Sony A6600 review - detailed, hands-on, not sponsored (2)

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A detailed, hands-on review of the Sony A6600, describing everything you need to know about this camera.


0:00 auto focus settings incl. face/eye/animal
2:15 manual focus
2:35 burst/continuous
3:38 focus tracking and burst
4:10 drive modes, timers and brackets
5:00 video
6:10 Log settings and picture profiles
7:53 XYLA chart dynamic range
8:31 super 35mm and crops
9:08 overheating test
9:46 one candle low light
10:48 HDMI recorder settings
12:01 playback
12:14 menu rant
13:44 summary

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The Sony A6600 and the G series 70-350mm lens were on loan, and returned after the review.

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Рекомендации по теме

As always the best technical camera reviews on the web. Nice job.


Thank you mr. Marteen I really enjoy your Honest and Detailed Reviews they had helped me a lot in a decission of purchase, as well to set my camera right from the beginning!


OK, I’m convinced. If I want to learn about a camera, or more technical details such as video recording options, YOU are the guy that has the answers. I’ve never understood what the value of all the gamma options in the video choices were as using many of them provided pretty horrible results straight out of the camera. BUT you provided a visual explanation that gave me the AHA moment. I now understand why these choices are used: expanding the dynamic range a camera is capable of. Perhaps a four or five stop increase. Thank you for enabling me to understand what it’s for. Your graphic illustration around 8 minutes into the video was the sledgehammer that hit my brain. (My next aha moment may be when I learn how to convert these
gamma files into higher quality video.)


Thank you very much!!!!You are an amazingly positive and professional person who brings light to our world.🌴🌈


10:48 - I really appreciate this! All other reviewers never reviews the hdmi-out of any camera but this is the most important feature for me. Thanks!


Very thorough overview. Great work sir!


Thank you for this great camera review, kind regards.


Excellent informative video. This camera is i would say state of the art.


Thanks a whole lot for such a detailed review, you are the best! Greetings and love from Barcelona!


Yes, I know, you are probably right. Unfortunately, I live in a country (Paraguay) where batteries, cards, cameras are not easy, if at all, to get. I had to pay a hefty 30% on top of the camera price to get mine delivered from the US.


Excellent hands-on review. The lack of video improvements prevented my from buying this model. I don’t want to invest in a new ecosystem but depending on what comes out in 2020 I may have try Fuji or Panasonic.


Thank u for much detail and informative review. It helps. I have also saw ur reviews about A7ii D750 and this one. If you had an option to choose for a max $1200 budget which one would you select? Please suggest.


I do also of motorsport photography, my main go to technique is panning at less than 1/100sec, I'm considering getting this or the a6500 because of price any advice would be welcome.


So I’m rocking an old NEX6 that I’ve had since launch back in like 2012-2013. I have a decent lens library. I’m considering an upgrade for family photos. I am torn between buying a new APSC camera such as the a6600 with the better autofocus and IBIS or going FF with the A7iii or upcoming a7iv.
I’m really only using my camera for photos and I’d consider myself an intermediate level hobby photographer. Would you recommend
1. buying the a6600 or
2. keeping my NEX6 for travel use and buying the FF system for around home/family photos?


Mr. Maaltren Heiblron. how you record the camera with the menu image on the monitor. Is there a video describing it. please help. thank you.


Maarten: Excellent review, as always. Have you been able to figure out why the tracking autofocus option is grayed out in video appears to be tracking, but the option is grayed out when you cycle through the focus modes in movie mode.


Hi Maarten. I have recently found your channel and am learning a great deal from your videos. I've been using Sony a6000 for the past 1.5 year mostly for travel photography: landscape, streets, cities, markets etc very little sport or action unless there is some activity on the streets. A month ago I bought Sony's 16-55 f2.8 G lens which is a joy to use and processing raw images has become so much more fun. Since neither A6000 nor the 16-55 lens offer any stabilization I was wondering about upgrading to either a6500 or a6600 that offer IBIS and a touch screen for focus! My question is there any considerable difference in image quality in low light situations between the cameras? Would the AF on a6600 be of greater help capturing casual images of poeple going about their business than on a6500? I don't do much video (I prefer go pro for that) or indulge in vain selfie taking. Just still photography. Would it be more prudent to purchase a used a6500 and wait till Sony releases an new model to a6600 hopefully with upgraded sensor and IBIS? Many thanks for your reply.


Thank you for the information. Just bought this camera and have only 25p 100m and 25p 60m while turn on 4k. I got confused, Can you please explain. Thanks


Does touch tracking still work when using hdmi-out in 4K 24p or 1080p 24p?


08/28/2020 thank you very much for this information
