I love this song. I played it for my ex-boyfriend. He cheated on me, so
I love this song. :)
This song makes my top 10 Vocliaid songs! 8D
She deserves to be as popular as Miku!
She deserves to be more popular than Miku! :)
I love this song. I got here from a pewdiecry flash. I love the song, but it reminds me of the flash, and I start to cry again because Cry likes pewds. He even said so TTuTT
There was a video with this song having cry sing it!
If you don't know what PewDieCry is, then here:
There are 2 YouTubers, PewDiePie, and Chaotic Monki or Cry. They are both LPer's (Or "Lets players") Witch basicly means they play video games. They play games together all the time, and of course as soon as 2 guys do something together they are "shipped." Witch means (If you didn't know) people make a love story about those 2.
And PewDieCry was born! :D
why dont i cry for you
love was dead from the start
Lol I'm a guy and I live this song xD
The PewDieCry flash brought me here. ;-; It is so sad. It actually made me Cry. And everytime I watch this video(well, techinally listen) I cry because I think about Pewds and Cry. TT^TT Seriously though. Wtf.
I found this from a Skylox fanvid my friend sent me
you watched the video? didnt chuu? :3 brofist.
Shes BETTER than miku :D She kicks mikus, rins, and lens asses put together ha ha
What does it matter is supposed to be it doesn't matter but same message