Storms and flash flooding hit Paris inundating metro stations • FRANCE 24 English

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Torrential rainfall hit Paris on Tuesday evening after a recent heatwave across France, flooding metro stations in the French capital.
#Paris #France #storm

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Floods all of a sudden after weeks of drought and heat waves...this kind of Sub Tropical climate is very familiar in other parts of the world like Australia, South America or India, it's just not common in Europe so is very alarming considering that the cities and the people are not prepared, this should be an alert for the governments to take more serious actions and stop just talking.


Scary? No, its nature! We should not adapt nature to us, we should adapt to nature


Now, just to let everyone know this is not occurring as potrayed, always be straight when speaking of God's intents as he loves us all. There are many angels there in the city watching over the city, whether you believe this or not. It has rained every day, and the water level is rising. However, not with people in the waters appearing to be drowning or being swept away as you first show. Do not mock God. And always be truthful as He sees your heart.


Funny that a person with the last name Bain is covering flooding in Paris.


That's why dont mess with is a warning from God...


On the bright side...the draught season is over


Sounds like Australia. With climate change it looks like western Europe is gonna become a more tropical region then a colder region. Probably expect extreme heat waves then suddenly months of pouring rain and floods. Happens here in Australia all the time u will get exhausting heat and then flooding rain.


The Earth spreads water where you paved over the Planet.


Korea was the same like 4 days ago, It's a really lousy experience.


Has anyone noticed how often France has encountered extreme weather conditions since the Olympics!


Still I pray for France but I think the worse is yet to come. In other countries perhaps happens more often but the geography of the terrain & the people have learnt to handle it even if it happens again. In this case the magnitud of the damage in France will be in the billions. So, we have to be aware & prepared in case it happens to us, let’s pray.


They should WATER PROOF the BUSES!!!

Go to the HARDWARE STORE and see what if anything you can get to WATERPROOF the BUSES!!!!

Anybody have IDEAS post it


Does anyone know what all those chemtrails were about way back when?


this is all happening cuz of climate change, I live in Brazil and here as the climate is tropical we're already used to whenever there is a week of intense heat there is always a lot of rain later, the European climate was not like that but surely it's changing


This roof nearly blew away! Lol 😅😅😅😅😅😅


That Funny Feeling

Flash flooding after excessive heat waves...


I seek refuge with Allah (The God) from expelled devil

📜 Glorious Quran Chapter 24 - The Light Verse 43

Do you not see that Allāh (The God) drags clouds? Then He brings them together; then He makes them into a mass, and you see the rain emerge from within it. And He sends down from the sky, mountains [of clouds] within which is hail, and He strikes with it whom He wills and averts it from whom He wills. The flash of its lightning almost takes away the eyesight.

N’as-tu pas vu qu’Allah pousse les nuages ? Ensuite, Il les réunit et Il en fait un amas, et tu vois la pluie sortir de son sein. Et Il fait descendre du ciel, de la grêle [provenant] des nuages [comparables] à des montagnes. Il en frappe qui Il veut et l’écarte de qui Il veut. Peu s’en faut que l’éclat de son éclair ne ravisse la vue.

Разве ты не видишь, что Аллах гонит облака, потом соединяет их, потом превращает их в кучу облаков, и ты видишь, как из расщелин ее изливается ливень. Он низвергает град с гор, которые на небе. Он поражает им, кого пожелает, и отвращает его, от кого пожелает. Блеск их молний готов унести зрение.

Hast du nicht gesehen, daß Allah die Wolken einhertreibt, sie dann zusammenfügt, sie dann aufeinander schichtet, so daß du Regen aus ihrer Mitte hervorströmen siehst? Und Er sendet vom Himmel Berge (von Wolken) nieder, in denen Hagel ist, und Er trifft damit, wen Er will, und wendet ihn ab, von wem Er will. Der Glanz Seines Blitzes nimmt fast das Augenlicht.

Zie jij niet dat Allah de wolken zachtjes voortduwt, en hen dan samenvoegt, en vervolgens hen tot een hoop met lagen maakt. En zie je niet dat de regen tussen hen voortkomt. En Hij laat uit de lucht wolken (zoals) bergen neerdalen waarin hagel is. Hij treft daarmee wie Hij wil en Hij wendt het af van wie Hij wil. De levendige flits van de bliksem verblindt bijna het gezichtsvermogen.

Acaso no ves que Al-lah impulsa las nubes con suavidad, después las agrupa y las apila unas sobre otras, y luego ven la lluvia salir de su interior? Y hace que caiga el granizo del cielo, de nubes como montañas, y alcanza con él a quien quiere y libra de él a quien quiere. El fulgor de su relámpago1 casi arrebata la vista.


[ Esta aleya describe el apilado de las nubes de tormenta llamadascumulonimbus. Las nubes son descritas como montañas porque estas crecen de forma vertical, ya que se estiran hacia regiones más frías de la atmósfera, donde se forman las gotas de agua y el granizo. Estas nubes crecen hasta que las gotas de agua y el granizo se hacen demasiado pesados y caen, finalmente, de las nubes. Lo más relevante de esta descripción es la relación que la aleya establece entre el relámpago y el granizo cuando dice “el fulgor de su relámpago”, refiriéndose el pronombre “su” al granizo. Hoy en día se sabe que el granizo es el factor principal en la producción de los relámpagos debido al proceso de electrificación que las nubes sufren durante la formación de este, pero estos conocimientos son relativamente recientes y no podían conocerse en aquel entonces.


Correction France was flooded by ongoing geoengineering programs seeding clouds with chemtrails and using HAARP technologies.


Renault cars are ok in rain. Ha ha ha.
I drove one in tropical Kerala when I visited my place.


Don't complain about the rain, be thankful you have it, would you prefer droughts or rains?
