The Crew: Mission Deep Sea — Fun & Board Games w/ WEM

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In this review, you learn how to play The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, why it differs from The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine, and what makes the gameplay compelling.

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4:25 "Whoever the Commander is has to take this task." That was true in "THE CREW: THE QUEST FOR PLANET NINE" but not anymore, they may pass if there are fewer tasks than the number of players.


Love the point about shuffling up the tasks in the first rather than in the second. The second genuinely feels so wildly different within the same mission that I'm not sure I could ever go back to the first.
Also, I laughed at the 'opponent' slip at 13:19 ;)


Have you gotten to the point of octopus tasks? This version already makes task selection into its own puzzle sometimes. Does this make it harder or easier?


Where was the game produced? Does it say on the box? :) Thanks for the great videos!


I finally got this the other day after ordering it months ago. In comparison to the original I think it stands up pretty well, love the variety of tasks to be completed and the level of depth they add to the strategy. But definitely wish the 2 player version had been fine tuned a bit, luck of the deal can really make some of the missions stupid easy or just impossible. Granted at least this time they say in the rule book that impossible setups can be redealt at the start without penalty, but some of the cards and rules are still too vague to say definitively if it's going to be possible or not until the mission is in play. For example, if a task card says one of us has to win a trick using a 2, and I don't have a 2 in my hand, I have to give that info away if my partner leaves me with that task. I'm also very hopeful that the card material holds up better with this game, the Planet Nine cards got unbearably sticky and tough to deal without smearing lotion on our hands after a few months. All this being said, The Crew is an uncommonly unique challenge in my catalog, and we still really love both games despite their flaws.


I would love to take you up on playing these if you happen to attend Dice Tower West (Las Vegas)


Can we please switch over to the use of the term "Triumph Card" instead of the traditional word? I've been using this newer term for several years now.
