What Exactly IS 'WOKE'?? Here's a Simple Definition.

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Here's why I support the right after having voted democrat for roughly 40 yrs *:*
First why I was Democrat to begin with - McCarthyism, Vietnam, Nixon, Covert Bombing missions over Cambodia, Reagan, . Closing Mental institutions, etc
Today, the left scares me more because any party that feels a need to allow porous borders for the purpose of slanting the playing field in elections, is on a dangerous trajectory.
And it's nearly a guarantee that the future will include things that are more authoritarian, and oppressive, with that party . . . The typical pattern of Marxism . . . Oh - and no surprise that many liberals openly profess Marxist principles.
The conservatives are supportive of the Constitution and as long as the Constitution remains intact, the conservatives are the lesser evil.


Dunno. I'm going to disagree with this. Actually you said it yourself, you're talking Authoritarianism. For me, woke is the left version of it.

Personally I like SFO's definition: "wokeism is the ethics and processes of socialism, expanded beyond class struggle, to include race struggle, gender struggle, sexual struggle and an other near infinite number of marginalized groups as defined by intersectionality"


Woke: the reason people can’t define what a woman js


Woke is a term used specifacally to define the progressive Left. Alt-Right is the
term used for Right wing Extremism.


Isn't "woke" really a leftwing term though? While authoritarianism obviously exists on both sides shouldn't this term just be used to refer to the lefts unique brand of authoritarianism for the sake of simplicity? After all they are the ones who first coined and used the term.


Horseshoe theory is invalid because it defines "Left" and "Right" incorrectly. The concepts seem to be opposite, but they are not. It is better to define them as "More Control" (i.e. Left) and "Less Control" (i.e. Right). These concepts are true opposites whereas the modern definition of R-L are ideologies that are actually heading in the same direction, just emphasizing different areas of control. They are not opposites. Any ideology that advocates for the concentration of power in a central government is "Left" (in the truest sense) and any ideology that advocates for the concentration of power in the individual is "Right" (in the truest sense).


Before "woke" became common parlance I used to call it, "playing the victim cards of others for personal gain". Not super terse but seemed accurate to me.


This statement concerning authoritarianism is circumspect, mostly in her claim that the right (conservative) is far worse in that regard, whereas the left is more dangerous (true).

American conservatives operate within the law first and foremost as well as PROVEN societal norms (even when challenging them), while also placing personal freedom, personal accountability, reciprocity of value, and objective reality (facts/truth) as major individual as well as societal priorities.
A few synonyms for the term conservative; symbiotic, moral, adult, professional, trustworthy, minimalist, honest, protective, guarded, grounded, etc.

Whereas the "woke" left (and mid to far left) place celebrity, mob consensus, and subjective (mostly group) OPINION among their top priorities. Seeking change no matter &/or oblivious to the damage it may and often will cause others as well as themselves. For like most wannabe tyrants. they hold themselves/peers unaccountable in accordance with "social justice/political correctness" as opposed to humane laws and standards. And what makes them dangerous is the combination of INEPTITUDE (emotional, professional, chemical, moral, etc.) that enables them to succumb/believe in the LIES of others as well as their own. In this sense leftism, liberalism, socialism, postmodernism, communism, faux-intellectuals, etc. are no different than the exclaimed/purported goodwill of; con-artists, predatory lenders, etc. as well as other Sociopaths.

This is the reason the ORIGINAL/LITERAL term "liberal" is also a synonym of the term thief as are plagiarists. Because one who "frees" a wallet, idea, etc. from its originator or rightful owner (whether to keep for themselves or to distribute without proper consent) commits a LIBERAL ACT. And in such cases LIES (subjective manipulations/propaganda) are the bread and butter of engaging as well as the covering up of/obfuscation of those acts. And in all such cases this is done to delay or avoid MORAL ACCOUNTABILITY. And nearly all lies need to be maintained over time through MORE LIES, thus the terms COMPLICATED or (more concisely) OVERCOMPLICATED can be considered descriptive synonyms of the term liberal (aka WOKE) as well. And as liars are increasingly backed into webs/corners of their own making they inevitably infect/incorporate others into their schemes, leaning increasingly toward VIOLENT MEASURES in the process.
In this regard leftists, liberals, "woke, " etc. are no different than unsupervised CHILDREN. And this is why the term INFANTILE can also be attributed as yet another synonym of the term LIBERAL.

That is why the enlightenment era and America's founders condoned liberal thought of all kinds, but only as they remain BALANCED through Conservative (aka Conscientious/Moral) Actions &/or socio-political systems. So as to do or enable the LEAST HARM while providing the greatest levels of personal as well as communal/societal benefit.

In effect, the "woke" among us simply need to Grow the F Up
As with most parents that set healthy boundaries for their kids, they must also (themselves) adhere to them as examples for them to emulate. Just as it is up to mature/moral adults and laws to set and maintain similar forms of lawful and enforceable levels of personal/socio-political ACCOUNTABILITY.


"Woke"/Left = Subjectivist Infantilism (aka TYRANNY).
Or as termed within the bible, it is named as... LEGION.



Some authoritarianism is good. Most would want the the police to have the authority to enforce the law. However, they would also want to limit the scope of what becomes enshrined into law to prevent limited authoritarianism from becoming complete totalitarianism. "Wokeness" is not simply authoritarianism. "Wokeness" is about inciting mob rule and the threat of violence in pursuit of the perceived virtue of championing the latest social trend or fad without any thought or contemplation of its consequences. The "progressive" left, by their very nature to champion change as progress, is most susceptible to becoming "woke." In contrast, the "religious right" (if they follow their own tenets) do not support mob violence to achieve authoritarian compliance. Instead, they simply promote that social behaviors should be compliant with standards clearly written in a book which has stood the test of time for literally thousands of years. If you are upset that the "religious right" frowns upon "sinning" behavior, then you are weak because there is genuinely no authority for you to comply. And, if you believe the concept "thou shall not kill" is suspect because it appears in a religious text, then you are whacked.


As far as I see it, Wokeism is a non-theistic religion. It's the wokies on the left and the politically religious on the conservative side which are the problem. Real right wing is libertarianism/liberalism. Conservatives just want to conserve something. Typically they end up on the right because the left wants to get involved in peoples lives, unlike the libertarians (right). Instead of four squares (right vs left + libertarian vs authoritarian) it would make more sense to have a triangle with three point. Socialism (left), libertarianism (right) and conservative (up or down). The lines connecting these points would result in different things opposite of a point. Like the line between left and conservative would be authoritarian, as an opposite to libertarianism. The line between socialism and libertarianism would be progressive, as an opposite to conservative. The line between libertarianism and conservatism is more unclear though, but it could be capitalism, as it is opposite to the socialist point. It would be much more sense drawing this, rather than explaining it. The lines are how two points overlap into the opposite of a third point.


I think the first form of cancel culture happened with the Dixie chicks and that was 90s and it was the right.


Thanks for helping us with these definitions. Pinning down what woke is is kinda difficult so thanks for all the time you've spent looking into it, you're as good as a good reporter!


That is too simple of a definition for a complex word; authoritarian already means authoritarian.

Some words evolve in meaning over time if they have too broad of a definition or people start using them in different contexts.

Woke (2010): being alert to discrimination or injustice

Woke (Now): being an advocate for a collection of groups/ ideologies believed to have been oppressed in US society till now and using neo-marxist methods to attempt to rebalance society.

It's much more complex than that, but watch Thomas Sowell - Universal Justice to see what's wrong with it. Of course, he is probably not popular like Jordan Peterson for the same reason; the radical left don't like facts, logic or having to take accountability for their own lives.

Radical right can't be woke then, they are anti-woke if anything. Though I certainly agree with the horseshoe analogy, radical left and right are basically the same types of people (cluster B personality disorders) with different ideologies.


Maybe I'm missing some political experience as i got into it in 2016 and a little just before then. But "woke", to me, began with leftists taking on the term for black Americans not being "uncle toms" or rather simply believing the left has their best interest at heart. This quickly turned to other leftist ideals becoming considered "woke" such as immigration, lgbt issues, etc. The right, then, rejected these ideals with the term the left had chosen.

I mean, please correct me if I'm wrong. This is just how everything played out for me over the past decade.

I really don't see how it can be so easily replaced with Authoritarian. You can reject authoritarianism and still hold many of these ideals.


Interesting idea that the fight now is not left vs right but authoritarian vs libertarian. But left libertarian is not socialist since that requires a strong state, which is authoritarian. It is communal so that all property is shared by freely agreeing to do so without state enforcement.


You can't abandon your roots, you are from the left and can't move from it.


Woke is easy to define: It's blaming (scapegoating) someone else for your unhappiness, non-success, failures, feelings, etc.


I am still not clear what 'Woke' on the political right would mean. Can you give an example?


This is not correct.

First off, why would it make sense to define a word as a different word? "I define _woke_ as authoritarian" doesn't make sense. Authoritarianism one of the components, but certainly not the sole defining one. If you don't see that there is a lot more to it, then I'm afraid you don't understand the term.

Second, there cannot be a plurality of genuine authoritarian threats within the same democratic political system.

Third, the original meaning behind the term _"woke"_ meant that a person has opened their eyes and now recognizes the supposed injustices happening all around them. The term is fundamentally associated with "social justice, " so you cannot accurately define the term without it, and I have no idea why you'd want to.

I mean, I have no allegiance to any party or politician and believe the increasing polarization in this two-party system is the greatest threat to us all, but this take is really bad and quite clearly an attempt to capitalize off of the current dysfunction in politics by pretending that libertarianism is everyone's true savior if only they'd finally realize it.


what is the difference between zombies and dead people?

they woke
