Hype or Brilliance? Brake Free Motorcycle Helmet Light

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In this video, we review the Brake Free Helmet Light, the innovative LED brake light that promises to revolutionize motorcycle safety. We take an in-depth look at the features of this game-changing device and put it to the test on the road to see if it lives up to the hype. With its unique design, Brake Free aims to make riders more visible to drivers, especially in low-light conditions. Join us as we explore the potential of the Brake Free Helmet Light and its impact on the future of motorcycle safety. Don't miss out on this crucial safety upgrade that every rider should consider! #motorcycle #motorcyclesafety #brakefree #harleydavidson #motorcycles #motorcyclegear #motorcyclehelmet #harleydavidsonmotorcycles #motorcyclelove #bikelife #joegoemotorcycleadventures #harley #safety #motorcycletips
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Рекомендации по теме

I've been riding with this for 2 months now and it is great to have. I can see cars stopping further back from me at stops and definitely gives you piece of mind. Especially night riding.


I have had my Brake Free for 2 yrs and it is the best thing I've bought. Period.


I just got this for my wife and I n it’s amazing and is super bright so it’s great for daytime riding as well… also we have our daughters on back of our bikes at times so we got extra mounts that way we can have the brake light on the passengers helmet when they r on the bike with us… Such an awesome light and pls don’t be fooled and get the knock offs… How much is ur life worth to u? $160 for the setup is a no brained. I also have led underglows on my bike that have the brake light feature with it as well so I’m lit up like a Christmas tree at night time 😂


I've had this light for several months to a year now. The first week I had it a motorist pulled up next to me pointed at the back of his head and gave me a huge thumbs up I'd say it was endorsed on that day and that was in Broad daylight! I frequently ride to work in the mornings and I have nurses see me and say oh my gosh I pretty sure I was following you today you got the cool light thing on your helmet. When I tell them yes that was me and I asked him can you see it okay they say oh my gosh I could see it from a block away that thing is awesome!


I'm definitely buying this. Only downside I can think of is that it goes off once you're actually stopped. I typically leave my foot brake engaged at that point to keep the light on. Other than that, it's exactly what I'm looking for!


Thanks for going out in 29° weather for this demonstration. I know how that feels. 🥶 I purchased this product towards the end of riding season last year so I'm definitely looking forward to using it. 💨🏁


I have seen this before and it looks like a great item to keep us safe out on the road. Thanks for sharing this with us. ✌️👊👍


Great review, I just installed the Brake Free a couple days ago. I agree with your review 100%. The power button gets easier over time is what I have seen/read. The unit is not as big as it looks in the photos and videos.


Very happy with mine! Purchased a couple. Very sturdy when mounted properly.


I just got one from my gf for my birthday. Going to use it with my 72v ebike. Very cool product and definitely will give me some more peace of mind. Plus it doesn’t look dorky.


It seems to work well but I noticed in the hard braking part of the test it only blinks 3 times. It should continue for bit after the braking, 3 blinks is hardly enough for the tailgater to catch on. Seems legit so maybe I’ll pick one up. Hopefully they work on the emergency braking part a bit.


Great review Joe! Ride safe ride often and keep motovlogging! Glen


This would be even better if you had a choice of colors for park light setting. We use a similar product for night riding on snowmobiles. When we pull up to busy intersections in the dark we identify each other in the group by the different colors that we have on the back. The brake light could still be red. Food for thought.


Great video. Thank you for demonstrating this thoroughly.


This video sold me on getting one! Great review


Just bought one because of your video. The best example and explanation of how this works. Thanks! Hopefully it's legal and I don't get pulled over for all the blinking.


Looks cool

I prefer bike mounted means of being especially running off motorcycle battery

A really good video, in my opinion, would be how to ride and make yourself visible

I see videos of bikers getting mad because the cage isn't paying attention, when in reality the biker is playing ninja, working hard at being invisible to the cage

On the road I see other bikers getting in position to not be seen

Along the same lines is how to set your mirrors, my brother complains about cars sneaking up on his left...of course it's not his fault....and he has both mirrors adjusted to see directly behind can ride to his right and see him in both of his mirrors, but when I move to his left I can't see him in his left mirror

When riding in left lane you need to be able to see car driver in his mirror, which is usually on right side of lane because 95% have mirror adjusted to look at the side of their hang where they can see you until you can get in front of them, then get there quickly


Can you do a video of what you wore on your way down to Daytona? I heard that ya didn't have heated gear. Makes me cold just thinking about it.


When slowing down for a turn, the motorcycle signals the turn, and the Mtseeen would flash or illuminate for braking...Im wondering if the cars behind would get confused. The unit seems awesome for braking. Just wondering about turning.


Great review, keep up the good work. ✌❤🙏
