OXFORD | 4K Narrated Walking Tour | Let's Walk 2021

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Join me for a walk around the legendary city of Oxford, best-known as the home of the oldest university in the English-speaking world! But along with the wealth of colleges and striking university buildings to be found around the city, there's even more to Oxford, from its role in the English Civil War to serving as the place where a number of works of fiction were inspired!

On our walk around Oxford, we pass countless interesting landmarks, just a few of which include Christ Church, Christ Church Cathedral, Alice's Shop, Tom Tower, St. Aldate's Church, Oxford Town Hall, Carfax Tower, High Street, Oxford Covered Market, Lincoln College, Brasenose College, the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Magpie Lane, Merton College, Corpus Christi College, University College, the Examinations Schools, Magdalen College, Queen's Lane, All Souls' College, the Radcliffe Camera, the Bodleian Library, the Bridge of Sighs, the Clarendon Building, the Sheldonian Theatre, the White Horse Pub, Balliol College, the site of the execution of the Oxford Martyrs, the Martyrs' Memorial, The Randolph Hotel, the Ashmolean Museum, St. Mary Magdalene Church, Cornmarket Street, St. Peter at the Northgate Church, Queen Street, Oxford County Hall and Oxford Castle and Prison.

Thank you so much to the following sites for their help in my research of Oxford:

0:00 The Meadow Building (Christ Church)
0:50 Christ Church
1:58 Christ Church Cathedral
2:55 Christ Church
3:03 St. Aldate's
3:15 Alice's Shop
3:46 St. Aldate's
4:39 Tom Tower
5:39 St. Aldate's
5:53 St. Aldate's Church
6:14 Tom Tower
6:26 St. Aldate's
7:22 Oxford Town Hall
7:38 St. Aldate's
8:16 Carfax
8:27 Carfax Tower
8:48 Carfax
9:15 High Street
10:08 Oxford Covered Market
10:35 High Street
10:40 Former All Saints' Church (Lincoln College Library)
11:01 High Street
11:40 Brasenose College
12:10 University Church of St. Mary the Virgin
12:43 High Street
12:52 Magpie Lane
14:38 Merton College Chapel
14:54 Merton Street
15:06 Merton College Chapel
15:23 Merton Street
16:13 Merton College
16:40 Merton Street
18:43 Examinations Schools
19:09 Merton Street
19:27 High Street
19:54 Magdalen College
20:11 High Street
20:51 Examinations Schools
21:23 High Street
21:36 Queen's Lane
22:19 High Street
23:36 All Souls' College
23:55 High Street
24:25 Catte Street
24:46 Radcliffe Camera
25:15 University Church of St. Mary the Virgin
25:45 Radcliffe Camera
26:37 Catte Street
26:47 Bodleian Library
27:10 Catte Street
27:19 Bridge of Sighs (Hertford College)
27:58 Catte Street
28:10 Clarendon Quad
28:41 Clarendon Building
28:51 Old Schools Quadrangle (Bodleian Library)
29:28 Statue of 3rd Earl of Pembroke
29:52 Tower of the Five Orders
30:16 Old Schools Quadrangle (Bodleian Library)
30:44 Clarendon Quad
31:01 Sheldonian Theatre
31:59 Divinity School
32:12 Sheldonian Theatre
32:29 Harry Potter Scar
32:45 Sheldonian Theatre
32:57 Broad Street
33:17 The White Horse Pub
33:38 Broad Street
34:37 Balliol College
35:05 Broad Street
35:26 Site of the execution of the Oxford Martyrs
35:46 Broad Street
36:15 Magdalene Street East
36:31 St. Mary Magdalene Church
36:57 Magdalene Street East
37:37 Martyrs' Memorial
38:11 The Randolph Hotel
38:29 Beaumont Street
38:46 Ashmolean Museum
39:17 The Randolph Hotel
39:34 Beaumont Street
39:41 Magdalene Street
41:11 Cornmarket Street
41:24 St. Peter at the Northgate Church
42:01 Cornmarket Street
44:10 Carfax
44:30 Queen Street
46:02 Bonn Square
46:26 Westgate Shopping Centre
46:45 Queen Street
47:01 New Road
47:50 Old Oxfordshire County Hall
48:03 New Road
48:19 Oxford Prison
49:13 Oxford Castle
50:46 Oxford Castle & Prison
52:15 Thank you for watching!

Stats for nerds:

Distance walked: 2.2 miles/3.5km
Step count: 4400 steps (approx.)
Time taken: 51 mins 50 secs
Average speed: 2.5mph/4kmh

Please do not use any footage from this video without my permission.
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Good evening! And welcome to a bumper walk around the heart of one of England's most famous cities: Oxford! From its university to its castle and the many hidden stories that lie within, there's a wealth of riveting history and stunning sights to be found in Oxford, just a few of which we'll visit on this tour!

One thing that we didn't get a chance to see in Oxford was the city's rivers, of which there are two. By Magdalen College, you'll find the picturesque River Cherwell, while on the opposite side of the city is the River Isis. The Isis is actually just the River Thames, which flows all the way towards London, but the river in Oxford is often known as the Isis when referred to in the world of rowing, a big part of university life in the city!


Oxford is so beautiful! The old buildings and architecture are honestly stunning.


Thank you for this informative tour. My son will be attending St. Cross college this fall for his masters. I’m so proud he will get an education from such a prestigious university with incredible history.


Thank you for an outstanding tour of Oxford.
Such a magnificent city with history on every corner.
I'm impressed by all the historical facts you put into this tour and really enjoyed listening.
Also great to see your subscriber numbers increasing. 👏👏


My nephew is reading physics at wadham college, started this year, I will be visiting him next week so thank you for a very much enjoyable and informative video. Oxford is simply stunning. It’s no wonder Hitler planned to base his headquarters here if he won the war.


Thank you for your comprehensive tour around Oxford. As an alumnus of Merton College, and retired academic of thirty plus years, may I mention that Merton College is also home to the oldest continuously functioning college library in the world ! The ' time ceremony ' you talked about is great fun, walking backwards to preserve the time/space continuum :)
Merton Street also has one of the roughest road surfaces in all of Oxford - cyclists beware :(
Wonderful tour, well narrated, with all the essential city history - top shelf indeed !


I have never visited Oxford… Thank you for your history tour.


Your amazing at what you do, not sure if you been told this before but you have an amazing voice, sound like a radio presenter, funny as it may sound thats what i feel about it, your knowledge on these places are amazing, your a true inspiration


Absolutely loved this. It helped that the sun was shining but so many beautiful buildings to see. Thank you.


If anyone doubted Oxford has a lot to show, just look at how dense this timeline is hahaha


What an extraordinarily useful and absorbing tour. Having recently visited Oxford, I can say that this video has greatly enhanced my understanding and appreciation for this historic city and university. I do appreciate that you, the narrator, didn't insert himself visually into the tour, which I find distracting in many similar videos.


Leaving oxford for bristol for my new job in few days. Going to miss this place very much. This is my first hometown in UK.


The best video of introduction to Oxford University I have seen so far . Thank you so much and your effort is very appreciated !


Это потрясающе! Большое вам спасибо за этот красивый и увлекательный фильм! Я мечтаю посетить Британию и непременно Оксфорд!


I have lived just outside of and worked all my life in Oxford and in most of the places featured in your video, (Richard Ward Construction) but I learnt more about the place in the last 52 minutes than I’ve ever learnt in the last 42 years. Really made me appreciate Oxford a lot more. The Harry Potter fact is a really nice point, I’ll be forever telling people about that now! “You see this mark here, I bet you don’t know what it means.” 😉 🤓

And it’s nice to see these places without the hassle of traffic and hundreds of people getting in my way. 😂 🙏🏼 ☺️


In his poem 'Thyrsis' the Victorian poet Matthew Arnold called Oxford 'the city of dreaming spires'.


I lived for many decades near Oxford and was bLue badge guide lecturer for over 20 years till I attained 75 years, I love Oxford as Town and Gown and most of all I certainly enjoyed your exquisite and most informative tour of my beloved Oxford merci


Thank you for narrating it with voice. I watched your Haworth video, which I really enjoyed but I struggled capturing the visuals and reading at the same time. Your voice narration is the best. I really enjoy your delightful, enjoyable and educational videos.


Really enjoyed all your narrated walking tours. Thank you.


Love my home town …… fantastic to see the flag of St George.
