Bent Poles & Tight Lines | Pickled Pike Catch and Cook

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After a successful pike fishing trip at a nearby lake we bring our catch back to the cabin and prepare pickled pike for surprisingly delicious tacos.

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- Eric & Arielle Illia

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I love how no matter what you’re doing with the pups, they always have beds and blankets!


Absolute human moment at the end. Laughing and enjoying each other. Great guys.


Your dogs snoozing in the boat ... absolutely made my heart melt!!!


Watching Arielle running in the rain with that huge smile coming in from the garden and Eric laughing so hard he almost choked on is Pike Taco was almost as amazing as you both catching all those fish. I love the days when the fish are biten.


I love the parts where your personalities come though lol you guys are hilarious and I'd be lucky to find someone in my lifetime that has what you guys have. You're both wonderful, thank you for bringing us along for your journey!


I love that you gave Arielle the first taste of the pickled fish. This channel pushes all my buttons.


You guys are really amazing . Don't separate from each other. You are an inspiration as a loving couple. Thank you for your life changing videos . God bless you....💕💕💕💕


Every time I watch you all eat, I get hungry. My creativity in food preparation has gone by the wayside so anything anyone fixes excites my taste buds...thanks!


Eric gets so passionate about the food I just 😊 it. Ariel loves it her food as well but is more “cool “ and factual. Thanks you two!


The look on your faces after the first bite of the Taco was awesome. You guys just looked at each other chewing and nodding 'yes, yes'


reason we enjoy this so much is because this is part of our nature, it resonates with our souls and reminds us of the freedom we all use to possess.


Howdy ya'll, love your videos. We moved to Alaska back in '70. What an adventure! I was 12 years old along with my five siblings and mom and dad. Drove up the Alcan towing a travel trailer and camped about a mile from Charlie Lake B.C. My two older brothers and I hiked down to the lake following a crisscrossing game trail. The Northern pike were biting like crazy. We kept the largest one at about 35 inches! We got lost on the way back for hours and hours.
The RCMP was even looking for us. We ate the fish the next morning for breakfast. By far the best fish I ever ate. My favorite. I stayed in Alaska for 22 years. Some siblings are there still as is our step mom. (Hi Mary, Susan, Jennifer and all) Pretty sure they follow you two as well. Your videos sure make me homesick. All my old stomping grounds. Thank you for sharing.
P.S. We pickled, smoked, and/or canned almost everything we harvested. Pickled halibut was one of my favorites.


The last couple of months, whenever I get a chance, I’ve been making my way through your “videos in order” playlist and wow I have enjoyed and learned so much from you guys! These tacos look amazing, I love pickled pike! I’ve got 28 more videos and then I’ll be caught up to your “real time” videos. But honestly there’s so much to learn from each video I might go back and watch the “videos in order” playlist all over again! Way better than any T.V. show or Netflix series.


This is the life I want to live! How lucky you both found the perfect partner as I think your journey definitely requires two!


You all are living the dream. I love that you take your dogs with you as much as you can. Arielle is so sweet she doesn't want to hit the fish too hard!


I just love the way you 2 interact. So much fun and the real you always comes through. Thank you for all the wonderful experiences you bring me along too. 😊


Love your YouTube sessions. The way you work together and all your living Sustainability. I’ve learn a lot from both of you and still learning. Thank you


Just what I needed. I lost my Grandma a few weeks back and now my Granddad has passed away.
I can always count on you guys for a laugh.
EDIT: Have you guys always had the boat? My memory is terrible. 😁


After all the hard work filling in the root cellar, it's nice to see some enjoyable and productive fishing! I think the dogs enjoyed it more too. 😉


Great video 👍 Pickled pike are always good. Another really good pickled fish is sucker, more firm than pike even, and very tasty.👌 Thanks again for taking us along👏
