Stuart Hameroff 2021 - Quantum biology and consciousness

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Academia Romana
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Better than anything on primetime television.


I dont understand 75% of this theory of hard problem of consciousness but its the most fascinating subject matter i discovered for myself. I have a feeling the OR theory will be validated to be 100% correct.


Love to see Hameroff is back in action. In his absence I've been persuaded that free will is an illusion. However I'll always listen closely to what Stuart has to say, Orch-OR is the most compelling scientific argument to the contrary.


An extension of your music metaphor: in Jazz there exists "Call and response" which might aptly fit in further explaining your conductor(less) music analogy. Consciousness may stimulate patterns in a 'call' and be followed by memory functions responding by recalling previous stored models based on similarity to the current model. Consciousness could then 'call' for more similar events until it reaches a choice. In music, each call and response is moderated by a number of bars or measures. This part of the analogy would explain sub frequency and super frequency effects. Further analogies follow by adding in key changes, major and minor and chord progressions that would allow for anticipatory explanations why we can hit a ball in 100ms with a system that takes 500ms to respond. The system has matched the current model to a previous model and it plays without any conscious interaction. This is generally true in music, consciousness merely directs the unconscious to play sequences of actions based on the best fit of the current model.


This is such a fascinating lecture . Thank you


The Dynamic duo! Such a great discussion!


Hameroff always says that AI scientists assume that "consciousness arrives at a certain amount of complexity" but I have never heard any serious AI scientist actually say that. I've heard some hard materialists make light of consciousness but as deep learning language models continue to grow, I think we might actually have a bad definition of consciousness or conscious experience to begin with and might be missing the point. I tend to have the feeling that the Eastern religions are closer to the truth. If consciousness is a quantum effect that likely means that it permeates throughout all matter. Point being, if that's the case, then why can't Artificial Intelligence be conscious if the basis of all reality is consciousness itself? Bing


Thanks for this exciting presentation. I would like to ask about "Quantum Logic" as a step that I am missing between the physics of the Tubulins and the philosophy of Penrose OR?


Every time you hear him talk about "bing" remember that he is referring to "being"


Where can I get the other 300 slides? :)


Ties up with my own professional findings!


Could the faster than 3rd wave response have something to do with the subconscious? What if the subconscious is the primary operating layer, and conscious processing is the primary experience/perceiving, even directing layer. Say an autonomous vehicle, the car will make decisions before the driver is even aware, because the car is programmed to operate with an objective and sensing things the driver isn't, or sensing things faster. But ultimately the conscious driver is in control. I think the conscious mind instructs/can instruct the subconscious to fulfill an objective, and the subconscious operates in ways that the conscious mind cannot, sensing, understanding, calculating, reacting. Imagine if we had to consciously process everything we were exposed to or everything we did. Impossible. When you set an outcome it instructs the subconscious to fulfill it, to realize it. It makes the background but vitally important decisions that you are not aware of. I'm sure that looking at this from an outside perspective it would appear as the brain operating outside of free will, but it's free will that has instructed this process.


Love to see people here allegedly arguing back to Dr. Hammeroff with fancy wording. Great lecture, always keen to know more about this work. Thanks for posting it, I've enjoyed it very much.


Consciousness existed in the primordial soup? Or, did (for want of a better model to describe backw-in-time) a consciousness create the "primordial soup" in which that consciousness fractally propagated through the "primordial soup"? Consciousness, "primordial soup" & resonant frequency?


Please can we have a link to the slides?

(Or the slides as you have updated them in the last year)?


Psa 139:14  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 
It's interesting that we cannot build a machine like this, and yet people want to believe that this sprang from, evolved from nothing.


Hameroff, is there any recent delopments, such as new evidence, for Orchestrated Objective Reduction?


I would turn to people who give spiritual initiations for further research. They tend to to promote physical reactions inside bodies of their clients just trough communication with something that does not come from


Where do I go if I want to study this subject deeper?


Consciousness/mind is the Power of the spirit / soul acting thru the brain. Brain is the radio, Spirit is the signal .. the song playing on the radio is our mind. Or you could think of the brain as a mirror reflecting the powers of the Spirit as well. The Quantum is the world of the Spirit acting on Creation … Our minds and the Quantum is the bridge between the material reality and the reality of the Spirit/Kingdom …. IMHOO ..
