Do Muslim Women Cheat?

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Cheating is a Major sin. Do not approach zina. May Allah protect us from what is displeasing to Him, Amin.


As with most modern women, notice she immediately defaults to a lack of accountability. She excuses the cheating woman's misbehavior by redirecteing it to the man or offended/hurt spouse, saying, "Me cheating on you is your fault. I did it because you didn't do ...". A lack of accountability only gets worse with time.

Gents, run from women like this, fast not slow and do not look back. You deserve better.


Cheating has no excuse. Its the worst form of betrayal and create same trauma like PTSD on the betrayed partner. "Character is Destiny"


Men never give a woman another chance who has cheated on you NEVER NEVER NEVER die with your dignity


No excuse for cheating! regardless of unmet needs. If you're gonna cheat then leave the relationship. Emotional cheating usually leads to physical cheating.


The deep root of anger for men is actually some form of sadness. Disappointment, hurt, expectations not being met, things like that. You were correct but its not necessarily as deep as depression


She somehow found a way to blame the man for being angry at his wife cheating🤦 0 accountability.


My dear brothers in Islam. Things to make you feel good

1. Praying your daily Salah
2. Adkars
3. Istigfar
4. Being among righteous Muslim men
5. Lowering your gaze
6. Walking
7. Eating healthy
8. Exercising
9. Staying positive
10. Thinking about what Jannah is like

Avoid the fitnah of today and avoid women that are westernised. We have to stay vigilant and be positive. These women who cheat are incurring sins and will get punished unless they sincerely repent.


I don't get why people don't understand, if you're in a relationship, there WILL be sacrifices that must be made. There might be a need that isn't being met, but either you continue to make that sacrifice and continue in the relationship (seeking counselling / advice maybe etc) or you leave. Everything has a cost. Go be with someone who can fulfil that need if it's unbearable, but scrap the relationship first. The whole "cheating happens cuz of unmet needs" scenario only happens in a modern society where people have no scruples / accountability and think they can do whatever they want without consequences. It's an 'either or' situation if a need isn't being met, not a 'let me have both and blame it on the unmet needs' situation.


Zina/Adultery is one of the top 3 sins a person can commit. Those souls will be in pain the most.


Gentlemen, if your wife is cheating. Sadly, you really must leave her (even if you decide to get back together for some mitigating circumstance, you need to leave to prove you will). Continue being a father and also start another family. When a woman really loses respect for you it's not likely a resolvable issue. Obviously, case by case, and the children are a very important consideration, but I don't know how you let a woman cheat on you and then continue living under the same roof and expect the behavior to change. Consequences change behavior, not words and yelling. That's my best advice.


It all sounds like an excuse to cheat. All men don’t get aggressive, walk away. Respect is everything.


my ex cheated on me, when i was already going through a grief, with a boy who is her husband now saying he is more romantic than me. That poor guy thinks how pious and Muslim her wife is because he doesn't know about me and God knows how many others. The good thing is i am saved and i get to know the evil nature some women possess. the bad thing is now i am afraid of going into a relationship. I'd choose to stay single happy my whole life over going through that horrible feeling again.


If you have cheated once, you would cheat again, no matter the person. Self control and communication is the key word.if you are married, you supposed to help one another. majority of the women who end up cheating and getting out of their marriage for all kinds of reasons, including flimsy reasons, end up with somebody who ends up doing the same thing to them, and they would never be happy. The only person or people who end a good way are people who suffer emotional abuse and physical abuse in a marriage. Those people do not cheat there, end there marrage, then they stay outside marriage for a while, and eventually they get married to the right person after a while, not cheat under the nose of the person you are with in a marriage if you are not satisfied in the marriage and start another life with another person, do not pretend nor betray the person you are with at the same time looking for an offset ramp outside . There is no justification to cheating either be it a man or a woman. All cheaters face the same fate lack of happiness and fulfillment. Whatever goes around comes around however, how long it is


With hookup culture being so normalized and social media making it easier than ever to chat with anyone privately the women of today's society aren't looking to date/marry, all they care about is having "fun" which is why men don't even try anymore.


I think it is really important to understand that you can't extract your joy from another human being. We have unrealistic expectations in marriage. Just take responsibility of your feelings. Takes time to learn but not impossible. Once we stop expecting too much from other people, life will be more bearable. It is a little oversimplified in my statement but I suppose you get the point.


I'd theorize in countries where there is capital punishment for cheating, there's less cheating. People ultimately respect and fear consequences. This is also why you never go back to a partner that has cheated on you multiple times. No consequences. The next time they feel "off" or something isn't quite to their liking they will cheat. You shouldn't have to be perfect to make a relationship work.


Absolutely! In Morrocco we put them to jail for marital betrayal for a year!


A lot of people cheat just because they can. Their doesn’t need to be a reason


Cheating is the ultimate disrespect for a husband and a marriage. It shows that Islam and culture is NOT a barrier to women's selfishness ("I won't cook...I won't clean...I won't be nice to your parents..."). If women persist in this, do not be surprised when men start treating wives badly and boycotting marriage altogether.
And for the record, no, I'm not condoning bad behavior.
