How to survive in the freezing Arctic with the Commando Helicopter Force

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Before Commando Helicopter Force personnel can operate in Norway or go to the country as part of a deployment, they have to pass a special cold weather course.

This is not for the faint-hearted, with personnel undertaking eight days of survival training in the Arctic.

The Cold Weather Aviation Operators Course sees personnel camp out in the unforgiving climate, build their own shelter and kill and prepare their own food.

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I remember losing a staff man on a survey back in 76 in the training area near Voss. He vanished down a stream that had cut the snow thin on top. I found him hanging on for dear life trying not to be washed away by the stream. Even in summer it was cold, the two mile trek to get him warm and dry carrying theodolite, tripod and staff and keeping Kenny moving were... memorable.


Thoroughly enjoyed CWSC when I did it 13 years ago. Really learning to survive.


I did that for the US Air Force polar survival, and it is very demanding. And the first thing you want when you get out of the field is a very long hot shower.


If i were to do life again as a youth, then this is the regiment id be looking to enlist. Its always appealed to me.


Its a bit like living in the North east of scotland or cairngorms where normal winter temp drops to around -20 to -25. Its great and although temp drops i have been out with the kids from our village sledging and it does not seem to bother them. Put a group of guys in army gear and hear the stories come out of how it was the coldest they had ever experienced lol.


School kids in Sweden have to do this ice bath test to learn how to get up if you fall through the ice.


One might think all Commandos do is jump in and out of freezing water when 'up north'.


The water plunge video is starting to become trite. It's everywhere. Water plunge videos of soldiers from at least a dozen countries out there...


Is the facial hair these guys have allowed because of the cold weather course? I thought generally you have to be clean shaven
