What are Blood Types?

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Quick Questions explains why, when it comes right down to it, there are really only eight kinds of people in the world.
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An entire hour and a half of Biology, condensed into 3 minutes...
The scary part is that I think Michael did it better than the class did. Great job guys!


As someone who has worked as a lab tech at a blood bank for 10 years, I can honestly say this video does a great job of giving a basic overview of blood types. It is complicated stuff, and I haven't seen many videos that do a good job at explaining it.


I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their antigens.


As an O- Person, I sincerely hope I NEVER need blood.


When I first received my blood card and it said "B+", I somehow interpreted that as the card telling me to "be positive", thanks based blood type


My blood is ABBA, and I am digging the dancing queen.


I wonder how the process was when doctors/scientists first started doing transfusions and figuring out what's in blood and how the different types vary. I wonder if they first just used any blood for transfusions and found out that way that not all blood is compatible with other blood. Its crazy just how many things we've been able to learn and discover. Freakin fascinating!


Being O negative really sucks, you can pretty much donate to almost anybody but on a a few can donate to us.


A+, both in my blood and my college transcript


so, im fairly sure im 0- does that basically mean im fucked if i ever need a blood transfusion :/


as a medical technologist who finds it hard to simplify the world of blood banking to inquiring minds, this was an incredible recap!!


I'm AB+, does this mean I can be a vampire?


I wonder if it was this guy's decision to take his ear-jewelry out, or a suggestion from Hank. 
Either way, if they're staying out, we're gonna have to deal with him having a cat's butthole on each earlobe for a little while. 


I found out my dad wasn't my biological dad when I learned about blood types in AP Biology in 12th grade. My dad is AB-, and I'm O+, asked my mom about it and she said "Oh yeah, uhm, your dad is sterile because he had the mumps when he was 17, so you and your brother came from a donor." Thanks, Mom...


We used to tease my mom about her blood type being O- her mother died giving birth to her last child and bled to death because at the time(1959) they didn't have her blood type readily available. We stopped teasing her after she kept loosing babies because the of the Rh miss match. She got the shot for it and every time a miscarriage. So she had me first and then my brother, I was lucky enough to be A+ but my brother is a negative Rh. The doctor told my brother the more rare your blood type, the harder it is to find donor's for you. My brother fought bone cancer and lost. People with Rh- blood should be organ donors as well. Im surprised that Rh- is not completely extinct, being so difficult to find and seemingly weaker in general. I work with a woman now who lost a son to hemophilia, he was 14 and B-. They just couldn't find donor's on a regular basis. Now when I hear some one say" I have a rare blood type" I just think "Aww, your fucked if you get hurt and need blood, want to have kids you better hope for a matching Rh factor, need an organ transplant well start asking family first. It just sucks watching friends and family die because thier blood is to odd and couldn't be easily found. My brother left behind a son hes 26-years-old now and donates blood regularly and is an organ donor. He is also has B - blood.


I'm puzzled! What's the evolutionary advantage in all of this? Why would humans and other animals evolve like that?!


Ahh....O- blood type makes me a universal donor so I feel an obligation to give blood as often as I possibly can. Sucks that accepting blood is a pain for me, but oh well, I'm doing some good ^_^


RH factor ca also be dangerous for childbirth. If the father is positive and mother negative if there is a second pregnancy the fetus might get regected


My blood type is HIV+, so that means I can donate to everyone...


So what this boils down to is if you have AB+, you're in great shape if you need blood. If you're O-, like me, you better hope there's O- blood when you need it. Donate blood as many times as you can. If you're O-, the blood centers love you btw.
