A 20th Century Rediscovery: The Nurse by Sir Oswald Birley

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Hidden from view in the ownership of her descendants, Philip Mould will talk about the arrival from America of an exquisite, hitherto unknown portrait of an arresting 1920's nurse by society painter Sir Oswald Birley. Painted in return for medical services, this masterpiece by Birley combines his brilliance as a portraitist with the sublime lessons of three hundred years of great old master painting.

#oswaldbirley #birley #portrait #portraitpainter #Nurse #modernbritish #british #20thcenturywomen #20thcenturyart #20thcentury
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I only discovered the series fake or fortune three days ago, and I must say I’m totally hooked. I have been speed watching many of them and I’m so drawn in by not only the paintings, but your amazing knowledge of all these artists and history behind each that you examine . Utterly captivating.


I have watched this short film several times and on each occasion I am instantly reminded of The Girl with the Pearl Earring. Thank-you for this film.


Thank you so much...we enjoy your sharing knowledge with us in the USA...miss seeing your show!


She looks worn out but I see strength in her, she has a beautiful face ❤️ magnificent 🙏❣️☘️


Its a contemporary subject, tired nurse mixed with glamour.


i see the artist showing us all the horrors of war in a portrait - incredible - it's all there in the eyes - a young woman who has seen way too much suffering and pain in too many wounded soldiers


She is beautiful! A young lady with full lips and tired eyes, too busy for small talk. She has so much to do. The choice of cutting the right side of her scarf in line with her neck is genius. I am glad that I have now heard of this artist.


This old fan of Fake or Fortune in America misses you, Philip! Thank you for sharing her with us.


I am so in love with this painting. We see what might've been a petulant teenager in the not too distant past, but she is exhausted and traumatized. She can hardly keep her eyes open. She retains her stunning natural beauty but will never be the same carefree person again. Her beauty coupled with the pall of trauma and exhaustion makes for a powerful, almost transcendent viewing experience. The contrast between her youthful beauty and what we know must be days and nights filled with unimaginable horror, knocks you right in the gut. This is innocence lost to the horrors men inflict upon one another. It is brilliant that Birley chose, in 1921, some three years after the war had ended, to depict her in between shifts at the nightmare factory, eyes blackened so that the shadows creep all the way onto her cheeks, as if into her soul, , and ours if we listen closely enough.


I was sad when the Art in Isolation series ended and was hopeful that you would speak about art in your offices. I am so pleased that you have chosen to do so and that it is not a brief description of a piece of art -- I have never heard of Oswald Birley, but thanks to you I have now. Excellent painter. And thanks to you I am learning more about the old masters and am starting to see the influence of artists on subsequent artists AND the why of it, and the HOW of it. Thank you so much.


She's gorgeous and petulant. Philip really knows how to bring art to life what a pro - a great distraction


The painting of Rhoda Birley - The Green Masque - is enchanting.


Such a wonderful portrait. Birley has captured this young lady as if during a busy day of work. The cleaning is just right; beautiful.


This has become one of my favorite paintings. She looks bruised somewhat as though a war has taken a toll on her. Love it.


What a gorgeous portrait. She’s stunning.


Art education at its best! Thank you Philip, we can feel your passion. The fascinating background stories always hook me right away! I believe I speak for all your art aficionado subscribers when I say 'subscribing to your channel reaps only returns'. You make it possible for many of us to get to know, enjoy and appreciate the art unknown to us and those pieces which speak to us but that are not obtainable or affordable.


To me it looks as though she's been crying, there's that bit of white paint under her left eye and the darker streak of skin beneath. She's earnest and hard working.


Her hauntingly sad and weary, yet beautiful, face perfectly sums up the horrors that those brave nurses had to deal with, patching up the damaged men. It’s a wonderful painting.


The portrait is stunning so beautiful, seems almost painted in 3D.


Good grief - I am stunned. This is within a smidgen of van Gogh's most intense self portraits. Never heard of Birley until now but wow! More than wow! This is something else. The Girl with the Pearl Earring? (I have seen that at the Mauritshuis in The Hague) - this has just as much power. Thank you Philip for sharing this.
