How to Grow DILL from Seed & When to Harvest | Why we LOVE this herb & the BEST WAY to PRESERVE it

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Dill is an essential herb is a must-have for pickles, dressing, bread and more. Plus, it's so easy to grow!
Just plant your dill in well-drained, fertile soil. For best results, start your seeds off indoors or in a greenhouse. It does best in cooler weather, so it's nice to keep things green during those fall and winter months.
If you let it go to seed, no problem! The seeds and flowers are great.
Planting by Zones
Zones 9-10
Dill is a cool season plant that can be grown from fall until late spring in Zones 9 and 10. Its growing season can be extended by using shade cloth or row cover. Dill will naturally want to flower and go to seed as the days get longer.
Zones 2-8
Direct sow in spring after the threat of frost is gone.
-Dill is most easily direct sown into the garden. Plant seeds in debris-free, well-worked soil that has been pre-irrigated. Cover with 1/4″ of finely sifted soil.
-Once the seedlings have germinated and have a first set of true leaves be sure to fertilize regularly with an organic liquid fertilizer.
-Dill grows well thickly sown; it does not need to be thinned.
Growing Bouquet Dill Seeds
-Keep your plants weed-free by pulling any weeds that may compete with your dill.
Succession Planting Dill Seeds
-If you enjoy large amounts of dill, succession planting is a good idea. Start a new round of seeds every 14 days.
Growing Dill Seeds in Containers
-Dill is an excellent container crop. Make sure your container is at least 10″ deep. Keep in mind containers will dry out faster because they have more surface area and less soil to hold onto moisture.
Harvesting Dill
-The key to happy dill is to use it! Trimming dill back often will slow its desire to flower and go to seed. Harvest by cutting the top 1/4″ of the plant.
-When the flower is ready to flower, let it and watch the butterflies and pollinators go wild! This dill also makes a great cut flower.
Southern California Pro-tips for Dill Seeds
-In areas of Zones 9 and 10, dill is an easy crop that will give you delicious foliage through late spring. As the days get longer it will want to go to flower. Allow to flower if you have space; beneficial insects love dill flowers!
-Mulch heavily around your plants to ensure the soil does not dry out or heat up too much. -Compost added to the soil at the time of planting will help retain moisture in the soil during hot, dry weather.
-During our hottest months, plants can suffer from the heat. Using shade cloth can help protect the plants from extreme heat.
Companion Flowers/Crops
-Dill is an herb that is also ornamental when it goes to flower. Interplanting dill with flowers is a great way to utilize space and create a beautiful and edible garden. Dill looks particularly beautiful when planted with alyssum and nasturtium.
Just plant your dill in well-drained, fertile soil. For best results, start your seeds off indoors or in a greenhouse. It does best in cooler weather, so it's nice to keep things green during those fall and winter months.
If you let it go to seed, no problem! The seeds and flowers are great.
Planting by Zones
Zones 9-10
Dill is a cool season plant that can be grown from fall until late spring in Zones 9 and 10. Its growing season can be extended by using shade cloth or row cover. Dill will naturally want to flower and go to seed as the days get longer.
Zones 2-8
Direct sow in spring after the threat of frost is gone.
-Dill is most easily direct sown into the garden. Plant seeds in debris-free, well-worked soil that has been pre-irrigated. Cover with 1/4″ of finely sifted soil.
-Once the seedlings have germinated and have a first set of true leaves be sure to fertilize regularly with an organic liquid fertilizer.
-Dill grows well thickly sown; it does not need to be thinned.
Growing Bouquet Dill Seeds
-Keep your plants weed-free by pulling any weeds that may compete with your dill.
Succession Planting Dill Seeds
-If you enjoy large amounts of dill, succession planting is a good idea. Start a new round of seeds every 14 days.
Growing Dill Seeds in Containers
-Dill is an excellent container crop. Make sure your container is at least 10″ deep. Keep in mind containers will dry out faster because they have more surface area and less soil to hold onto moisture.
Harvesting Dill
-The key to happy dill is to use it! Trimming dill back often will slow its desire to flower and go to seed. Harvest by cutting the top 1/4″ of the plant.
-When the flower is ready to flower, let it and watch the butterflies and pollinators go wild! This dill also makes a great cut flower.
Southern California Pro-tips for Dill Seeds
-In areas of Zones 9 and 10, dill is an easy crop that will give you delicious foliage through late spring. As the days get longer it will want to go to flower. Allow to flower if you have space; beneficial insects love dill flowers!
-Mulch heavily around your plants to ensure the soil does not dry out or heat up too much. -Compost added to the soil at the time of planting will help retain moisture in the soil during hot, dry weather.
-During our hottest months, plants can suffer from the heat. Using shade cloth can help protect the plants from extreme heat.
Companion Flowers/Crops
-Dill is an herb that is also ornamental when it goes to flower. Interplanting dill with flowers is a great way to utilize space and create a beautiful and edible garden. Dill looks particularly beautiful when planted with alyssum and nasturtium.