very deep state of prayer, suddenly I felt a strange, tangible presence in front of me. I opened my eyes and peered up from my desk, and on the wall directly in front of me was a silhouette of a large demon with massive horns and red eyes staring at me. Somehow this being was darker than the pitch black room. I dropped onto the floor in utter terror. I stayed in the fetal position on the floor for what felt like hours. This experience caused me to stop praying for many years until the Lord found me and showed me that the darkness fears Him far more than I feared that demon. Thank you Jesus! ❤


I am ex athiest. I used to mock christians and say it was all just a fairy tale to help people die in peace. Until i overdosed and stood before Jesus. His face is as bright as the sun. I couldnt see any details of his face but i could see his arms were held out like to hug me and they were a dark tan color, not white or black. When he held out his arms the light got brighter and i felt so much love and peace and raw power that i cant even find the right words to describe them. Jesus is God in the flesh. God is a trinity. All power the father has Jesus also has. He has existed with the father since before the earths creation.


I think God is giving people these visions of Hell to warn others especially non believers that we are nearing the end of days.


This happened to me!! Every night for about a month. The vortex, everything…terrifying!!! I was a drug dealer running from God. My mother was praying I’d have an encounter. I literally say the same thing, ” I wouldn’t wish it on my worse enemy “. Soon after my house was raided and I was facing life in prison. I surrendered to God and he delivered me. It’s been a wild ride but 2015, I’ve been serving him every since 🔥


I saw a huge demon. Ill never forget that day. I was not living a good life. I called on jesus it was gone. After my mothers passing, i know he lives. Praise jesus.


In 1989 I died as a result of a motorcycle accident. I went to this outer darkness he is talking about. It is so thick and pitch black that the fear you feel while in that place is so terrible that it's is almost impossible to utter a sound much less call on the name of Jesus. I have never heard anyone describe the darkness as alive but that is exactly how you feel when engulfed in it. I cried out to the Lord - he came to that place and took me out. I woke up in my friends truck as he pulled up to the ER drive.


Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.
No one comes to the Father but by Him.
Repent and trust in Christ.


So many person cannot have the same experience of hell for it not to be real. Lord forgive please forgive me of my sins, I don't want to go to hell


Lord jesus please forgive me
I believe in you
I will not sin anymore
I will not follow satan


I was in that black space too. I could see the light through like a manhole but I was floating in the dark. In despair. Out of the light of the Lord. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!❤❤❤




I remember dabbling with asking questions with a pendant and how it swings to answer, a woman from work asked me to do it, we were trying it and she was amazed at all the right answers I was getting. I was doing it at home one night and stopped because in my minds eye I saw this mask looking face flashing and everytime it flashed it was closer but couldn’t get threw the window then I became really drained and lay down to sleep (I was a bit scared) but as I lay down it felt like I was on a cloud and the next thing I knew Jesus was there and he hugged me it was so warm and comforting and told me to stop doing it because I’m letting in evil. I never have done it since that night. I may not be perfect but the lord does see our hearts and even though until most days I do believe and trust in the lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God Almighty. This has pushed me to do better and I know God is always good and always finding us in the darkness. He is real no matter what people say or tell us, he is real.


Oh Jesus. These testimonies keep me in check with the Lord. I pray to the LORD that I never experiance this.


I had an incident a few years back where I remember I was dreaming. In the dream I was at this party with a lot of people. Then in a blink of an eye everything switched. When it switched I had no consciousness that I was asleep. But people, including myself, were all sitting in these lawn chairs near the curb of the street and everyone was staring straight ahead and completely motionless. I was the only one that had the ability to look around and get up. I stood up and began walking to this house that looked like the house I grew up in. On the porch these girls were laughing and conversating. As soon as I opened the door and walked into the house I heard these piercing screams. The screams were the most terrifying screams I've ever heard. I had never heard people scream in such fear in this life. You could be watching the most terrifying experience in this life and your screams still wouldn't compare to these screams. As I stood still I was able to see outside, like the ceiling had opened up for me to see what was going on. One side of the sky was bright blue but there was no sun. The other half of the sky was pitch dark, thick blackness and it was coming down like a lava lamp when its heated. People were lifting off the ground and I immediately knew what was going on. I knew they were lifting because Christ had returned and they were meeting Him in the clouds. The scary thing is I wasn't lifting and i became confused. I thought I was saved so why wasn't I lifting? Fear and panic began to set in immediately and I began to repent but I knew it was too late. I looked down at my hand and there was a giant bag of marijuana in my hand. At that time I had an addiction to marijuana. I began trying to drop it and shake it off my hand but it wouldn't come off. I instantly knew I was going to hell and I dropped my hands down. Suddenly I hit my body. I opened my eyes and I was breathing so hard and my heart was beating so fast. For 30 minutes all I could do was stare at the ceiling until I was able to look around to see if my husband was still there. When I tell you before I hit my body I BECAME FEAR. Fear was no longer an emotion. It's hard to explain but you literally become fear like it's a state of eternal existence that can be felt a million times stronger than any fear you've felt in this life. Before I hit my body I looked at the clock and it said 7:42. I had never been so terrified in my life. I was terrified to do anything. I could barely even go outside. Nothing helped the terror, no praise music no nothing. It took about 2 years for me to finally let the marijuana and I got delivered in 2019 and have been free from it since. Nothing is worth going to hell. Don't believe the "once saved always saved despite your sin" lie. That's a lie birthed in hell. The Bible makes it clear who will not enter into heaven and He means that. Nobody gets a pass cause God is no respecter of persons. If He has already sent millions there He will send you if your life is not right and we don't know when that day will come when our number comes up and we leave here. Today is the day of salvation. Get saved while there is still time.


PERSONAL TESTIMONY: My own personal experience in the charismatic movement – with Benny Hinn ministry in Orlando Florida.
I had been invited to a Benny Hinn meeting. In this meeting the congregation were singing “Jesus, Jesus there's just something about his name.” As I was mimicking the congregation with my hands up, a very dark and powerful force hit me, and literally threw me to the ground.
As I was rolling back and forth on the floor, I was repeatedly screaming – “get it out!”
The ushers came and carried me out. I vaguely remember rolling back and forth, in the hallway.
The ushers proceeded to carry my body into a back room and to cast out demons. At least that was what I had thought at the time. Since then, I have come to understand they were not casting out demons at all — they were imparting them!
After this I can’t remember anything as I must have blacked out. Everything was kind of a blur. When I got home and was getting ready for bed, I came into the bathroom. Before turning on the light I could see strange shimmering colours and a cloudy mist in the mirror, drawing me in to come closer. I continued to stare at this site for some time. I then tried to close my eyes, but it was still there.
As I was drifting off to sleep lying in bed, just before dozing off, I saw a black cat with a glowing ball around its neck. It sneakily began to walk up from the foot of the bed. I was paralysed with shock and fear. As soon as it realised I could see it, it began to crouch down, so as to not be seen. I tried to outsmart it by acting like I was going to sleep. It then began to come up to my chest. At this point I grabbed my covers and threw it up in the air and cried out loud “in the name of Jesus!” It just vanished into thin air!
I never returned to another Benny Hinn meeting. I remember off and on having thoughts that I needed to start wearing white suits like Benny Hinn (thank God I never acted on this). It was not until sometime later when attending Bible school in Portland Maine, that I received deliverance from this dark, rebellious, antichrist spirit. Thank God for a true deliverance ministry, anointed ministers, and the blood of Jesus Christ. Prior to deliverance I would experience a stubbornness when God’s word was being spoken, and found it difficult to submit to spiritual authority.
“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” (Hebrews 13:17)
Fast forward several years, after leaving Bible school, when I was attending an Assembly of God in New Hampshire. There I noticed that a very charismatic assistant pastor was getting a lot of attention from the women in the congregation. I observed every Sunday that the people were offering gifts, cakes, pies, and I suppose, even money.
One Sunday morning as this assistant pastor was teaching Sunday school, a spiritual wrestling match ensued. As this wrestling match continued, I did not know whether I was in my body or out of my body (the Lord knows). As we were wrestling, I noticed the congregation were not aware that this struggle was taking place. It was then that I realised that this was not a physical altercation.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
The following Sunday, for some odd reason, my car wouldn’t start. The assistant pastor subsequently offered to give me a ride home. As we drove down the road, he tells me he used to be Benny Hinn’s chauffeur. At some point during the ride, he offered to give me some money. Being naïve, I gladly accepted, only to learn later it was a trick of Satan. Satan uses a physical medium to work through.
This money became a portal of some sort, and that evening as I laid down to sleep, the hordes of Hell came to try and scare me. As I lay there dozing off, in the spirit I could feel and see the hordes coming for me. I now believe that Satan was trying to intimidate me, to stop me from exposing his divisive and destructive work.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” (1 Peter 5:8)
I immediately cried out “the blood of Jesus!” and they suddenly retreated.
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
I learned later it was the Spirit fighting through me. Praise the Lord for the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)” (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)
Fast forward five years, I was led to give the Senior Pastor a call and see how things were going. He informed me that the Assistant Pastor (the one I had wrestled with) had split his congregation and took half of them down the road, to start another ministry. At the time I thought “oh no!”. But as time passed the Lord revealed to me that this was his will and his judgment on this congregation.
“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17)
“He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” (Matthew 13:28-30)
In conclusion
Those that this Assistant Pastor took with him, were not interested in the Word of God, they wanted the false prosperity gospel.


This happened to me.too! I was taken to one of the hell realms where I was in total darkness except for the beings there. I no longer felt the presence of God anywhere. When I woke up I asked for an ambulance because I told my family I was dead. They told me I was alive but I didn't believe I was still alive because I knew I had gone somewhere only dead souls existed. I was sobbing for hours afterwards like a baby and pacing back and forth all night asking for proof I was still alive. I just didn't believe I was still alive, because I knew I had gone to a place of complete darkness with no God. The darkness was alive and it enters you, and that's why I was so confused and thought I was no longer truly alive. Even though I was talking to my family after I had come to, I wasn't sure if I still really existed. It took me 3-4 days to semi recover. However this experience stayed with me I will never forget it.


I am a born again Christian and was happy to hear you say satan does not like it when we go to God's side. I had that experience after my conversion and it was horrible. Now, I warn new believers of this because I was not prepared.
It makes sense if you think about it, satan wants everyone to worship him and when we don't and we worship Jesus he gets angry. God has a way of nudging us when we are supposed to be obediant, it can be a confusing time but we should always be obediant!!
God bless you all


I have an incredible testimony. My son is 15 years old and is nonverbal. He has autism. In the past few years, we have been working on his communication through a spellboard. You will never believe what he spelled to me, he said he saw Jesus in a dream, I asked him, what did Jesus say? He spelled... I AM COMING SOON! I am so blown away that Jesus gave my special needs child this message🥹🥹. Hallelujah 🎉... get ready, our king Jesus is truly coming for us 🙏🏼  xoxo


I believe every single word of this man's testimony - Hell is real & heaven is real - Please choose wisely & Live your life for


I like how he did not waste this time talking about himself, he shared the message of the Gospel. He was reaching out to lost souls during his whole testimony. This man is a true testimony of the grace of God.
