Is the Second Coming Close? // President Nelson’s Consistent Warnings Since Becoming Prophet

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0:00 - But the Prophet Will Tell Us Right?
2:53 - Wendy’s Witness of our Living Prophet
5:18 - 2018 - Spiritual Survival In Coming Days
7:23 - 2019 - Called to Prepare World for 2nd Coming
10:52 - 2020 - Prepare Temporally & Spiritually
17:45 - 2021 - Ever-Increasing Pace
21:18 - 2022 - Signs of Time are Intensifying
28:20 - 2023 - Wrath of God/Day of Burning
31:55 - 2024 - Challenges of these Last Days
34:55 - A Powerful Concert of Clarity
38:45 - But What if it DOESN’T Happen in My Lifetime?
40:40 - As it Was in the Days of Noah, So Shall it Be For Us.
43:23 - If Ye Are Prepared, Ye Shall Not Fear
44:13 - My Testimony

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I recently got off my mission, but when I was on my mission, I had a dream that was very vivid regarding the end of days. To me it was from God because in my dream I felt the spirit so immensely strong.

In the dream I saw all of the LDS members of this generation, and I instantly understood (I don’t know how) that we were the strongest of Gods children. After that, I saw the world grow in turmoil until finally the economy and other necessities in America completely fell apart. In my dream it was instant. We all thought life was good, but then the next day everything came crashing down. Lastly at the end of my dream, I saw a temple sealing. The Spirit told me strongly that it was vital to be sealed. Since this time, I got married shortly after my mission to the most spiritual person I have ever met. And she and I plan on being sealed in this coming month.

Ultimately, I really think the 2nd coming is soon. And I mean REAL soon. Not in 10 years. Less. Pray, go to the temple, and ask God to teach you for yourself. I have a testimony that you can receive revelations about the end days if you have the faith to. God bless y’all!


I’d like to share my story if that's okay.
I am a Welshman, though I have lived the majority of my life in Australia now. I have been a member since I was baptised at 18 (1998) (my father is not a member, so I had to wait).
Around October/November ’22 I was reading at my home in Melbourne when a sudden overwhelming prompting came over me.
I heard and felt in my head “Prepare to leave. Start getting your paperwork in order, start cutting ties, and clearing things out. You are being sent somewhere!”
So overwhelmingly strong was the prompting, that I felt I’d burst if I didn’t instantly begin. So, I instantly started to apply for paperwork so I could get my passport.
This was instantly accompanied by a burst of spiritual energy that confirmed I was on the right track, began changing, and preparing me with strength and faith to press forward. I definitely needed that energy as I faced multiple trials. Not least of which was I had no clue where or when I was going. How do you prepare when you can’t answer When, where, why or how?
I applied for my UK passport assuming I would be sent back to Britain, and applied for a basic American visa (what’s called an ESTA that gives 90 days) just to “cover my bases” as I doubted, I’d be sent there. I also began googling dates, places and flights over and over again.
After several months of this I realised I was googling Salt Lake City 6th of October every time. After a particularly challenging day I looked at my laptop and saw a flight, and just knew it was the one, so I booked it. A wave of calm came over me. The site linked to hotels and I saw one, and knew I had to book it, so, I did.

I knew now where and when, but as I looked at the plans, I thought they made no sense. I couldn’t work on the visa, it was only 90 days, I knew no one there, I had nothing there it looked doomed to fail.
I thought I’ll apply for other visas, I’ll reach out and make connections, start talking to people and set things up for myself…
I was instantly constrained. I heard in my head “This is a faith exercise. If you know it will succeed before you go, then where’s the faith? Just trust!”
I also asked at this time “why am I going, and what will I experience?”
For the first question, I was told “The sun is about to set, and I need you there to help when the darkness comes.” And to my second I was told “Death, darkness and pain.”
I quit my job, gave everything I owned away and got on the plane with just a suitcase of clothes and a little carry on, on the 6th of October '23.
This was the beginning of my journey. It has been filled with ever increasing challenges, trials, fear, faith, light and revelation. Most of my old life has been striped away from me, and I am being led on through greater changes. I cannot see the path ahead of me, but everything is telling me we are on a precipice. There is such an urgency I feel. I have to share. Prepare now!
(Sorry for the length)


The bottom of the ninth inning is an interesting Analogy. You don’t have a bottom of the ninth inning unless it looks like your team is losing! This is the inning when Christ and his team come back and score the winning runs! We truly will see the most miraculous events during this ninth inning! And I’m excited that there are people that are as passionate about this as I am! I guess it’s time to put on a rally hats!


In 1990 Elder Nelson gave a talk on distinguishing between the latter days and the last days. He said we were living in the latter days which is why we are called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…well, Last General Conference he said we are in THE LAST DAYS! I sure hope so! Thank you for this well done video!


A sister working in the Salt Lake temple, before it was closed down, was in the sealing office. President Nelson walked by then he turned around and came back into the room and walked up to her, looked her in the eye and said, "the Savior is coming sooner than you think." Then he turned and walked out. She immediately wrote it down, took a pic of her note then sent it to her kids. Her son told this story to my MIL's stake conference and showed the pic. I love this story. I feel it is near in my very core. I know I'm not ready but I can't wait!


I have two children whose patriarcle blessings mention they will be involved in war and chaos and help establish the governent on earth under the direction of the Savior. This younger generation is amazing.


I would say that it's already been generations. They've been telling us we're an important generation since the late 60's. The majority of the people from then until now are still alive. I have no doubt it's in our lifetime and happening SOON! I feel it in my bones. Thanks for a great video!


I am 77. My Patriarchal Blessing tells me I will be used by the church at the last days.


Eagerly waiting for that day, because it will be the beginning of the time when
"They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."


Parker...THANK YOU...for reminding me of the Lord's perfect love and HIS excitement over the Second Coming. Since our conversion in 1971, my husband and I have thrilled at our knowledge that He will come to rule and reign on this earth...and soon after my husband's baptism, our patriarch told him he was young enough to witness His return in the flesh. My husband died in 2017, but we had known for decades that it didn't matter which side of the veil we were on at that day...what mattered was our readiness. I've seriously and intensely gathered names and gone to the temple at every opportunity (and encouraged others to bless their own lives by doing the same). I dearly want to have a record of the very work that will prove our lives have not been a waste and that the earth fulfilled its purpose as well. It's glorious!!


Whether the second coming is close, in our lifetime or not, we should always be urgent in learning and living the gospel in it's fullness, AND teaching our neighbor to do so too. It takes time to help the world prepare for His second coming.


Excellent! Hurrah for Israel. What a time to be alive. Stay true through the storm. Miracles will come.


I had been reading D&C 109 in the temple but the verse you shared didn’t hit me until you repeated it and after a dream I had.

“that day when thou shalt unveil the heavens, …That when the trump shall sound for the dead, we shall be caught up in the cloud to meet thee, that we may ever be with the Lord."

I had a dream a few nights ago that the heavens literally opened and people were being lifted in the sky. It struck me and I woke up with so much peace but now reading scripture that 100% supports what I dreamed I feel even more sure that it wasn’t a random dream. God has been nudging my heart as he has yours for quite some time now. There are no coincidences!


The Jews rejected the Christ when he came because he didn’t match their “expectations”. Similarly, many of us won’t be prepared to meet Christ when he comes again because we’re “expecting” or “waiting” for a magnificent warning to sound before we take bigger actions.


Excellent video! Would share an experience that occurred just a few years ago, some years before covid. Our Stake conducted an "emergency situation" for one week in which all members were asked to take stock of their provisions and preparations for difficult times. About a month after this "emergency week, " I was sitting with the Stake President in our bishop's office waiting for a meeting to begin and I asked him about this week, specifically what the Stake intended to do with the information reported about the preparations of its members. His answer kind of stunned me. He said, "Nothing." By the look on my face, he knew I expected no such answer. I then asked him why and he said the membership has been counseled for decades to get their lives in order and this was a wake-up-call for those members paying attention. It woke me up and I've been working on it ever since. For those who think their preparation has been a waste of time and effort because nothing ever happened during their lifetime, the Lord has ever counseled His saints to be prepared and ready. Whether disaster strikes or does not, has nothing to do with following His counsel.


Well done, Parker. I totally agree with you, and I have been saying the same thing about the second coming is closer than we think. Let us all be the five virgins prepared with full lamps.


Loved this! I would perhaps change the phrase from “The rain is coming” to “ The REIGN is coming” because the prophets seem more focused on the glorious future than all the destruction that will happen beforehand. The focus is Christ—in all things. The future is indeed bright!


Excellent video!

President Nelson did say something very significant in his most recent talk! He has always referred to our days as the 'latter days'. In his talk in 1990 about the correct name of the Church, he specifically states that the latter days are different than the last days. In all of his talks, he has only called our time the 'latter days'. However, in this most recent conference he said, "the temple spiritually empowers you and me to meet the challenges of life in these last days." Chills ran through my body when he said that. He has never used those words before. (When he has used 'last days' in his talks, he has been quoting scripture.) I also think it is very significant that he has the triumphal entry painting right behind his desk (which Elder Gong told us in April 2020 conference is the original). That painting is included in a portrait of him. Every portrait photographer knows it is not good design to put paintings in the backgrounds of portraits. It seems to be a very intentional message for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear.


I have been pondering these very things over the past several months. I agree with you 100%. I have been serving in the Bountiful Temple and will also be serving in the new Layton Temple. Temples are being built for a purpose, so that more and more people Are prepared on both sides of the veil. The work is hastening for a reason.


Excellent presentation! I did this exercise with President Nelson's talks and came out of it thinking "President Nelson is Moses, we are the people of Israel, and the temples are Mt Sinai. We are being invited to sanctify ourselves and meet the Lord on His mount." The urgency is almost palpable. I recently gave a talk in sacrament meeting and felt a little trepidation implying that it's time to become a people that can welcome the Lord at His second coming, but the reality is that it's not my message, it's the Lord's, as we can easily see in the words of His prophet today. Thank you for making this video, because it gave me some ideas as to how I can raise my voice to warn and invite.
