Top 5 Most Underrated Items in League of Legends

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Hexdrinker is underrated? See people building it a lot vs. AP-heavy comps, all the others I do agree though.


Other underrated items include:
Zeke's Harbinger
Essence Reaver
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Tier 3 Trinkets


Stop reminding everyone that hexdrinker exists Jeremy, I want to play my ap top laners in peace


Its just me or is the sound a bit low?


Any support items. I'm tired if these mid laner pretending to be support


You forgot to mention that Banner of Command makes the minion IMMUNE to magic damage...


so zz'rot is not underrated item? yay sure but that's just me as a support who would take it as a last item along with banner of command if we are winning ahead but they have very strong wave clear champs


What about the ZZ'Rot Portal?

It gives you pretty good armour and Magic Resistance and if you place it well you will find that is completely freeze the enemy lane, Making it hard for them to push the lane makes it really difficult to take objectives thus causing you to win the lane.

I never seem to see anyone using this item in the game but i win almost every game to this item when i go support.


The most underrated item is definitely BAG OF TEA: Click to consume, restores 400 health and 200 mana over 10 seconds. It can only be used after scoring a killing blow on a champion.


I see Wit's End, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Hexdrinker all the time. NOT UNDER RATED. You know what is underrated? Zz'Rot Portal, Ohmwrecker, Will of the Ancients, Hextech Gunblade, Essence Reaver, and Nashors tooth. Seriously you rarely see those as they are only good on certain champions.


Wits end, a must have on shyvanna. Tankiness, attack speed, on hit, and let's not forget that half of shyv's damage is actually magic damage, so the shred works miracles on her.


IMO Mejai's should be considered as an option when you are pretty far behind. In that situation, if you somehow win a teamfight and not die, you get a lot of stacks and become much stronger just from one single teamfight, while if you don't build it you'll need many more small victories to become relevant again.


I think twin shadows is underrated/forgotten. Decent item to actually pick up on a ap support if your team has a problem with vision control and warding from your own end is not enough. The ghosts that are sent out at the right instant will ensure a safe path to "x" area and grant vision to whoever the ghost tags.


Ardent: Only usefull with healing or shielding champions for the buffs. Only people usually worth the item is Sona or a Soraka with ult ready.

Zephyr: Not entirelly useless, good if you need some tenacity, but you're not against heavy AP champions in terms of damage. Usually taken if you're Garen or Hecarim.

Frozen Mallet: Use in champions that can Kite well, works well with Gnar and his W.

Wit's end: Only uses I could think of this item is if you're warwick to reduce a tank's MR with his ult or a Braum for both the same purpose and for faster attack speed to apply his passive.

Mejai's Soulstealer: Unless you're REALLY good with a champion at the point of stacking up like crazy, taking this item is too risky since a rookie problably won't end up with more than 10 stacks rather than 20.

Hexdrinker: Sadly, Jeremy isn't thinking about the uses of the item later to build the maw. This item gets used alot on top laners like darius, Phanteon or even Tryndamere since the passive of the maw sinergizes well with his Q passive and his ult.

Banner of Command: Honestly, unless you're fighting against a team that has meh to no damage and is mostly utility (Happens alot in aram), this item somewhat helps since it causes minions to become almost imnune to magic damage, making mages last hitting a pain.


For the same reason Banner of Command is a good but underrated item, Zz'rot Portal is also quite amazing for split pushing and works wonders on siege compositions. Any champion that has solid push potential or high mobility should consider it as an option, not to mention it's excellent for use as bait with champions who rely on traps or area of control abilities like Teemo, Shaco or Heimerdinger.


Rylai's crystal scepter is pretty underrated. It gives 100 AP, 400 health, and a slowing passive. It's a really good item on mages but I rarely ever see people build it.


Zzrot is a beast item though. The stats are incredible vs AP heavy comps as it gives most MR in the entire game. If you have the health to properly stack off that then you're going to be pretty much unkillable. The fact that it also can split push like the BoC except it does the job better and returns way more gold to the owner. You can easily get like 1000-2000 gold from simply placing the portal in top lane while you're doing something else. Enemies are forced to chase the minions and find the portal.


The ZZ Portal Item is really underrated too. It has great armor and mr stats plus health regen. It also, like banner of command, helps push out lanes. Really good for split push comps, supports, and just Shen in general.


Banner is the shit. I build it almost every game as a support ever since the tweaks to Locket. The extra pushing power allows you be where your team needs you most while you heavily (and passively) pressure priority lanes. Fantastic item.


A Raptor's Cloak by Itself is over 135% gold efficient and is SO GOOD as an early buy against an AD top. the movespeed super helpful and can still help at later parts in the game when you can group and even dive towers. most of the time i just sell it later instead of upgrading it,
