Worsening drought in Somalia - Press Conference (7 June 2022)

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Press Conference by Adam Abdelmoula, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, on the worsening drought situation in that country.
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I Have Never seen Before Like This drought In Somalia.


Please do not let these Innocents die for lack of water! Please.


*Peace & Stability in Somalia very important for Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti. because Somalia have border with 3 countries.*


Aspirasi Bermanfaat
A. Bagi warga negara yang mengalami rasisme dan aparteid dari pemimpin negara, pejabat negara, menteri, parlemen, pegawai negara, partai politik, polisi, agen intelijen, tentara militer, hakim, jaksa, pengacara, dan warga negara maka diharapkan untuk melaporkan tindakan kejahatan tersebut ke kantor polisi terdekat dan melakukan pengaduan ke pengadilan terdekat. Jangan khawatir karena petugas kepolisian, serta kehakiman dan kejaksaan di pengadilan akan langsung menindak tegas, memburu, menyelidiki, menangkap, mengadili, dan menghukum penjahat tersebut tanpa terkecuali karena bagaimanapun juga penegak hukum dimana-mana menginginkan hidup yang damai, beradab, sejahtera, dan bahagia, serta tidak mau ada anggota keluarganya sendiri yang terancam bahaya krisis global dan kesengsaraan global disertai ancaman murka Tuhan dan azab Tuhan.
B. Makanya rezim pemerintah itu janganlah keras kepala dan kejam kalau dinasihati oleh warga negara karena itu untuk kebaikan, kesejahteraan, keadilan, dan keselamatan atas nyawa dirimu sendiri dan nyawa anggota keluargamu sendiri dari ancaman krisis global, kekacauan global, dan kesengsaraan global disertai ancaman murka Tuhan dan azab Tuhan yang dapat memusnahkan dunia ini.
Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam tutur kata dan terima kasih 🙏
Useful Aspiration
A. For citizens who experience racism and apartheid from state leaders, state officials, ministers, parliaments, state employees, political parties, police, intelligence agents, military soldiers, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and citizens, then they are expected to report crimes to the nearest police station and make file a complaint to the nearest court. Don't worry because police officers, as well as the judiciary and prosecutors in court will immediately take firm action, hunt, investigate, arrest, prosecute, and punish these criminals without exception because after all law enforcers everywhere want a peaceful, civilized, prosperous, and happy life, and do not want any members of their own family to be threatened with the danger of a global crisis and global misery accompanied by the threat of God's wrath and God's punishment.
B. That's why the government regime should not be stubborn and cruel if when advised by citizens because it is for good, welfare, justice, and safety for your own life and the lives of your own family members from the threat of a global crisis, global chaos, and global misery accompanied by the threat of God's wrath and God's punishment can destroy this world.
Sorry if there are mistakes in speech and thank you 🙏


Billions for war and nothing for 20 million starving humans , shameful and disheartening


Aspirasi Bermanfaat
Masalah global yang harus ditangani terlebih dahulu adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Negara-negara yang sedang berkonflik dan berperang untuk segera menghentikan konflik dan peperangan kemudian mulai bertobat dan bermusyawarah bersama tanpa adanya keegoisan, keserakahan, perdebatan, pemerasan, dan premanisme.
2. Negara-negara segera melakukan reboisasi, mendaur ulang sampah dan limbah industri, menanam tanaman anti polusi, membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, air, angin, dan energi hijau lainnya, membangun infrastruktur, manufaktur, industri, perusahaan, pertanian, peternakan, perikanan, pariwisata, fasilitas publik, dan kendaraan bermotor yang higienis, ramah lingkungan, adil, dan bermanfaat untuk bangsa dan negara.
3. Industri-industri di seluruh dunia melakukan tindakan berupa mendaur ulang sampah dan limbah industri, mengubah asap yang dikeluarkan oleh industri menjadi gas oksigen, dan industri otomotif membuat alat yang mengubah asap kendaraan bermotor menjadi gas oksigen dengan bantuan para ahli di bidang teknologi, teknik mesin, teknik industri, otomotif, fisika, kimia, kesehatan, dan lingkungan.
4. Negara-negara, industri, dan perusahaan membahas tentang penggunaan teknologi robot dan artifisial intelijen karena bagaimanapun juga penghasilan negara, industri, dan perusahaan itu berasal dari daya beli warga negara dan pendapatan warga negara, bukan berasal dari robot dan artifisial intelijen.
1. Konspirasi, konflik, peperangan, kekejaman, kekerasan, aparteid, korupsi, rasisme, ekstrimisme, ultranasionalisme, chauvinisme, fasisme, imperialisme, kolonialisme, radikalisme, ekstrimisme, terorisme, kediktatoran, keotoriteran, ketotaliteran, permainan politik, permainan geopolitik, pencemaran lingkungan, kejahatan kemanusiaan, kejahatan internasional, kejahatan perang, kelompok gangster, mafia, dan teroris, serta rezim pemerintah negara yang jahat dan kejam itu sumber utama dari pemicu krisis global dan kesengsaraan global, serta ancaman murka Tuhan dan azab Tuhan.
2. Dewan keamanan Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa, dewan ekonomi dan sosial Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa, sekretaris jenderal Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa, IMF, dan World Bank harus mengutamakan penyelesaian masalah negara-negara yang sedang berkonflik dan berperang untuk mempermudah proses penyelesaian krisis global dan kesengsaraan global disertai pemberian bantuan kemanusiaan dan bantuan sosial kepada negara-negara miskin dan orang-orang miskin dalam bentuk sedekah, infak, zakat, dan donasi tanpa adanya pinjaman hutang, pemerasan, dan premanisme.
Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam tutur kata dan terima kasih 🙏
Useful Aspiration
The global issues that must be addressed first are as follows:
1. Countries that are in conflict and at war to immediately stop conflicts and wars then begin to repent and deliberate together without selfishness, greed, debate, extortion, and thuggery.
2. Countries should immediately reforest, recycle garbage or trash and industrial waste, plant anti-pollution crops, build solar, hydro, wind and other green energy power plants, build infrastructure, manufacture, industry, enterprises, agriculture, livestock or animal husbandry, fishery, tourism, public facilities, and motorized vehicles that are hygienic, environmentally friendly, fair, and beneficial or useful for the nation and state.
3. Industries around the world take action in the form of recycling garbage or trash and industrial waste, converting smoke released by industry into oxygen gas, and the automotive industry making tools that convert motor vehicle fumes into oxygen gas with the help of experts in technology, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, automotive, physics, chemistry, health, and the environment.
4. Countries, industries, and companies discuss the use of robot technology and artificial intelligence because after all the income of the state, industry, and companies comes from the purchasing power of citizens and citizens' income, not from robots and artificial intelligence.
1. Conspiracies, conflicts, wars, atrocities or cruelty, violence, apartheid, corruption, racism, extremism, ultranationalism, chauvinism, fascism, imperialism, colonialism, radicalism, extremism, terrorism, dictatorships, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, political games, geopolitical games, environmental pollution, crimes against humanity, international crimes, war crimes, gangster, mafia, and terrorist groups, and evil and cruel state government regimes it is the main source of triggering the global crisis and global misery, as well as the threat of God's wrath and God's punishment.
2. The United Nations Security Council, the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the Secretary General of the United Nations, the IMF, and the World Bank should prioritize solving the problems of countries that are in conflict and at war in order to facilitate the process of resolving global crisis and global misery accompanied by the provision of humanitarian assistance and social assistance to poor countries and poor people in the form of alms, infaq, zakat, and donations without debt loans, extortion, and thuggery.
Sorry if there are mistakes in speech and thank you 🙏


is this natural draught or cause by corruption?


Thank you Adem Abdelmoula, UN Humanitarian Coordinator For Somalia.


Iam appeal to the Honble UN secretary general iam facing life threat from the communal powers please provide security to me through NATO military forces please protect me sir


But man what if humanity if wiped out in recent years to come with how its armory is developing and falls into wrong hands bam...New catastrophe.


Honble UPA Chairperson Smt Soniagandhi madum please fight for to implement Ballot Paper voting system in next MP elections in 2024and to save democracy in india and public opinion in favour of Ballot Paper voting system and right to vote is fundamental right.public opinion is foundation of democracy


In india day by day fear of gujarat type communal clashes democracy in danger peoples are feared UNO intervention is necessary to protect the secularism in india


In karnataka state day by day fear of gujarat type communal clashes law and order is totally collapsed democracy in danger peoples are feared.please to impose the President rule in the state and to protect the peoples in karnataka state


what is this, an already devasted and poor people, now this.
